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Everything posted by scook

  1. Most options on the main menu have pre-defined accelerator keys and Insert Soft Synth is one of them.
  2. For now try ALT+i+y If that is unsatisfying, a few minutes of quality time with autohotkey may be worthwhile (not just for CbB)
  3. scook

    NEWB Question

    Glad you found the noise maker. If you need a replacement ampsim, CbB includes a version of Overloud's TH3.
  4. If is not an ASIO issue. Most interfaces work with UseHardwareSamplePosition set to True. Digidesign interfaces are an exception and the only time I have ever seen this setting needing to be changed. There may be others, but I am not aware of any.
  5. @msmcleod , Digidesign interfaces need a change to aud.ini to run correctly. The timing issue in the OP is why I ask about the audio interface.
  6. Could have dealt with this 20 minutes ago if you had answered the interface question I suspected as much, see
  7. scook

    NEWB Question

    Drum Replacer does not have a demo mode. Melodyne is a timed demo. When the demo expires, the editor is no longer available but the mono MIDI to Audio and tempo detection algorithms still work. Neither of these plug-ins produce periodic noise.
  8. scook

    NEWB Question

    Periodic noise is one way plug-in manufacturers indicate their plug-ins are in demo mode.
  9. Try using the Event Inspector for bulk changes Select the MIDI data to change. Enter the channel in the Event Inspector.
  10. scook

    Imported MIDI

    Bear in mind "Base Octave for Pitches" changes what note names are displayed not the note values. Internally all DAWs work with MIDI note values not names. The MIDI note values are the same regardless of the display. IOW, the GM kick drum is note value 35 regardless of the DAW. I find it easier to use instrument names rather than note names when working with drums. To that end, I right-click on the keyboard in the Piano Roll View and set the note names dialog to display drum names. When using the step sequencer, I use a drum map (at least until the step sequencer is updated to support alternate names like the PRV).
  11. If the plug-ins are listed as FX run a VST Reset from Preferences > File > VST Settings If the plug-ins are not listed in the plug-in lists at all. They are either not in the scan path, not installed or have been removed. The Studio Instruments installer puts files in three locations. The default location for these files are Folders for each plug-in under "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Studio Instruments" for documentation, resources and samples Folders for each plug-in under "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Vstplugins" for the plug-in dlls Folders for each plug-in under "C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Studio Instruments" for patterns and programs BA keeps track of what it has installed using registry entries. If the files have been (re)moved after install BA still may have a record of what it has installed. If this is the case, the Add-on Installers in BA will be disabled. One can either mess with the registry to satisfy BA or use the Cakewalk Web Installer to (re)install the the SI Suite. At this time the Cakewalk Web Install does not keep track of what it has installed. Uninstalling the DAW does not clean up the registry. To perform a clean install (which does remove registry entries) see https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034066393-Clean-Install-Cakewalk-by-BandLab
  12. When the computer crashed the picture cache may have been corrupted. Select all the clips with CTRL+A Right-click in the clips area Select "Associated Audio Clips..." from the bottom of the context menu Click "Recompute Picture(s)" to redraw the images.
  13. Studio Instruments are not installed with CbB. They have their own installer. Run the Cakewalk Web Installer and select Studio Instruments and any of the additional installers you want to run. The extra installers are also available in BandLab Assistant under "Install Add-ons..." on this menu
  14. Instead of installing with BandLab Assistant, try using the Cakewalk Web Installer.
  15. Yes, it could be plug-in delay compensation. Either way, it has nothing to do with updating CbB. If this is the case, the FX button in the mix module will bypass all plug-ins in the project. If the delay goes away, one or more plug-ins in any FX rack or ProChannel are the cause. The PDC button in the mix module may help in this case.
  16. Check you audio preferences. Verify the driver mode and mixing latency settings.
  17. To open the plug-in UI click on the small icon between the track number and track label in the track header. Also there is an option on the Insert Soft Synth Options Dialog to display the "Synth Properties Page" (aka the plug-in UI). This will open the plug-in UI when it is added to a project. If the Insert Soft Synth Options Dialog does not appear, it is because "Ask This Every Time" at the bottom of the dialog was unchecked at some time. This dialog may be opened using the Synth Rack View ("E" in the image below) and the option reset. Plug-in UIs may be opened using the menu "D" in the image above too. A soft synth requires at least one instrument track or an audio+MIDI track pair for a complete routing. Simply pointing a MIDI track to a soft synth is not enough. There must be an audio track to capture the audio from the plug-in. An instrument track is nothing more than a presentation layer above an audio+MIDI track pair.
  18. Try the Cakewalk Web Installer
  19. This is a pretty old thread and a lot has changed since its creation. The only time BA is necessary is activating CbB on machines not connected to the internet. The Cakewalk Web Installer can perform initial installs. CbB has a built-in update process.
  20. If it is a plain MIDI track, it will also require an audio track with its input set to the synth too.
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