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Kevin Walsh

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Everything posted by Kevin Walsh

  1. I have always assumed that any missing audio on export was my fault. Sonar is much smarter than me
  2. I didn't want to say anything, didn't want to sound ungrateful, but I just wasn't jelling with the big ol' U for turning snap on and off. I see in the new build that we get the old grid snap icon back. My muscle memory is most humbly grateful. My favorite them (Dark Gray) looks a lot more contrasty to me. Am I imagining things? It looks great! After playing around with the themes I may have to change my favorite to the Tungsten theme, it's quite good, perhaps better than CbB. And it just occurred to me that the icon change might be due to me switching themes. Doh.
  3. Same here, Melodyne 5. I guess I saw it a few times in CbB but it happens very consistently in Sonar if creating a loop region with Melodyne is the first thing you do after creating the region fx. Thanks!
  4. Yes, that's been my practice for a long time, thanks!
  5. Has anyone had a problem with hangs if after creating a region fx, you try to set a loop region using the Melodyne timeline rather than Sonar's? I have to kill/restart Sonar every time. It's not a true hang, CPU varies between 6 and 8% and mem utilization fluctuates. I created a dump file but it's 13gb.
  6. I see this all the time, clicking on the clip is muscle memory now.
  7. Please clarify. I can't tell if you're questioning my experiences or if your expressing dismay at BandLab's actions. As for me, I have no idea what's going on at BandLab. I'm just adding some insight into how some companies I've been involved with have made product decisions.
  8. In my experience this is done before development begins in earnest. A business needs to know the size of the market, competition, pricing, feature set and cost of development before the first shovel full of dirt is turned. Bandlab may not have decided what sales model to implement but they almost certainly know what the numbers are.
  9. +1 This release looks sharper and easier to read to me. Either I activated a different theme last time I ran it and forgot about it or some tweeks have been done. Also, I like how the now pointer sticking to the last now point while the track cursor line scrolls.
  10. I love the flat look, I find it very sleek and professional. I am sure there are icons and symbols or accessibility problems that need to be addressed, but I'm very pleased to see this iteration of the UI.
  11. I should be more careful with my words. As the project plays, the now marker "freezes" at a point for perhaps half a second rather than tracking smoothly with the current sample. It then jumps to the current sample and freezes there again, and so on. It is continually playing catch up. I should also note that I don't notice any stuttering in smaller projects with fewer tracks and no or few virtual instruments. My display is an LG Ultrawide set to 3440 X 1440 at 85hz refresh rate. Windows scaling is set to 125%. GPU is an AMD Radeon RX580 series. System is an AMD 3950x-based tower with 64gb of ram and a bunch os Samsung nvme ssd's.
  12. Excited to see this available for the unwashed masses! Downloaded today, quick impressions: - UI has a very nice, crisp look. Looks fantastic on my hi-res widescreen display. Huge improvement. - UI lags a bit behind playback, not smooth at all. I think I saw mention of this being addressed in an upcoming release. - No problems seeing my Audient ID22, no problems with importing previous settings, and all looked good after startup. - Loaded one of my bigger projects without issue, played fine, but of course no save. - As far as Backstage Pass, tbh, I don't know if I'm up for a subscription plan. I do have a lot invested in the Cakewalk ecosystem so there's a huge amount of gravity there, but I like owning my software and loathe the idea of handing over my credit card to keep it going. I may come around on it, but that's where I'm at now. It's a great looking start, congrats, Cakewalk!
  13. Same age, and our city phone number was Mitchell 95987. Things seem to me to have been a lot classier then. All the men wore suits and hats and the women wore dresses even if they were only going to the gtocery store.
  14. I can't understand how it is I haven't chimed in on this thread yet. I've been giving the album a listen and I'm currently stuck on Dazzle and Deceive. I love the vocal mixes and the low high doubling is just superb. Work to be proud of to be sure.
  15. Just stumbled across this, thanks for the presets!
  16. I feel your pain, it's been my hope that at5 can fill the gaps in the excellent tonex product. But like you I've been unable to make it work the way I want. There is a new versions of tonex and there might be an update to at5 as well. I'm not sure about that, but tonex is at version 1.5.1 I believe? You might want to check to make sure that you're up to date, they've done a lot of work with the ui.
  17. Love the song! Good melody, good lyrics an a rich arrangement. I do agree with previous comments about the bass, and to my ear the vocals are a bit forward, but everything is subjective so take that with a grain of salt. It's a good piece!
  18. Nice one, great lyrics and a good voice for belting it out. I liked the pedal steel sounds, really added to the vibe. I did a song with bib, a long time ago. If we have a bib theme day I'll post it.
  19. This is really good steve. There's lots going on here and it's all good . Such an interesting vocal melidy and a really nice guitar solo . I especially like the chord changes in the instrumental break, to my ear it's reminiscent of Lynne and George Harrison.
  20. Nice one, Steve, I love those horns and the guitar break. The mix sounds pristine to me and its a very nice arrangement. One for the album!
  21. Kevin Walsh


    I love the sound of tape! Love the song, great playing!
  22. I can take no credit for that, it's all Tonex!
  23. I'll give that a try, thanks gary, you rock!
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