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Everything posted by hockeyjx

  1. Early on I had some weird things happen with AMD systems, and since Cakewalk was an Intel partner for a while, so I just went that route with no issues. Still, his AMD system DID work ...and then it didn't. Weird.
  2. Crazy Nights and Hot in the Shade are terrible-sounding records with some god songs on them. Hot in the Shade utilizes a drum machine for stretches as well. I always wanted to hear those two records re-recorded with real drums and not so "tinny" on everything else.
  3. Philosophically, I think there are too many things that NEED to be tactile. And we've seen things like phones and compact discs made smaller, and never gain traction because people wanted more to hold on to. There are certain things I need the genuine article for (ocean water and the sensations scuba diving provides, the smell of trees in the mountains, the look and smell of a firepit, etc). I get SOME things can be replicated, but not quality enough for me - and probably not in our lifetime where it takes over. Also, in full disclosure, I get motion sick on the Oculus ?
  4. Ace is the reason I picked up a guitar. Alive! (which we know isn't truly live) is really good - before they got more "kid friendly".
  5. @aidan o driscoll Oh, I read that, I just think he is no longer in his prime. So and Us were both awesome in my book and would have preferred to see him and the band back then.
  6. I tend to either love his songs, or think they kind of are "meh". This one seems really bland to me (as I put the flame shields up). Wish I had seen him live though during the US tour in particular. His band is top notch.
  7. I meant the project template tiles in New Project HAVE an image, but when you open them up, the do NOT have an image in Notes ...just to clarify.
  8. What is weird, to me, is that the existing project templates don't have a picture that I can see. Like I said, low on the scale, but happy to customize!
  9. @Glenn Stanton Worked perfectly! Thank you!
  10. I did some searching, but I can't find where/how to do that. There was a video that said put it in the notes, but that did not work. I don't know if there is a size/filetype requirement either, because maybe that is the issue. I know this is something that isn't really important, but I'd still like to know.
  11. I brought this song up as one I've always wanted to see performed to Ty Tabor. He agreed, but said the logistics of the song precluded them from doing it live.
  12. Can you share any of the backing tracks or have links @Grem ?
  13. I have a few projects with songs to play along with. One for standard ....one for half step down ...one for Capo madness. Just unmute the wav and have an active guitar input. Then I play around with Guitar Rig or Amplitude to find good tones to complement the songs. I usually record just to see if it sounds accurate and the playing is good (not looking for recording perfection though). I also will do this for vocals as well, and then record me doing each of the parts (think King's X or Little River Band) to see how I sound. I look at the vocals out in melodyne to see how I am holding pitch. Anyone else do stuff like that?
  14. Captain D's is going to rebrand to Captain DEEZ NUTZ ...and seafood.
  15. I used to work at KFC in the early 90's! I actually like it every blue moon(primarily because I don't eat fried foods). There was nothing better than the Colonel's recipe in fresh oil back then. My coworkers and I did a Chicken Sandwich shootout of 8 sandwiches, and KFC placed 2nd.
  16. I have to admit, when in Nashville, I go to J in the B and White Castle. I also pay in ways I will not describe ?
  17. How do they have over FIVE HUNDRED AND FIFTY locations? I don't know a single person who goes there. Who wants (most-likely)China-raised that is battered and fried? Seriously? Could it be money laundering? What is your chain that you are surprised is even in business?
  18. That decade produced so much memorable music that fashion doesn't matter. There are still so many 80's songs that still have legs today ...the test of time is the best test of all IMO.
  19. "I'd kill myself for you, I'd kill you for myself" - Pantera - This Love (which I am wearing a Pantera T-shirt in my profile pic!) It is just so haunting in the obvious meaning and delivery, it just sent chills down my spine. Still kind of does.
  20. We agree., we'd rather have better takes. That was my main point.
  21. I think you can hit a more enunciated "Moving" on the second line. I realize they are somewhat scratch vocals, but levels are a little uneven(volume primarily and switches to your higher parts where you get breathy), but I know you have that! Same with the harmony. Disagree with the reverb comment, but I come the Devin Townsend school of vocals, and he can lay it on thick, and it sounds like it belongs to me. Agree with maybe picking up the tempo a little - a little experimentation will bear out if it sounds "right", but I am curious.
  22. The less "turd polishing" you have to do, the better! ? Also, I did the Studio upgrade in version 4, NEVER regretted it.
  23. Sadly, some items are in-store only and I refuse to do instacart.
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