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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. I am still trying to figure out how and where to use it.
  2. I remember as a kid, my parents were big ABBA fans. And as a 12 year old I was listening to the compilation albums which when you look at it were sort of being released almost in tandem with their actual albums. 1975 for greatest hits 1, 1979 for greatest hits2. and so on. Smart business movie. They were a singles band and the company kept finding different ways to keep selling the singles. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ABBA_discography#Compilation_albums
  3. I am starting to think 8Dio are using AI art for their instrument ads.
  4. This is true. But how long do we need to wait for Farm to get into TS? Maybe I need to adjust my strategy and wait for both ToneX and Farm to get into TS before I jump into IKM again?
  5. wow.. you guys are pretty old. ? they had Pink Floyd Dark Side t-shirts at the Marshalls in my area about 3 or 4 months ago for $10. I almost bought one but thought maybe not good to pickup young gurls. Might make them think I am their father.
  6. Opps. my mistake then. I just assumed maybe the idea for the product and/or the algorithms that went into the Farm reverb came from those sessions.
  7. Who knows.. maybe there was something else captured that is about to get "re" "re" released. ?
  8. yeah. i am wondering if something new is coming out.
  9. Do you know what 30 years ago means? It means that back when Michael Jackson and Quincy Jones were riding high in 82 with Thriller, Nirvana would have been the equivalent to Perry Como hits that were 30 years old back then. That's scary when you think about it.
  10. Hey, I use Nevermind to keep me on top of how *****ing old I really am. ?
  11. This is the magic word!! I wonder if its another reverb or effect ? The last effect they did was the Joe Chiccarelli fx. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/trchiccarelli/
  12. a newT-racks product coming out?
  13. Nice!!! Interview with Martin Ware.. !! A cool guy.
  14. Uhh... those graphics... 8dio need to stick to sound and not images.
  15. Also, EX version is $104 with that code.
  16. Did you all get am email stating what was given out for the survey? I filled it out and actually gave IKM lots of my time to fill out a useful survey on TX.
  17. my price is $69 for it and w/v collection bundle is $149
  18. I took a pass on Falcon w/expansions. I have Massive X, Pigments and just started learning Hive.
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