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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. The Pigtronix Disnortion distortion effects pedal is an analog fuzz and overdrive pedal offering pulse-pounding tone. A single gain knob controls the saturation of both the fuzz and overdrive circuits simultaneously. The Disnortion effects pedal features the ability to switch from parallel routing to a new, super-saturated series routing where ... Read More https://www.musiciansfriend.com/stupid
  2. yes. this is what i believe too.
  3. yup. so i think this is an insta buy for me. just a quick update. i will probably be single by this evening around 7 or 8 pm local time one the credit card text gets read by the prison warden. So.. if you have any divorced sisters or cousins in the 45 to 55 age range who like 70s rock and roll and art movies -- send them my way.
  4. yup. padshop is something i need to spend more time learning. thanks for reminding me and making me skip buying this.
  5. here we go baby. finally something to use my J points on. now about to get divorced once the wife see's this on the card. ha!!
  6. I gotta say, i really like this one and use it a lot. Probably my most used IKM investment. A nice quick way to master something and also its fun to look at the mastering chain and replicate it in another software and see how it compares. I think well worth the discounted price. My only beef is, it never really ever worked that well as a plugin in a DAW. It would often crash my DAW. But that's not really a big deal as I almost always export my final mix to a wav and then load it into this. Works prefect i standalone.
  7. decisions decisions. but i like. i need eyeing Halion for ages and debating between jumping into Falcon ecosystem or waiting for H7.
  8. so this is just sampled instrument based no a DX? I can't quite figure out what it's based on.
  9. I see it for 40% off. No upgrade pricing yet.
  10. I like the little old skule walkman on the side. nice touch. LOL!!!
  11. yup. they jumped the gun in EU https://www.amazon.co.uk/IK-Multimedia-TONEX-Pedal-learning/dp/B0BV2Z8YYW/ref=sr_1_4?crid=IWXKKEC463J6&keywords=tonex&qid=1676315582&rnid=1642204031&s=musical-instruments&sprefix=tone%2Caps%2C222&sr=1-4 https://www.amazon.it/IK-Multimedia-TONEX-Pedal-learning/dp/B0BV2Z8YYW/ref=sr_1_8?__mk_it_IT=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=1LZJ3JIKV4MUZ&keywords=tonex&qid=1676315827&sprefix=tonex+%2Caps%2C176&sr=8-8
  12. I have been in IT for quite a while. I don't know about music software, but in enterprise IT, when these sorts of sales happen, the products goes to hell . I witnessed the butchering of Novell, SUSE, Solaris by Oracle... Now Red Hat by IBM. We shall see. Maybe things will work out.
  13. and the T Verb too https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/eventide-tverb
  14. I am using it in a DAW project. It remembers the setting in my DAW. Even the tweaks to the amp settings I did.
  15. yup. "The company is backed by Waterland Private Equity." I don't know enough about music software industry to make a judgement,
  16. my guess is ToneX pedal will be released. It may come with the software I guess. I am looking at the pedal if it gets released.
  17. Well. Now i am glad I didnt buy UVI stuff on sale.
  18. cool bundle. good value. not sure I would have music use for much of that stuff though.
  19. I see. I was wondering I I should sit on the license and wait until 15 comes out and then register. But I guess it wonder make a difference much.
  20. so silly question. it seems Waves releases new upgrades June and October usually. So so we think Waves 15.x will come out in June 2023?
  21. what do you mean? get this and then upgrade on Waves site to this? https://www.waves.com/bundles/renaissance-maxx#mixing-beats-vocals-renaissance-plugins-marioso
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