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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. thanks. well. i guess that sort of makes sense. i will go check that tooktrack super secret product owners only forums to see what the activity is like on there. ?
  2. so let me confirm. if i upgrade to EZK2 , i lose the ability to install again EZK1?
  3. I am trying to deal with my GAS issues. need to figure out do I really need this. gotta watch more YT vids on it.
  4. sorry. i am stuck in a meeting with putin and he keeps wanting to drink more coffee and won''t let me go home to buy EZK. he said if I leave he will shoot me.
  5. so, where are we with this? is the upgrade worth the features added? still on the fence on this one.
  6. A fascinating development. Especially after the Waves fiasco.
  7. I wish I could offer an opinion. But truth is, i haven't used them enough to have an opinion. I use the other tapes more often. @Peter - IK Multimedia but something to consider for the IKM marketing folks.^^ Perhaps get someone to do an in depth video on how to use these and what to do with them. ?
  8. IIRC, these tapes plugins you really need to tinker with the input and output knobs to get the results you are looking for. but yeah, they are supposed to be subtle. its hard to get an idea how people are using them. I was always under the impression, because they are so heavy on CPU, they are bus plugins and you are supposed to feed them multiple instruments. But then I am also seeing posts of people using an instance on each insert. So really hard to tell. Just curious, what sort of music are people making which makes the these TASCAM plugins appealing? Are you making lofi or hiphop?
  9. this sounds pretty cool. sort of reminds me of u-he zebra a bit.
  10. i think it all depends what sort of sound you are doing. i have all of them but only use the 24 mostly on drums. i keep meaning to spend more time using the others but can't get around to it. FWIW.. i like these guys review https://soundbytesmag.net/review-the-tascam-tape-collection-from-ik-multimedia/ https://soundbytesmag.net/review-tape-machine-collection-from-ikmultimedia/
  11. i have it all except 2. the 5 pack no use for me. i will probably wait it out until next GB.
  12. Good question. I dont know. I never noticed an improvement on my setup.
  13. Hi @Peter - IK Multimedia can we confirm, are we able to pick any item listed in TRacks 5 Max as an item in bundle?
  14. yeah. i would bite too if i was able to pick those as i don't have them either.
  15. sorrry. i fixed me post. they are in Max version. With way, no experience with these bundled codes since I have all of Tracks pretty much.
  16. My guess is, you can only chose these items. The Tapes and Reverbs are part of Total Studio, not TRacks. But I could be wrong. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/tr5/index.php?p=gear But I could be wrong as I see they are part of the MAX. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/tr5max/index.php?p=gear
  17. not as good a price as JJRdeal a few weeks ago.
  18. Wow.. cheapest I have seen it .
  19. Ha! Welcome to mid life! That last boost of jiour de vivre before you crash and burn. Next up, start taking steroids and pumping iron at the gym and walk around town without a t shirt. That’ll shown them who’s boss!
  20. Yup. this is why i am confused as well. Also, if you look at it, ToneX is $99 on sale with 400 models. SE is $49 on this sale with 200 models. I just wonder this is a good entry to get into for future upgrades to ToneX max. As I am sure I will get it at some point.
  21. did IKM discontinue SE? I dont see it on their site.
  22. correct. it still works. but you need to add the upgrade .. not the regular one.
  23. this one tempting. can anyone recall, do softube credit your volume upgrades for whatever you bought individually that is included in the volume collection?
  24. https://www.arturia.com/sound-banks/cinematictrio Same for me. $29 for trio and $29 for brass.
  25. Tempting. I am just not sure about the new EZKeys and what will happen with expansions. I guess it should not matter.
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