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Everything posted by scook

  1. In general, it helps to provide information about your hardware and OS. In this case some details about the hardware used to record the audio and how the signal is being monitored may help isolate what is bleeding into the other tracks. If there is a "What you hear" setting on whatever device is playing back the audio this can be the problem. Sometimes users with mixers accidentally route some of the playback back to the recording track(s).
  2. maybe because the option in the red box is checked
  3. Here is the process for handling crashes and dumps If the reinstall fails, it is a support issue - contact support@cakewalk.com
  4. Cannot tell if the clean install process was used If it was and failed as described above, the installation was pretty broken Even if uninstall fails from BandLab Assistant (should never attempt to run uninstall directly from Windows, CbB uninstall runs from a menu in BA as shown in the image below), the subsequent steps in the clean install process remove the remaining binaries and configuration. At that point the reinstall is effectively a new install of CbB. Keep in mind step 9 of the clean install instructions deletes c:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Vstplugins. This will result in removing any 3rd party plug-ins installed in that folder.
  5. From the product brochure available in the link above, the BR-800 included a copy of SONAR 8.5 LE. This 32bit entry-level DAW is no longer available, however; the good news is a more capable product is available, supported and free. It is called Cakewalk by BandLab. Here are the instructions for download, installing and activating Cakewalk by BandLab using BandLab Assistant.
  6. Bundling is provided for backward compatibility. When per-project audio folders were introduced almost 18 years ago, bundles became redundant. Bundles do provide a single file for sharing but it is little different than using zip (without compression) on a project folder created with "Save As." The main difference is zip files are more robust than bundles. Moving a project is a simple OS operation using Windows Explorer. Bundles are far to brittle for backup or archive. "Save As" creates a folder containing the same content as a bundle without the added risk of reformatting the data. There has been one case I recall over the last 18 years where bundling provided a uniquely useful function...repairing projects damaged by a bug in Autosnap. The bug was fixed years ago.
  7. IIRC, SampleTron is an old XP-era IKM plug-in. It is probably trying to access a protected part of the registry. If you cannot figure out what part of the registry the plug-in is attempting to access and modify its permissions you will have to run CbB as administrator. A better solution is replace outdated, unsupported plug-ins with current and supported products. Updating everything except a few plug-ins and expecting these plug-ins to perform as they did when they were actively maintained by their manufacturers is not reasonable.
  8. Drum Replacer is not a regular VST3 plug-in. It is intended to be used as a Region FX only. It is excluded by default in the Plug-in Manager so it does not show up in the plug-in lists.
  9. The chip installed in a PC is designed for audio playback. It will work fine if you primarily plan on using audio and MIDI loops entering MIDI data using step recording or directly into the Piano Roll View, Staff View or Step Sequencer You will have limited success recording audio or MIDI from external devices such as a microphone, musical instrument or MIDI keyboard.without an audio interface capable of low latency performance.
  10. The scan failed to identify the plugin properly. Run a VST reset from preferences
  11. http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=0x22B1C Set the radio button at the bottom of the preference screen to Advanced to see all the preference settings including Audio > Configuration File
  12. see the Recycle Plug-In Windows section in http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=0x22B07
  13. Start by providing details about your hardware and operating system
  14. Move the Buffer Size slider in the Mixing Latency section to the right
  15. There is no need to uninstall anything. Run an advanced install of 64bit X2 or older (the advanced option is a couple of screens into the install) then select the VC64 and LP64 from the plug-in pick list provided by the installer.
  16. In the past this was not possible because a DAW could not change the ASIO buffer size. To change buffer size required using a ASIO client supplied by the driver manufacturer. Recently this has changed and starting with 2019.11 CbB supports sending buffer size requests to the driver. Unfortunately not all ASIO driver manufacturers support this feature.
  17. Everything in the image shows the project and interface are running at 96kHz Since there is no audio in the project change the sample rate in preference screen shown in the image to 48kHz and the project will change to 48kHz automatically. Make sure the interface is running at the same sample rate. Then see what happens.,
  18. This is not necessarily good advice. A manufacturer supplied ASIO driver usually is the best solution for low latency performance. Also some manufacturers go to a lot of effort to optimize their ASIO drivers sometimes at the expense of neglecting other drivers. ASIO4All is not an audio driver, it is a wrapper for WDM drivers representing them as ASIO drivers to the few Windows programs that support ASIO such as professional audio and video programs. Like all generic ASIO "drivers" it often conflicts with manufacturer supplied ASIO drivers and IMO should be considered as a last resort after trying WASAPI modes in Win10 and WDM in older OSes. In most recording scenarios low latency is important. Mixing and mastering does not require low latency. In fact, many users who record using small ASIO buffer sizes for low latency often increase the buffer size considerably when mixing and mastering. There is no reason at all to use ASIO4All when mixing and mastering. The tiny advantage it may have when recording (as this is questionable) provides no benefit at all once recording is done. One thing to keep in mind when using the same audio device for Windows and Cakewalk is both must run at the same sample rate because the audio device only runs at one sample rate at a time.
  19. To perform a clean re-install of Cakewalk follow these instruction https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034066393-Clean-Install-Cakewalk-by-BandLab Be aware that step 9 removes all the plug-ins installed in the default VST folder "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Vstplugins" This includes any third party plug-ins you may have installed there. You will need to make adjustments to the documented process to conform to your custom install location.
  20. There are two ways in the Plug-in Manager users can control which plug-ins appear in the layouts custom layouts - show only the plug-ins the user adds to the layout in any order including nested folders. The downside is custom layouts must be manually maintained. excluding plug-ins - select a plug-in and click the "Exclude Plug-in" button. This prevents the plug-in from showing up in the "Sort by" plug-in lists.
  21. From the description above, the only audio device available to Cakewalk is the internal sound chip. If this is the case, select one of the WASAPI driver modes in preferences and select the RealTek audio input and output devices in preferences. The Casio is fine for a MIDI input device. Do not select anything for a MIDI output device. TTS-1 is the only soft synth in the core Cakewalk installer. It should work to get setup. Additional instrument are available from the "Install Add-ons..." option in the BA menu shown below
  22. The VST3 format is used for Region FX
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