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Everything posted by jude77

  1. Something tells me that every teacher in junior high dreaded you.
  2. You' think after the subscription debacle that they'd laid low on price increases and try to re-build some customer good will. I get the feeling that their director of marketing might have worked for Sears and been on the Betamax team.
  3. This software just gives us a glimpse of where things can go in the future. It looks like as computers get more powerful that software will only be limited by programmers imagination. AI voices, AI images and AI Literature are all realities, and now here's a program that can turn a photo into a sound. Back in the 60's I thought flipping a tape over and playing it backwards was the most cutting edge technology possible. What's next?
  4. And you too! Have a great New Year!
  5. Welcome, good to have you with us. I've been here about 15 years and you're absolutely right.
  6. Merry Christmas to a fantastic bunch of folks!! Ya'll are consistently a bright spot for me. I appreciate each of you.
  7. I'm not sure, but I think that's about as low as they've ever been. IMHO Mix Monolith would be money well-spent.
  8. Actually, I'm impressed since they haven't had a sale since, well, yesterday. I'm further impressed that the price on most plugins is $29 and yesterday they were . . . well, $29. I wonder what they'll do tomorrow?
  9. Very good song with some excellent vocals. Your voice has an aching, yearning sound with a bitter-sweet/melancholy feel. It's so effective that when the song started I thought, "OK, the guy builds a bridge and gets the girl". But by the end I wasn't so sure, and felt like the singer might be building a bridge that was going to reach nowhere, and maybe the guy is working hard but the girl doesn't really care. At the end it's not clear what's going to happen and I think that ambiguity is powerfully effective and touching. Honestly, I found it very moving, I could see this doing really well in the indie/country genre sort of like Luke Bryan's "Something in the Orange". I think you've got a killer here. At first I thought that the arrangement needed to be fleshed out a bit, but as the song progressed I thought the sparseness worked much better.
  10. it's very different, but that's also what makes it good. You took that song to a new place and made it yours. Excellent vocals by the way. I feel like JF would approve1
  11. ^^^^This. Give me an option to buy it, even a rent to own thing works ok for me. As long as I can own it in the end, I'm happy.
  12. These are words to live by. No subs. No Waves. Especially the Waves things. That was just plain tacky.
  13. Whew, for a minute there I was getting worried about you. Glad to see you've re-embraced the true meaning of plugin ownership, Whenever I'm looking at plugins I just remember that the word "need" should never appear in the equation.
  14. To the best of my memory TDL doesn't do a lot of sales, so if you've had your eye n something this could be a good time to take the plunge.
  15. Ok, that was really funny!
  16. That's a really good price, but i don't need it since I have a zillion 1176's. But it's a really good price. And since when did "need' figure in any plugin purchase? I'm getting it! After all it's a really good price . . . .
  17. These folks have unique and unusual instruments https://www.rhythmicrobot.com/hot-deals?mc_cid=83efd48f16&mc_eid=2e4bf73ef6 Dear Friend of Rhythmic Robot, The Winter Sale is here – up to 50% off! Frostily festive seasonal savings... ho ho ho! Yep, it's that time of year again, and Mongo has decked the lab with twinkling patch cables and hung up stockings next to the mixing desk. We don't care if you've been Naughty or Nice – we're in no position to judge, let's be honest – so why not grab yourself an early prezzie from the heap of tasty vintage goodies under the tree?
  18. Indeed. I thought we'd heard the last from them. Glad to see they're still kicking.
  19. Covid can be tough stuff, but we're thinking about you and wishing the very best! Hopefully, you'll be home in time to celebrate Christmas with all your family and friends.
  20. Excellent point. I'm a retired psychologist and the term we all remember from psych 101 is "Intermittent Reinforcement". It results in a behavior that's the devil to break. I know, because plugins have introduced it into my life. "I have all the plugins I need. I do. But wait, this one has fairy dust on it. I know it will make my vocals sound better. I know it will". And this poor rat keeps pushing the $29 lever because every once in a while a food pellet drops out. Have mercy! But there's good news: in January the after Christmas sales will start!
  21. I saw this when you mentioned it in the "Show us your booty" thread so I've been demoing it. While it might be a bit pricey, IMHO it's the one to beat. It's pretty full-featured. My favorite part is when you want to try out an IR you just drag and drop it. Voila, there it is. No menus, no folder searches, no fuss. It's really well thought out and implemented.
  22. You have no idea . . . For a while after college I lived in New Orleans. Once (and only once) you need to go to Mardi Gras. For about 24 everything is legal. It's a strange time.
  23. I'm listening right now. Well done!
  24. Here's a link if anyone needs it: https://fablesounds.com/broadway-lites/
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