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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. gone. i picked this one up. its good. i think this was less than the 6 pack, no?
  2. They were such a great band. Saw them live twice. This was roughly at that period when Greg was alive. No Trucks in the band yet. But they were such amazing musician's and so many people on stage.
  3. just saw this. i demoed a bunch of these a while back. i thought the sound of retro keys was really good. Its their 4th release released in June 2013. Good for funk, R&B, rock and other genres.
  4. this is on my to get list. just have not got around to demoing it.
  5. Oh no. Looks like TT ar after more of my money. They started a new holiday sale.
  6. I am drooling. if only i could afford the space. i already have too many amps. btw.. those JC-120's really do sound amazing.
  7. I dont really know. I was just looking at the address listed in whois and comparing to what was in the report.
  8. i checked out that company. just make sure you scan that file before you run in. i don't know. i am always a little weary of these "mysterious" companies without a public face. https://who.is/whois/techivation.com who knows. maybe this address is commonly used for all sorts of stuff . https://www.cisa.gov/uscert/sites/default/files/publications/MAR-10337802-1.v1.WHITE.pdf
  9. Once again. Highly dependent on personal music taste. I have used the brush kits stuff a lot as I don't have many good brush kits. There was also on some other thread forum a guy who mentioned a particular nylon guitar sample who "claimed" ST was the only library on the market that had a good sample of that sound. But I have no idea. I don't use those sounds. My take on this stuff is, if you have the tool at your disposal, try to use it and see what it does for you.
  10. Well. everyone is different. The ones I use a lot are: - Hugh Padgham - SampleTron 2 - L.A. Confidential - Terry Bozzio Drums - Fractured Piano - Malletopia - Art Deco Piano The thing about ST is it has that sample editor that gives you a single consistent interface from which to quickly tweak and edit the sounds to what you want them to sound like. I think it's easier to use than Kontakt and Halion. But I wish IKM made a lighter interface for it. Its hard to read sometimes.
  11. for softube quality. i guess is it. i have the weiss eq and mastering thing and they are really good.
  12. nice price. but really need to wait to see what will and will not be added into Vol 6 is it ever comes out.
  13. I keep all ST stuff on a separate SSD drive. It works fine. I am quite a big ST user and will do an entire demo with just one instance on ST and multiple midi tracks.
  14. I am a big GA user. Not sure I am going to be getting this one. But They dd make some really killer expansions.
  15. i dont know. i smell something not kosher about this youtuber. zero trends.. kind a weird for someone who has been around for over 10 years making music... ? https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&geo=CA&q=Anne-Kathrin Dern,Hans Zimmer
  16. interesting thread over there. i never realized how large a community BIAB has.
  17. grabbed this as i like hybrid instruments, but am a little queezy about having to upgrade to K7 player. my DAW works well.. really don't need to mess it up.
  18. The early 90s was a weird time for big shows. I recall huge sold out shows for ACDC and NKOTB and then the Mac and Allman Bros barely being able to sell seats. But then I saw the Allman Bros about 10 or so years later and totally selling out.
  19. yup. i tried. no luck with either.
  20. One day, when I make a lotta money from my music, i will be able to afford UAD plugins too.
  21. I just checked and compared to the IKM site pricing, it seems the MAX and MAX upgrade are same price. The upgrade should be priced lower, no? @Peter - IK Multimedia source: https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/syntronik2/index.php?p=versions
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