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Everything posted by scook

  1. The look OK to me. Tracks 2 through 8 are MIDI tracks. Here is a description of MIDI track console strips http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Views.32.html#1257733 I usually leave the MIDI in one track and use separate audio tracks for the drum kit pieces. How the audio is split out to different tracks usually involves some setup in the drum synth then adding audio tracks with their inputs pointing to the synth outputs.
  2. these are the updates needed for 2020.04 also looking at the theme image posted the cross fade and ripple edit indicators images below the punch recording module the duplicate track image below the track view view menu the notes image in the browser the export module I am pretty sure there are images in the PRV and possibly other views as well that need updates. It's pretty easy to see which images need updates in a dark theme because the default images come from mercury, a theme with a light background.
  3. The better search strategy is use the CbB documentation index. When using the sites keyword search many of the old SONAR urls in the results can be changed to the current doc by altering the product name in the url to Cakewalk. While I mostly use the documentation index, I do occasionally perform keyword searches, after getting the result I use the "SONAR Platinum, Professional Artist documentation" filter at the top of the page to eliminate the older versions of SONAR, pick a page and if necessary perform the product name change in the url. There is also a pdf but it may be a release or two behind. The web-based help is always current.
  4. Have you tried https://freesound.org/
  5. scook


    There are several of sample-based synths in the list.
  6. scook


    As noted above it is up to the synth not the DAW. Here is a pretty good list of plug-ins with that support microtonal tuning https://en.xen.wiki/w/List_of_Microtonal_Software_Plugins
  7. Sample rate is not stored in the the project. The program logic for determining sample rate is as I explained above. It does not matter when the project was created. Project sample rate may be changed at any time until there is an audio clip in the project. The current project sample rate is shown in the transport module.
  8. It's even in the documentation http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Recording.38.html
  9. If there is no audio in the project, the sample rate is set by reading the Sample Rate value from the Default Settings for New Projects section of Preferences > Audio > Driver Settings Once a project references an audio clip, the sample rate for the project is read from the audio clip header.
  10. Themes made before CbB 2020.04 will have display issues. Also, they likely have with some colors and images not modified based on the theme. Aside from a couple mentioned on this page, search this section of the forum for titles with the keyword "updated" and there should be quite a few threads containing links to themes updated for 2020.04. If you like an old theme, you could bring it current using the Cakewalk Theme editor.
  11. Either drum samplers such as Sitala and Poise or general purpose samples like TX16wx and Grace (on the same page as Poise) will do the job for free.
  12. That's correct. I have posted twice and will try one more time. To access the MIDI FX rack for an instrument track use the instrument track inspector. The links are in my other posts or just look it up in the help.
  13. Look at the size of the file(s) being imported
  14. The ASIO4All driver however it is packages still looks like the ASIO4All driver when running its config. Custom ASIO drivers setup screen look nothing like ASIO4All. Still, I have not read about any attempt to use a different driver mode. I have no experience with Behringer gear but did have an M-Audio inteface years ago. M-Audio wrote their own drivers but it turned out there was no advantage to using their ASIO driver. The interface performance was the same whether using WDM or ASIO. The point is not to get hung up on one driver or another when using prosumer grade gear. Try them all. Then again, the problem may not be driver related at all.
  15. As I explained in the other thread, the MIDI FX rack for an instrument track is available in the MIDI tab of the track's inspector. IOW, click "T", and add MIDI MFX plug-ins into the MIDI FX rack "B"
  16. scook

    sidechain compression

    Not all plug-ins support a sidechain input. In order to use Waves plug-ins that have sidechain support in CbB the VST3 format must be used.
  17. The move to 64bit started over 15 years ago. Most plug-ins that are still 32bit only are that way because The tools used to create them were 32bit, for example SynthEdit The manufacturer replaced 32bit plug-ins with different products. For example, Cakewalk Sound Center was replace by Rapture Session. The product was discontinued. Regardless of the reason, almost all plug-ins that are 32bit only are pretty old. Due to their age, some plug-ins fail to scan because they violate current Windows security policy. Changing permissions in the registry or drive can fix some scan issues. Installing in non-restricted areas of a drive avoids the drive permissions problem. Some plug-ins have no remedy other than running the DAW as administrator. Bridging was created to buy time for developers and ease the transition for users migrating to 64bit software. It was never intended to extend the life of unmaintained and unsupported plug-ins indefinitely. Relying on unmaintained and unsupported software is not a good idea.
  18. I do not know anything about the driver other than its name. It could be a re-badged ASIO4All driver. It could be a manufacturer or 3rd developed ASIO driver. It may be a good driver. It may be a bad driver. In some cases even though an interface comes with a custom written ASIO drivers performance is better using a different driver mode or even ASIO4All.
  19. from https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=AudioSnap.19.html
  20. It mean that is the only driver available to CbB when running is ASIO driver mode.
  21. If ASIO4All is not referenced in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO then the software does not exists as far as Cakewalk is concerned.
  22. Updating everything except plug-ins is asking for trouble. 32bit bridges were created to give plug-in developers and users time to transition to 64bit. They were not intended to extend the life of 32bit plug-ins indefinitely. It is well past the time to look for 64bit replacements for software the manufacturers abandoned years ago.
  23. No. When using ASIO4All the devices available to the host are managed by the ASIO4All software. Even when multiple ASIO drivers are available the ASIO specification requires hosts to use one I/O driver at a time.
  24. %appdata%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\Lenses
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