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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. good question. i am more worried they will take your money and just switch completely to sub.
  2. Me neither. I thought I saw the Fabfilter demo guy using it. So that’s why I thought it might be something worthwhile looking at.
  3. I always read good things about the developer. But have not used any
  4. I have a few of the PA plug-ins. I think they compare pretty well to others. Best thing to do is demo and seee if it’s something you will use.
  5. Is there a cheap way to get the few remaining AT5 max items . What’s really annoying is I have 99% of AT5 Max and just have a couple of missing amps and mics. It makes no sense to spend $10 on each and have not figured out if I can’t use jam points
  6. I have used the vouchers for massive preset packs and expansions
  7. yes. all true. but my point is, i never use 75% of what I paid for. But NI took the money. Will I ever use those orchestral sampled instruments? probably not. I dont do sound track or scores. i just make rock and country folk song demos with other guys i work with.
  8. Console N for $5 https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/bx_console_n.html
  9. I am gonna Guess down the road NI will be the main installer for everything.
  10. I got all the mesas for free in GB. But I can’t sell them and I don’t qualify for upgrades.
  11. After going through the massive headache of migrating to a new DAW and OS. I have learnt the value of sticking to just a couple of software companies and the ones that make the better products and installers. It took forever to migrante. I am now with two DAWs. The old one that has everything. And the new one that has most of it except the stuff that does not work on M1 platform. Massive PITA.
  12. It pretty much comes down to, do you spend $50 for 1 thing that you know you will use. Or do you spend $200 for a whole bunch of things you may or may not use all of them. But they will take up space on your system and stay there forever and ever. Decisions decisions. I would say of my initial investment in K12U I probably just use 25% of it. The rest just sits there.
  13. In my case, I am only interested in Kontakt 7 and Guitar Rig 6. My upgrade price to K14U is around $250. If I just upgrade the items I want, its around $120. One of the new Kontakt libs I got, the Kareem Riggins uses uses K7. I run it through player.
  14. I resisted getting EZK2. I might look at Scalar. The reality is, the TT ecosystem is its really designed to up sell you more sounds and midi. Scalar seems to be something that exists to make you further utilized your existing investment in MIDI and sounds.
  15. I have lost that GAS lovin feeling. I have no desire of anything anymore. ?
  16. you can drop them an email.. but to me it looks like you get a serial and you register with Boz. They only sell the new one from what I can tell.
  17. https://focusrite.com/es-la/news/exclusive-offer-get-massive-50-ableton-live-11-suite
  18. i am gonna try to contact FC support. If someone is not gonna use, it, feel free to PM me. I can try to give you something back.
  19. I see the issue. I dont have a product I bought after Sept 2022. ? https://focusrite.com/en/software
  20. is anyone seeing this offier? I have products and see no code.
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