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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. Disk space is cheap. And you never know if you may need to revert to older version.
  2. fingers crossed. maybe they be generous and give very new customers a decent deal.
  3. hmm.. good thing i didn't waste cash. EZK is one of my most used. will be looking to see what the upgrade deal is on this one.
  4. I hope these boys do a April sale. The deal to beat is
  5. i move all the contents from there onto a external drive for backup.
  6. telecode 101

    WUP is back

    you win the grand prize!
  7. i miss the old play series instruments. modular and lofi my favs.
  8. I did the survey and i am a big IKM fanboi and user and gave them quite detailed personal answers. and i got nada. LOL!!
  9. cool. but man those prices for Weiss. why do they need to be so high.
  10. and a few others on the AD site. on sale from $29 to $49 https://www.audiodeluxe.com/search/site/eventide?f[0]=im_field_brand_term%3A229&solrsort=iss_commerce_price asc
  11. i dont use them enough either, but those Statement are good instruments.
  12. Tape Echoes upgrade is USD 19.00 I see.
  13. I d/l the update on weekend and tried it. it was good on my end.
  14. gimme my free ***** wup!!
  15. that much better than the IKM version?
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