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Kevin Walsh

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Everything posted by Kevin Walsh

  1. I have nothing to add in terms of technical aspects of the mix, it all sounds really good to me. Great track and great work on the mix Gary!
  2. Thans for giving it a spin, mark!
  3. Great feedback, treesha, thanks for your great critical listening. I appreciate you taking the time to listen and comment!
  4. Not patronizing in the least, your advice is most welcome, thank you!
  5. I tend to go overboard with tape emulation, I peeled off a bunch before this mix and thought I'd have to pull more before all is said and done. Thanks for your encouraging words, Lynn!
  6. Steve, thank you for chiming in, always great advice. I've been avoiding compression lately but there's no doubt sometimes you got to have it. I'll give that a try. Thank you for your feedback!
  7. Such a happy song. I suspect the mix is less than optimal, so as always, your comments, critiques and suggestions are most welcome! https://soundcloud.com/kevin-ibsen/when-the-world-falls-down
  8. Thank you Lynn, I appreciate the support! I can't tell you what it does for my morale hearing your comments. Have a wonderful holiday!
  9. Great feedback, treesha, thanks so much! I've never been to Long Island, but I've been pretty close to Babylon.
  10. Ah, some old school stuff, just in time for Christmas. Your mixes sound so good, great horns in here. Is that a xylophone? ? Would you call this a shuffle?
  11. Hey, Lynn, great tune! The keyboard sounds great, and I really dig the vocal melody. Love the lyrics, I'm very fortunate that I've had many people like that in my life. Mix-wise my ear wanted to hear a bit more bottom end, and maybe a bit more drums. I spent a bit of time listening to some of your other tunes on SoundClick, some really good stuff there. You've got a great sound that's all yours.
  12. A great old tune and a real challenge to cover simply because of Mitchell's unique delivery, but I gotta say, the vocal performance was wonderful. Utterly faithful but with a unique voice. Guitar break is great, perfect for the song. Arrangement-wise, I'm always a fan of small accent bits here and there to keep things interesting, but honestly, the vocals are compelling enough that the song doesn't suffer. Mix is good to my tattered ears. Great work!
  13. Nice take, great mix, especially the guitars, and the performances are great!
  14. Kevin Walsh

    Fusible Link

    Killer tune, loved the way you blend the saxes! Checked out your youtube channel, lots of great driving music there!
  15. Good one, jack, fine keys and interesting progression as always. Enjoy your voice on this one quite a bit. Maybe some more drums would add a bit if spice. Thumbs up
  16. Nailed it. When Ozzie hangs it up you have a gig.
  17. Kevin Walsh


    The mix is good, the lyrics are great. The song keeps my interest with the ever-changing structure. I like it!
  18. Great song, Nigel and and a great mix and video as always. Really like the way the progression evolves. Don't get me started on youtube.
  19. Mark, what a wonderful recording of this awesome tune. Everything about it is excellent and nothing should be changed. Superb in every way. Thanks!
  20. Posted a new mix, working on tightening up the arrangement and tring to get the bass/drum mix under control
  21. Thank you, Nigel, I appreciate your help!
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