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Kevin Walsh

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Everything posted by Kevin Walsh

  1. Kevin Walsh


    Nice playing! It sounds like you had great fun, and the tone is very sweet. Love that progression, I noodle over it too but I'd never let anyone hear it.
  2. Kevin Walsh

    Cold Wind

    This is a really beautiful song with a strong performance (and a lovely video!) Synths are wonderful and love the weeping ambient guitar. Killer chorus! It may just be my raggedy ears, but I *think* I'm hearing a kind of distortion or phasing or something behind the lead vocal part. My hi-frequency perception is crap though, so take that with a grain of salt. I really enjoyed this and am going to spend some time looking up your other work.
  3. Nice one, jack, you have a way of making very cool sounds. I agree with @FreeEarCandy, early floyd vibe is very strong but it's got your vocal fingerprint.
  4. Thanks for listening! It could indeed be louder, thanks! I love playing the break.
  5. Thanks, steve, drums kill me dead, dead, dead.
  6. Kevin Walsh


    Thanks for taking the time to comment! Yes, I have a verb set to project tempo, and tbh I never heard the clicks so thanks, I'll crank the volume and give it listen. Very much appreciate the kind words!
  7. Kevin Walsh


    Thank you for listening, freddy, I appreciate you taking the time and thanks for the very kind words!
  8. Kevin Walsh


    Yes, there are a few in there, and no, I wasn't really going for that, I was trying to interweave two guitars and the vocal melody and had a bit of a fender bender. I chose not to fix it because the vibe was cool but now is bugging me so I'll probably fix it, thank you for the compliments and especially for the critique.
  9. Kevin Walsh


    Mark, thanks for the critique, I'll give a listen to the bass. Along with drums it's really one of the hardest elements for me to get right. I appreciate your time!
  10. Kevin Walsh


    Thank you for the use of your ears, Nigel!
  11. Kevin Walsh


    Thank you for listening and for taking the time to comment, it's much appreciated.
  12. The trumpet and guitar are really well done, really enjoyed this.
  13. Wow, thanks, Lynn! You've given me lots of encouragement here and I appreciate it! You can download a free version of the plugin to check ToneX out. Good luck with it, it was a game changer for me!
  14. Thanks for listening, mark!
  15. Kevin Walsh


    Changed it to a link, give it another try, mark.
  16. This is a cool song with really good lyrics. Great sound and I really dig the vocals here. The drum arrangement is an interesting choice, I hear the toms panned, but I don't hear a kick, hat or snare holding down the groove, could just be my ears. Really like the acapella bit but I miss a bridge here. I agree about the repetitiveness, I think there's some opportunity to to create some tension and do a nice release at the end. Even so it's a good song and a good mix. Thumbs up!
  17. Man that tele's got a bite! Love this one, sounds like you were going for an anthem, and if you were, you nailed it. Always love your stuff, such a great arrangement with a rich, killer sound on top of great playing. Another winner!
  18. Kevin Walsh


    This one is kind of a sparse thing so the mix was kind of hard for me to dial in. Critique is very welcome. https://www.reverbnation.com/kevinibsen/song/33887106-misogyny
  19. This is a really good performance! You guys had a great vibe, very much in the school of the Cars to my ear.
  20. Totally worth it. I use the pedal for gigging, but I used the plugin on this song. You can download a free version of the plugin and use a ton of really good models. I think the Vox models are great too.
  21. Very good song, you have a great voice and you use it very well. Production is first rate, as is the mix. As a nit, I thought I heard a bit of discordance between the notes of the vocal and the organ in some places ("you were shining in the sun"). The reverb is splendid and the harmonies are just killer. Great song!
  22. Thanks for giving it a spin. I used the new ToneX plug for those, just love that plugin, probably the best Marshall sounds I've personally found (not saying much though, ha!) I appreciate your comments!
  23. Thanks for the listen and the feedback!
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