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Everything posted by scook

  1. FYI, every major release has a feedback thread. It is a good idea to review that thread before posting about the current release. Problems with the current release should be posted there. The 2021.11 feedback thread is
  2. Which version? The latest is 2021.11 build 16. Currently build 16 is only available from the Cakewalk Web Installer.
  3. DAWs have nothing to do with plug-in activation.
  4. Plug-in categories are stored in %appdata%\Cakewalk\Library\Library.db This is used by the "Soft by Category" plug-in layout.
  5. If you elect to use Melodyne as a regular VST plug-in consider reading the Melodyne manual about how to transfer audio into the plug-in. Bear in mind, once audio is transferred to the plug-in, unlike regular effects plug-ins, Melodyne becomes the source for audio playback. There are three ways to use melodyne as a stand alone editor as a regular VST plug-in as a Region FX The first two require the audio to be loaded into the tool/plug-in so that Melodyne can process the data. As a Region FX, Melodyne processes the data on the fly. Refer to signal flow diagram to see where Region FX perform their processing. Try using Melodyne as a Region FX.
  6. I don't use the Cakewalk preset management system but the method describe in the OP is the only documented way I know to transfer presets managed by that system between machines. Of course, the import/export process in the Plug-in Manager only handles Cakewalk and user presets maintained in the registry by the Cakewalk preset manager. It does not handle ProChannel Presets (stored in Cakewalk Content), PC module presets (stored in the registry) or presets maintained in the individual plug-in managers (location depends on the plug-in) or any other plug-in preset files stored on disk.
  7. Yes, contact support@cakewalk.com (the current support for Cakewalk by BandLab) for password reset as long as you created an SSO account as described here https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021858293-What-happened-to-Cakewalk-SONAR-What-happens-to-everything-I-paid-for- The old Cakewalk company email server was shut down when the company went out of business. That is why the password reset emails are not sent.
  8. From the download page Minimum System Requirements As for interfaces without a working ASIO driver, a lot of effort has gone into getting the DAW to use the regular Windows audio drivers.
  9. If there is no dump in %appdata%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\MiniDumps try setting ExceptionHandlingSeverity to 7 in Preferences > File > Initialization File For more info about the setting see the Improved plug-in exception handling / crash reporting section of http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=NewFeatures.024.html
  10. This should be unchecked to stop the DAW from resetting Kontakt volume. Note: this is a per-project setting.
  11. CbB transport changing volume in Kontakt may be the "Zero Controllers When Playback Stops" setting in Preferences > Project > MIDI
  12. Removing BandLab Assistant or Cakewalk by BandLab will not affect your BandLab account, files uploaded to your BandLab Account or Cakewalk by BandLab projects created on your PC . The BandLab DAW is a chrome-based web app. Except for the web browser there is nothing to uninstall. BandLab Assistant is, as the name suggests, a tool to make using BandLab eaiser. It also was the first method of installing, activating and updating Cakewalk by BandLab, a Windows-based program.
  13. Confirmed 2021.11 build 15 available using in-app updater.
  14. BA keeps track of what it has installed using registry entries. It is possible to force BA to reinstall by editing the registry but the Cakewalk Web Installer allows reinstall without messing with the registry.
  15. What I'm seeing is that auto-save doesn't create multiple versions. Each auto-save overwrites the existing one. That's right because auto-save is not not part of versioning. My reply was an attempt to explain the differences in the two features.
  16. Something to pass the time during inclement weather (as long as the power lasts)
  17. Auto-save relies on the program to determine when a project snapshot should be taken. Versioning relies on the user to tell the program when it is time to create a version. If auto-save stored in the versioning system, it may be full of copies made over too short a time possibly removing the last "good version" a user manually saved. The same could happen if one constantly manually saves the project with too small a number of versions to keep If one wants to retain frequent "versions" for some projects and not blowout the "number of versions to keep" setting for all projects, one method is File > Save Copy As (may be bound to a shortcut) in the current project folder giving the saved projects meaningful version-like names. Although, I would not use the versioning system naming scheme.
  18. If freeze is disabled it could mean the track is a MIDI track with no associated audio track. Freeze, an audio function, works with audio+MIDI track pairs, audio and instrument tracks.
  19. http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Mixing.06.html
  20. Exported clip names use any of the parameters just like tracks.
  21. The default location for the plug-ins are folders in "C:\Program Files\Calewalk\Vstplugins" NOT AppData If the plug-ins were installed, they may not have scanned correctly. Try a VST reset from Preferences > File > VST Settings.
  22. If the option in disabled in BandLab Assistant it means the installer was already run once. BA keeps track of what it installs with registry entries. Rather than mess with the registry and BA, use the new Cakewalk Web Installer to re-run the SI installer.
  23. Maybe there is some bad data in the clips and "Do not intercept NRPNs" was enabled in Session Drummer. The Studio Instruments have the same issue with unexpected MIDI data.
  24. That's fine, you asked about Session Drummer so I thought to remind you about the recommendation from BandLab regarding how to take advantage of the content bundled with old Cakewalk products.
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