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Kevin Walsh

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Everything posted by Kevin Walsh

  1. Kevin Walsh

    a kiss

    I was only able to listen to the first few minutes but enjoyed what I heard, especially the vocals. Nicely done! I will give the rest a listen tomorrow.
  2. I'm not familiar with the original but I really liked your take. Nice work by the whole group!
  3. Thanks, jack. Hey, I wouldn't steal it if it didn't sound so great, so not my fault really.
  4. Thanks for listening, wookie, always appreciated.
  5. Kevin Walsh

    That Thing

    I know I've been dropping quite a few tunes on here lately, but it seems I'm on a productivity roll and I figure if I keep going I'm going to do something good eventually. So here's "That Thing." I'm looking for any kind of feedback, particularly on mix and eq. Vocals were tough and I'm still not happy with them but I can't tell if it's an eq or a performance problem (though my money is on the latter.) Anyway, thanks in advance for critiquing.
  6. Once you hear it, you can't not hear it. It was the in-hole pickup cable jack swinging around and clacking against the guitar while I played.
  7. Sure, I'll do that, thanks! Watch for a pm later.
  8. Well, you guys are dead right. The acoustic track has a boatload of banging on wood going on in there. I have to re-record the verse parts to get it out of there. Thanks for turning your good ears to the problem!
  9. Gary did some really nice work with one of mine, I learned a lot from studying his choices. I may have another for you soon Gary!
  10. Kevin Walsh


    Here's another that I think is ready for some critique, Sugarland. Your feedback is welcome.
  11. Kevin Walsh

    So Good

    Thanks for giving it a whirl and taking the time to comment!
  12. Kevin Walsh

    electric guitar

    There are certainly lot of choices online. Epiphone, SX, Harley Benton, Squier, Reverend, Cort, and many others, all brands with very good beginner offerings. I am partial to Epiphones and Squiers since those are what I started with and they have very well-built guitars based on iconic designs for very reasonable prices. Unlike many folks here I like online shopping for guitars, mostly because for the longest time there weren't many brick and mortar choices available. If you stick to well-respected retailers such as Sweetwater or GC/Musicians Friend or Zzounds the return policies are very liberal. I've shipped back quite a few guitars that didn't make the grade and always ended up with a good one. Have fun finding your first axe! Mine was a Squier Affinity Strat (circa 1999). I had it for many years and it went through all kinds of mod projects great and small as I learned what tones I liked and what I didn't. The neck and body on those guitars are usually first rate, so mine were still original when I donated it to a church about two years ago. Loved that guitar.
  13. I really like the SM-57 for vocals.
  14. If you don't mind building your own, check out MicrophoneParts.com. I LOVE my T-12. It's a JFET mic with transformer meant to fill the same space as a C12 et al. Here's the product page. There are links to some reviews there too which go into the build process. . T-12: DIY Studio Microphone Kit – Microphone-Parts.com
  15. The solo at the end was certainly worth waiting for! This mix passes the crappy phone speaker test with flying colors. Great guitar work as always. Vocals have a Yes-esque anthemic quality that I really dig. Always great stuff from you and this is no exception.
  16. Kevin Walsh

    So Good

    Thank you Wookie, your work was a major motivation for trying this, so your approval is a big deal for me.
  17. Kevin Walsh

    So Good

    Thanks, Tom! We of the Dark Beach Boys Academy appreciate your input.
  18. I agree with Larry and I would only add that this is a pretty awesome piece. Great playing wonderful sound and the bass tones are so tasty. But those drums!
  19. Kevin Walsh

    So Good

    Thanks for taking the time, John!
  20. Kevin Walsh

    So Good

    Thank you. Nigel, I'm thrilled you liked it and thanks for the feedback!
  21. Kevin Walsh

    So Good

    Cool, I'm punk! Rats, mark you caught me on that guitar bit. I thought about redoing it but thought, nah. thanks for the critique!
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