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Everything posted by hockeyjx

  1. For your specs, I'd say to go a little higher on the power supply. I don't think they cost that much more and it just makes life easier should you add a video card. I'd say 64GB of memory. If that isn't possible, just get 2 16GBs now, and 2 later. NO on win11 HOME. Home additions are much more restrictive. Get PRO! Also, do you have current generation nvme drives? They are cheap and give you plenty of overhead..
  2. Ace Frehley is why I picked up a guitar, but George Lynch is the one that accelerated my desire to really play it. But Don and George just don't get along! It worked out because Lynch Mob's first album is REALLY good.
  3. Ace was my inspiration, and while he'll always be one my favorites, I found other player I like more. I've also outgrown him a bit. But I still think the Alive! playing is pretty damn good.
  4. Never heard of him, but a damn good voice.
  5. I'd add Ringo Starr in there. While not as technically proficient as the others, his impact can not be denied.
  6. We don't know what happened for sure, but the man lived hard. He addictions may have simply broke his body down ....or maybe he went on a binge. In any scenario, it is a shame.
  7. What version of Win11 is on the laptop?
  8. Doomed product? Geez, that's dark. Even if it goes down the drain, I've gotten many of use out of the paid and free versions. There is always Reaper or S1 around the corner. To your point, this forum is really good all around.
  9. I'm talking cell phone pictures with the cheesy filters they use. The basic complaint I have is the people start to look like cartoon characters, when I know they are old looking in person ....no offense to them ?
  10. I think I've aged well, but I'm not young. Though when I've taken pictures, they are me at the moment. Flattering angles or lighting??? Sure. Filters? F&^! NO! I know my 40 and over friends have wrinkles/lines/scars, so I'd wish they'd STOP looking like a bad airbrushed t-shirt. Enough already!
  11. If a cement truck hits you while you are pinned against a concrete wall, it'll NEVER be good ? That said, my car isn't on there.
  12. I had stuff in my NI cart, and it seems a lot better for $50 less - thanks
  13. I prefer Guitar Rig for the same reason - the sound inspires me to play. That's the bottom line in my book. I have a few products, and I DO utilize them secondarily, but my main jam is Guitar Rig.
  14. Point being is that I have a beater acoustic to do any tuning I want to try without caring what happens. Lab-ing a nicer guitar for tunings isn't practical(even if only minor adjustments) ...especially for acoustic-based music.
  15. I have an acoustic for first attempts to see if I like it. I literally just start tuning by ear to see if I like it. And since I primarily write/record acoustic, there is no need to do it to a Les Paul.
  16. I won't sell the guitar unless I get what I think it is worth. I don't NEED to sell it, but if it sits in the case all the time under a bed, what kind of life is THAT?
  17. Your "standard" alternate tunings (say Dropped-D or DADGAD aren't a problem, but I'm tuning some strings UP and some down. And I don't want to twist the neck of a valuable guitar messing around, I want cheaper acoustics to do that(acoustic is primarily how I write/record these days) . If I lock in on something, I'll have the guitar setup to handle the tuning ...which I have two like that now.
  18. I would meet at a police station during the day no matter how armed I may or may not be.
  19. I don't think FB Marketplace is a good place, and not sure about eBay either. Any music store won't scratch but about half it's true value. Because if I sold it for $3500 on reverb.com hypothetically, I'd still get $3185 in pocket. I'm open to other ideas, I am just not aware of them.
  20. It plays nice, but it is in standard flat tuning, and I write in non-standard tunings(and mess around with tunings in general). So, for me, it is to tap my inner Ace Frehley and not much else. If I can get the value that is above or close, I can buy a few different acoustic guitars to mess around with AND some studio toys ...which I feel would be the best use of resources.
  21. I put my Les Paul Standard in the shop for a once over, and to get it ready for a potential sale. I thought it was a 1990 TV Yellow version, of which it was a limited on year color. But it turns out there were two with the color made in 1992, of which I have one (oddly enough, their serial numbers are 14 numbers apart). The other me and my guitar tech found was worth a few thousand. I'm happy it is rare and in good shape, and now I have to figure out the best way to sell it. Has anyone here sold through reverb.com? Are there any gotchas to that site or others? Similar listing:
  22. I walked out on him a few years back! He toured with George Lynch(my favorite guitar player), and we stayed because Yngwie was the "headliner". After his third solo, I felt that I had heard every guitar note 500 times by then, and promptly bailed.
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