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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. I am still on the fence. the only thing holding be back is I am already invested on other synths, no NKS, and money..
  2. i see it now. so you are adding falcon and 2 expansions. it comes to 190. tempting.
  3. $240 for me? Are you using deluxe bucks?
  4. really looking forward to this release. i have been a PG fan forever. I have been following the promotional twitter feeds online. i hope its a good release.
  5. I worked that gig when I worked at a statium. I showed up 5 hours early to see their sound check. Then watched the show from the corner. Very cool show. Seeing Levin warm up was amazing.
  6. I might try making some presents this year. trying to learn how to package them in my free time, in between all the other silly things i do with all my free time.
  7. Thanks. I just tried it. It worked. 100% off. Amazing..
  8. I feel security updates should be free. Features and new versions is okay to change. What I am iffy about with these companies is are they releasing perhaps buggy software and patching up bugs in updates. Things like memory and CPU optimization and so on. Who is to say memory leaks are a security patch or a bug update? That one I am not sure about. I guess it's no different than Microsoft releasing patches for Excel over a 10 year period. But these small companies don't have the same war chest as Microsoft et la.
  9. Nothing new here. Software and applications last as long as you want it to last. If you are a user that keeps updating to the newest and greatest hardware, then you need to budget for new software. (I am looking at you M1 apple users) if you are a user that just uses things that work, then you will get as much life out of your investment and time as you can squeeze out of it. I am an IT guy. I work for some pretty odd projects. There are researchers out there that have research project they built 20+ years ago that are still running on old SunOS and IRIX systems. We support it as long as they are paying. As long as it works, they don't give a crap and keep using it. None of this fancy pants R and ML plans to update nothing. Their old 20 year old code is still pulling in research grants they need to keep their project running. Subscription models are great for people that want or need the latest and greatest. Now whether they use those latest and greatest features is questionable. At my work we had to move users to the Adobe subscription models. It's a total rip off. I still use my old copy of Acrobat and Fireworks and get 100% of my job done with it that it is required for. But I have to keep regenerating invoices and purchases for the users every year for Adobe software that they are clueless about more than 90% of the features are or that they even exist. ✌️
  10. very sad to hear this. I loved his music and playing.
  11. All I know is VST3 should supposedly use less CPU. I have both installed and usually use VST3 -- just not sure if I should trash VST2.
  12. so can i ask, are people not installing and using vst2 version in vst3 is available?
  13. i have gotten so much use and mileage out of that champ, pro junior and that compressor in this collection.
  14. Just sitting here watching Jason Bonham playing. Its mesmerizing watching him playing those ghost notes on the snare and moving from center to edge to control dynamics. Now I gotta go screw around with Modo Drum bit..
  15. Are these things any good? I never tried 2db.
  16. or get the 2db bundle for $10 https://www.adsrsounds.com/product/software/2b-played-music-3-for-10-stocking-stuffer/
  17. Sounds like a good plan!
  18. My resolution is to drink less. Let's see how it goes
  19. yup. it was about that when I tried it in store. nice instrument. maybe an acquired taste though. i could not see myself playing that live in a rock band.
  20. I tried one. They are very light. Hollow. I think its the same thing as that Nile Rogers guitar.
  21. Happy holidays everyone. All the best for next year.
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