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Everything posted by hockeyjx

  1. I love amp sims, but I can dial in what I want pretty quick. There are some ideas that an amp sim is so much better (effect automation primarily). As long as the actual playing is good, I can really park the guitar in to the mix. You can't dial back the distortion after a take with a mic/real amps. One just can't get caught in the rabbit hole of presets, it is way better when you have an idea of what you want and try to execute the idea than wandering to the land of lost presets ...usually ?
  2. I grew up in the same South NJ scene as Danny and see FB pictures on friend's profiles of him now and again. I think he is fine, but just changed DAWs.
  3. I always loved Coal Chamber's version of Shock the Monkey with the heaviness adding to dynamics ...Ozzy was a minor bonus.
  4. Still requires an email. *sigh*
  5. @Jim Roseberry can you share those?
  6. They are smaller .WAV files.
  7. I know I could post in general, but the more "sophisticated" users are here. Does anyone keep a collection of free IRs they can share? Sure, I could waste all day signing up with a fake email to get a bunch, but I'd rather not do that if there is a kind collector of those here who would share.
  8. May happen when you play with Fire. ?
  9. I would say Guitar Rig is more dynamically responsive when you turn the volume knob on the guitar down compared to Amplitube. I like Amplitube, and it is a great for my doubling, but no preset beats my favorite preset(after tweaking) on GR.
  10. I actually like Guitar Rig OVER Amplitube ...so it is just preference. Also, nothing wrong with more tools at your disposal.
  11. I continually pause Windows Updates and do them quarterly, along with any program updates/authorizations (hotfixes I apply when released). I at least do a monthly OS image and back up Cake projects on a secondary drive. My DAW has been working like a CHAMP for YEARS doing this! I also use quality components and remove any programs I do not need and stay off the internet except for updates.
  12. Oh, I've got one. It is only a minute-ish video and you only need like 30 seconds....
  13. I remember when this came out to give you perspective...
  14. If you have a ton of stuff, it certainly makes sense. But speed wise, it is a 6th of the speed of a current MVMe. If you don't have a M.2 slot, well, this makes sense!
  15. Isn't the Berlin Grand an New York Grand from K10? I like those and play them often.
  16. I thought at the time of release, this was a little out there as a concept. Today, I know it was a bullseye:
  17. Save SAVE SAVE! Then label all the presets and such in your projects. Keep great notes. Just better organization.
  18. ....the waiting is the hardest part. I didn't particularly need an update. I wasn't seeking an update. But now that I know there is a HUGE update with features and stuff, I WANT IT! I'm all Veruca Salt now. Sucks .
  19. @cclarry You didn't go to the bowl? https://hanaumabaystatepark.com/
  20. From what I have read on this forum, there is a new update(w/new possible new features) that is ready to roll. It is just resting.
  21. Technically speaking ....ABSOLUTELY!
  22. @Jimbo 88 A SSD or NVMe is a great, low cost upgrade. I use Active Disk ( https://www.disk-image.com/index.html ) to clone/backup my machine at least twice a month. If you can, share you computer specs.
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