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Kevin Walsh

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Everything posted by Kevin Walsh

  1. Kevin Walsh

    So Good

    Thank you Jesse always great to hear from you!
  2. Kevin Walsh

    So Good

    I've listened to many wonderful synth-based songs, everything from ambience to trance to dance and I've always wanted to try my hand at it. So I started this song. It ended up as, well, something else, I'm not sure what. Whatever it is, I'd love to hear your critiques on the song in all it's aspects. Thank you in advance!
  3. Thank you, Steve, for listening. It's heartening to hear your comments since I have a hard time not cringeing at the sound of my voice. Great guitar sounds are courtesy of S-Gear and a lovely 2005 Stratocaster and a 2020 Tele, both American. Hard not to get great sounds with those!
  4. Hey, Glenn, enjoyed the song, nice funky little blues number with some good performances! I agree with jack's comment about the vocals, imho they're kind of buried behind the rhythm guitar, and the lead guitar is too for that matter. You might try bringing that track down a bit to see if the other bits pop out a little more. Cool tune, thanks for posting!
  5. You would be surprised how many forum members have hearing loss. I have acute hearing loss in both ears from my time in the military. You're doing fine. It's just a matter of not quitting.
  6. Man, I wish I could get my bass to sound that good. The guitar tones are just perfect. I hear the Steely Dan influence in there too, and that's always a good thing. Teensy, tiny nits: my ear wanted to hear the song break out into a more riding groove with a sizzling solo but it's still nice the way it is, and some more variation in the drum parts and some additional fills to lift things up in later verses would imho take this to the next level. But really, it's quite awesome as it is. Nice work, Kurt!
  7. I really like your take on this classic piece. The instrument choices very cool and sound great and the arrangement is pretty great. Loved the bridge arrangement and the piano/vocal verse at 4:40-ish. The rest of my post is just my opinion. Keep in mind that I'm probably completely wrong about everything. The one thing that jumps out at me is where the vocal sits in the mix. It doesn't blend with the instruments very well in places. Part of the problem is volume; it's way up front (at the beginning) and it doesn't sound like it's in the same room with the rest of the instruments. A little judicious reverb or delay applied to the vocals may help some too. Another thing is how the vocal is eq'd. Some of the instruments are taking up the same space that the vocals are in which makes them sound unclear (and which is probably why the vocal levels are cranked a bit.) Consider where Plant's vocals sit in the original mix and why they blend so well with the other instruments. It's because they have their own space. You can try to fix this by using pro channel eq and reducing the volume of various frequencies in vocal part that are interfering with other tracks to see if you can't make it sit better. Use a high pass filter to get rid of lows that you can't hear but that take up energy in the mix. After that, try adding individual EQ nodes with varying Q widths and sliding them around till things sound better. One or two may be all you need. I've found that if this kind of thing doesn't help it's because I'm singing at the wrong range for my voice and I end up transposing things up a few steps (or down if I need to go higher than my natural range.) This is a really nice piece of work overall. You have a great ear. Don't give up on your vocals! Natural talent helps, but hard work and a willingness to experiment, coupled with an unwillingness to give up will always work for you. It's all part of the fun, right?
  8. Hey, thanks for chiming in, Kurt, your feedback is very welcome!
  9. Thanks, Nigel. I appreciate the critiques!
  10. Thanks for the listen and the feedback. I recorded the track with a Mic Parts T12 condenser and it picks up everything in my horrible recording space. I think I'll re-record the solo with a dynamic like an SM58 or maybe the Telefunken M80 I picked up used a few weeks ago.
  11. I contacted customer support and was told that they are going to send one right away so yes their service is are great. I find it very hard to live without those headphones. Thanks! Kevin
  12. I was disappointed when it ended. Absolute gorgeous sounds.
  13. Kevin Walsh


    Everyone's said it all already but I'll throw my 2-cents in: great mix, great song, great musical choices, great performance. I personally found the harmonies to be a particular treat. Beautiful song. Kevin
  14. Kevin Walsh

    Half moon

    I really enjoyed the tones you're getting out of that strat. Interesting bass line too. I'd consider pulling the bass levels down just a bit. Shifting to a very subjective, my-opinion-only kind of vibe, I noticed that you've panned drums right and bass left, which is something that was done a lot in the past, but not so much anymore. You might consider centering bass and drums and panning the guitars a bit to create space. Very nice piece overall. Kevin
  15. Thanks, Doug, appreciate you listening and thanks for the phone info. My current set of phones is a Slate VSX set. With the companion software they are amazing, but the phones themselves seemed to me to rather cheaply constructed. My concerns were borne out when the right cup snapped off a few days ago when I was putting them on, so I'm looking at alternatives. Thanks again!
  16. Kevin Walsh

    Natural High

    Great mix! Everything sounds pretty great and your vocals are a really good fit for this piece. +1 on the Zappa reference. Great instrumental bridge, very cool moves there, and the ending was very cool.
  17. I'm not sure how much interest folks around here will have with a simple acoustic/vocal song but I would like a little help with getting the mix right, particularly some critique on the sound of the acoustic guitars and how it blends with the vocals. The playing on this is not the finest acoustic work you'll ever here, but I kind of like the earnestness of that takes. Anyway, here it is, clams and all: Update 1 - fixed clipping in master
  18. Thank you for taking the time to listen and give feedback!
  19. Thanks for listening and for sharing your thoughts!
  20. Thank you for your feedback, it's much appreciated! If you don't mind my asking, what kind of headphones did you listen with?
  21. It must be great making music with your brother. Your guitar sounds are always so nice and it works great with the cheerful lyrics in this one. A really fine mix!
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