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Everything posted by scook

  1. To toggle between sends set one send on and the other off group the send enable buttons
  2. If the plug-ins do not appear in the scan log either they were installed somewhere other than the scan path or they were not installed. iLok activation is not installation. (Re)run the installer and pay attention to the install paths.
  3. If it is in the exclude list in the plug-in manager run a manual scan from Preferences > File > VST Settings with "Rescan Failed Plug-ins" enabled (make sure to disable the option after scanning). If it is not in the exclude list either run a VST reset from Preferences > File > VST Settings with "Generate Scan Log" enabled or move the dll and vst3 out of the scan path run a scan put the dll and vst3 back into the scan path run a scan
  4. If you don't like the reply, that's OK but there is no need to go off on it this way. The initial install has the options to specify where parts of the application may be installed. That said, some parts will install on the system drive no matter what. This is why I go into detail about directory junctions. They work regardless of where the files are installed, are much safer than alternatives such as messing with the registry and in many cases are better than providing any program installer with alternate locations. If this is not satisfactory log a feature request here.
  5. This is a failure inside a plug-in made with synthedit. Contact the plug-in developer.
  6. scook

    PSP Saturator

    at some point it becomes less about plug-in saturation and more about supporting manufacturers
  7. scook

    PSP Saturator

    and Saturator X. or Newfangled Saturate but it is really not about need is it?
  8. You know there is a completely new one available here
  9. That is fine and is the only way to delete unwanted projects. Deleting a project folder does not affect the most recently used project list stored in the registry so the project will still show up in the DAW project history. Of course, if the project folder has been deleted, there is nothing to load. CbB does not provide a mechanism to maintain the MRU project list. Eventually deleted projects age off the MRU project list. If one really wants to manage the project MRU, I wrote a tool which can to this called Launchpad. It is part of larger collection called CbB Tools. Here is the thread about the tools. It includes a link to the Google page containing the program.
  10. This is the default "Cakewalk Projects" folder 5th of Sept is a user create project folder. This likely appears in the Cakewalk Start Screen. Audio Data is the default global audio folder defined in Preferences > File > Audio Data Picture Cache is a folder used to store deprecated wav files used as audio clip images displayed in projects. Its location is also defined in Preferences > File > Audio Data All Cakewalk Sample Content & Tutorials.lnk is a shortcut pointing to "Cakewalk Content" which is "C:\Cakewalk Content" by default. "Cakewalk Projects", "Audio Data", "Picture Cache" and "All Cakewalk Sample Content & Tutorials.lnk" are created when CbB is installed.
  11. To select all the notes for a given pitch, click the key in the label pane (the keyboard) next to the notes pane in the PRV the use the event inspector. Here is more info on this method
  12. Set the track interleave to mono. Set the track input to the channel sending the audio. The track interleave is on the left of the button row at the bottom of the track header and on the track inspector (just above where E points in this image from http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Inspectors.3.html#1224480) and console strips.
  13. I am fully aware of what time it is thanks. Regardless of the OS, a reboot may be indicated any time software does not work as advertised. When something appears to change and the change is not reflected in the documentation or release notes, it is pretty easy to rollback to the previous release (or in your case 2 back) and review how it previously worked. The links I provided about detail how the tools work. There are plenty of free tutorials about how to use this software. There is even a section on this forum discussing these tutorials.
  14. there is no There is a smart tool and a select tool. Using the proper terminology helps to speed along the conversation. Using the smart tool with all options enabled clicking any empty space in the PRV creates a note - always has. right-click and drag in the PRV lassos a selection - always has After updating did you reboot the PC?
  15. When draw in disabled in the Smart tool, the icon is By default all operations are enabled in the Smart tool. The Smart tool link above has a section called "To customize the Smart tool" Smart tool customization was introduced in 2019.07.
  16. There is nothing in the 2021.09 release notes about changing Select tool. I use the Smart tool exclusively and it performs these actions To my knowledge the Select tool never did these operations. The Select tool works the same in 2021.04, 2021.06 as it does in 2021.09.
  17. If any of the notes sent by the controller match any of the notes defined in the plug-in they should sounds as long as input echo is enabled in the instrument/MIDI track.
  18. CbB could be in CPU conservation mode see http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Troubleshooting.31.html
  19. To monitor any MIDI controller (including e-drums) when playing, the input echo button right of the record button must be enabled on the instrument/MIDI track. That said, without an audio interface capable of very low latency, it may be better to monitor the audio from the e-drum brain than trying to listen to SSD5 while playing the kit or recording. When it comes to note mapping this may be performed in the e-drum brain, in the DAW using MFX Transpose or a drum map.
  20. A VST reset performs 2 operations Clear the VST Inventory in the registry Scan every file in the scan path with vst3 extension and every file with dll extension except for those in "C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3". Dlls in the default VST3 folder are not scanned. They are supposed to be support files used by the VST3 plug-ins. Running another scan immediately after performing a reset is redundant.
  21. Leave all clips as they are, mix and master then dither on the final 16bit export. If you decide to master in a new project, export at the render bit depth with no dithering, import at original bit depth into the new project and dither the final 16bit export.
  22. The DAW can work with a mix of different bit depths. You can't do anything to improve pre-recorded clips but you should set the record and driver bit depths the same to maintain the best resolution available for your recordings.
  23. As a rule, Bring clips in to a project at their original bit depth. Set record and driver bit depth to the same bit depth. Use 32 or 64bit render depth. Dither once on export when exporting to 16bit. Do not dither when exporting at the current render bit depth.
  24. Yes this is pretty common for ASIO drivers. None really. Should clips be created at a higher bit depth than the render depth, the default dither will be used during rendering.
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