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Kevin Walsh

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Everything posted by Kevin Walsh

  1. Hey Lynn, great tune! I can't believe I missed this one. That bass has a killer tone. I'd love to know how you got that sound. Love the bass line and those bongos! Great vocals, great lyrics, and tasty guitar all around.
  2. Kevin Walsh

    demo mix

    Mix sounds great, great performance of a pretty jumpin' tune!
  3. Beatiful, David. I ran across this unexpected pleasure while enjoying my morning coffee. I had to listen to it several times and I am still trying to get my head around some of the cool harmonies. Really lovely work, thank you. As for the name, all you need to say is after listening it becomes perfectly obvious.
  4. I'm glad you enjoyed it, thanks so much for taking the time! And thank you for the kind words, makes all the pain worthwhile.
  5. Quite beautiful piece, Larry. I think the repeating motif is find, but would agree that some variance would add some movement. Maybe vary it with inversions of the chords or playing in octaves. One of my favorite things to do is to use passing tones as I move to different voicings of the same chord. Really nice piece of music and well executed, mis-step or not (which I didn't hear). I *thought* I heard some slight discordance in the arpeggiated parts which may or may not be tuning issues. lol, how's that for decisiveness!
  6. Larry, sorry, I'm referring to a mic shield. Here's a picture of my setup. As you can see, I also use a pop filter.
  7. Thank you Larry! I appreciate you giving it a listen!
  8. Really nice take on a truly great song. Everything sounds so nice! The mix is sweet and warm and the vocals are a different but very enjoyable take on the original. The mix of sung and melodyne-create harmonies works really well here.
  9. I'm with Wookie, too much reverb on the pianos, but the vocal tracks seems okay, just needs a bit more presence. You have a good voice, and your personality comes through with it. Just keep singing and you won't need to hand your songs over to others to sing. As you keep writing and singing, you may find yourself naturally evolving styles and structures that favor the way your unique voice works. Of course, then you'll be stuck with songs that don't really work for anyone else ha!
  10. Not a think wrong with your voice, it's very rock' and roll. Great start here. I'm a big fan of your covers, you're always so faithful to the spirit of the original song. Can't wait till this one is finished! Larry's advice is good on dealing with noise between the blobs on vocal tracks. Another route is to use a gate, which is a device that senses the dB output level of your track and when it drops below a certain level it essentially mutes the output. You can set that level to any value you like. Play your song and fiddle with the threshold value till it does what you want - silence the stuff you don't want and plays the stuff you do. Gates are fun for other types of effects too, but that's for another day! I personally just manually split and crop clips till they only have the parts I want in them. I zoom in very tight to see exactly where the audio I want starts and I trim the clip right up to that point. It's tedious, and so is going through vocal parts and manually adjusting volume automation to get nice levels, but the results are worth the effort. Particularly if you're like me and you record in a room with your dog snoring and the AC running and the TV blaring in the next room! One thing I've recently invested in that has made a big difference in the quality of my vocal recordings is a mic shield, which is a bit of acoustic foam-coated steel that mounts on the mic stand and blocks room reflections and noise from getting into your mic. Saw one at GC and picked it up for a lark and man, what a difference! Turns out the less noise you have in your vocal parts, the less distortion compression imparts to the track and the nicer the sound. If you're going for warmth and clarity, it's great. Nowhere near as good as a real studio room but no way I'll ever have something like that. Some dudz on the interwebs have declared them snake-oil, but I think they're wrong. YMMV!
  11. Wow, just incredible vocals! You have a great song here, Nigel and the mix lives up to it. Love Devine Lie!
  12. I re-arranged the ending, give it a listen. Thanks!
  13. I added a low pass filter to the toms, thanks for the feedback!
  14. Thanks for the feedback! I dialed it back a bit in the new mix, give it a peek!
  15. The new arrangement I just posted adds a bit of oomph to the snare. I did dial back the toms with a low pass filter. Let me know how it sounds.
  16. Good stuff in here, particularly the last section which is a bit mesmerizing. I always like your work.
  17. Thanks for your feedback, Tom. I always struggle with bass eq and tone and getting the levels right. Good feedback on the snare, but I'm unsure of how I vary the samples. I know I can run a humanize function on the MIDI note velocities, but that's not quite what you're talking about, is it? As for guitar, gotta love S-Gear, right? By the way, some of the clean tones are from the XLR out of a Fender Mustang GTX 100 I picked up a while ago. I'm pretty amazed at how good this thing sounds DI.
  18. Thanks, Wookie, I hear that as well. I appreciate it!
  19. I'll give your idea a try, Nigel. I was considering that as well, thanks, I appreciate your advice.
  20. Here's one I'm working on, your feedback is very much appreciated! Thanks in advance for your help. PS: Wow, I'm amazed at all the new songs pouring in to the forum! I'm way behind on my listening. Update 1: I added another snare track with different drum and a bit of reverb and blended it in with the original. I re-worked the bass a bit. Tamed the solo in the center a bit, not too much I hope. I also re-did the ending with a bit of a different arrangement. Thanks for your help, folks!
  21. Thanks! You were absolutely right, I did the entire mix in offset mode. Painful mistake. I've been using Cakewalk/Sonar for years and I never knew about it.
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