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Kevin Walsh

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Everything posted by Kevin Walsh

  1. Really nice work! I put my headphones on and floated along. Killer guitar tones! What did you use to get that sound?
  2. Man this thing grooves. Love the drum sounds and a big me too for the sax. This is a killer song. (Rattlesnake kicks ***** too, btw.) I miss the days when music like this had regular spins on the radio.
  3. Another really good song with good performances as always. The mix sounds good to me, but what do I know? Vocals and bass are standouts for me.
  4. Very cool ideas, jack, really enjoyed the lyrics and the performance.
  5. I really like this one, lee. Don't be ashamed of this kind of vibe, they are feel-good tones and everybody needs them once in awhile. Your vocals are stellar, and the ukulele playing is really nice. Got to get me one of those, they seem to be little idea factories right? Really like chorus , nice payoff. I think you have something here and I can't wait to see what develops.
  6. Thanks, mark! I don't remember making a new mix for that song but I'm always fudzing around with stuff so maybe I did! Or maybe the original mix was so bad that even YouTube makes it sound better
  7. Sounds great! Great horns but I really dig the bassline. Groovy, like watching an episode of CHiPs.
  8. You have such cool songs. The arrangements are great and the lyrics are very cool. Crank up that engine!
  9. Kevin Walsh

    Chez Café

    Very nice, I had a lot of fun jamming along to this one. Love the mix.
  10. Really nice work, excellent vocal work and the song itself rocks!
  11. Kevin Walsh


    What he said! Just lovely work here tones are beautiful. More please.
  12. This song has been posted here before, thank you all for commenting. I just finished the video and I wanted to share it with you guys. A boatload of fun to do.
  13. Great sounds with very nice vocals!
  14. Great song! I can hear the Wings DNA in the chorus for sure, and the synth intro was great, loved it (but not in the biblical sense.)
  15. Kevin Walsh


    Thanks, it's always great to hear your feedback!
  16. Kevin Walsh

    Cold Wind

    There you have it, it's ust my raggedy ears.
  17. The most recent version is 2022.11 Build 021. You can find this info with the Help->About command.
  18. Nice track, really liked the mix. Great groove you have here!
  19. Thanks, old joad! It's actually an Eastman T486 semi-hollow body guitar. It has P90's which gives it a strat-like tone. I really enjoy playing it. Thanks for listening!
  20. Thank you, john. In one of the bands I was in my voice was referred to as air raid siren. I don't think they meant that in a good way.
  21. Well done, great instrumentation and chord progression is wonderful. I particularly enjoyed the bass line, totally mesmerizing. The feel is very much a Steely Dan vibe, and because of that my ear kept wanting to hear more harmonies, but that's not really a fair critique of the song. It's a good one!
  22. Hey, Jesse, another good one, love the sound scape in this, particularly toward the end where the synth sounds like a warbling cry. Yeah, there's superficial comparisons that could be made with Beefheart, but imho much less so with Zappa. You've got your own thing going here, so keep working it. Cheers!
  23. Very sweet, soulful rending of a good old song. Love your playing and your vocals, Steve!
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