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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. https://www.toontrack.com/weekend-deals/ HOUSE EZKEYS MIDI LATIN POP EZKEYS MIDI Make Rosalia proud !!!
  2. nice!! you guys are bad! i got my riggins for free. love that dudes work.
  3. Just thought I would ask, what are peoples experiences with some of the pro music selling and mastering services like SoundCloud Pro or others? Basically, I am trying to see if it makes sense to get rid of distrokid and switch to a platform that throws in other services like mastering and priority customer marketing for the service fee.
  4. if you get it on their site. you get free bundle. Obsidian $39.90 60% discount! $16.00 Savage Future Bass Bundle 4 Free! $0.00
  5. I use AT 5 exclusively. I rarely use NeuralDSP anymore. AT 5 works great for me.
  6. Yup. I agree with you. I have put a dead stop on buying new plugins i don't need. I will only get something if I really know i will use it. or unless its a crazy price error. about 3 or 4 months ago, i went through and threw out a whole bunch of plugins i don't use and noticed the speed at which my DAW launches improved significantly. it also reduced the clutter of the plugin options so its easily to get focus on just picking the right plugin i need to do the job. i also deleted a whole bunch of free plugins i got but never ever used. they are really just lite trial versions for promo purposes to upgrade you to pro version, if it didnt get used in the past year, it got deleted.
  7. I can't blame them. I am starting to look at getting rid of subs. too many people are charging my c cards silently.
  8. I didnt see any new content in this one. but i may be wrong. it could be just better integration with ToneX. i can't tell. But used it on track yesterday. it worked well.
  9. What I noticed today is all my Modo drum packs require an update. But the sounds expired long time ago. So I have no idea what the update is. ?
  10. download and tried. all well.
  11. sorry. never ran into that. but a quite search indicate is a common error. perhaps try this. close PM relaunch. change to a new file path. save & close PM relaunch. change back to correct path save & close PM and re-launch. Try again, and see how it goes. Failing that, I think its gonna have to go to IKM tech support. They are the expert on their PM software.
  12. This one as well. https://www.bestservice.com/en/symphonic_orchestra_platinum_complete.html#
  13. I own 99% of total studio. i am not eligible for any special pricing. good old IKM ?
  14. telecode 101

    EZkeys2 !!!!!

    What are your thoughts on the cinematic pads and synthwave and modern retro? i have too many pianos VIs.
  15. I see. oh well. so much for the idea of holding out for EZK2 packs.
  16. blasphemy!! may the thunder gods strike you and zap you to ash! ?
  17. why are you selling them? you think the modules for EZK2 will be very different format?
  18. telecode 101

    EZkeys2 !!!!!

    I have one inst expansion I am sitting on waiting to see what they come out with.
  19. I don't have FX3. My price shows $49 and $129 w/FX3 deal. But I dont think I will be getting this.
  20. telecode 101

    EZkeys2 !!!!!

    i heard waves may be buying TT. beware!! (just kidding )
  21. cool deal. this is good for people that are invested into the maschine ecosystem but dont really want to upgrade to the latest version of komplete. the exps include samples for maschine, battey as well as presents for massive and so on.
  22. telecode 101

    EZkeys2 !!!!!

    thats fire!! all in!!
  23. in case i want to revert to an older version of ampltide or tracks. i recall having to debug why a certain thing was happening in a new version of tracks but not earlier version.
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