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Everything posted by scook

  1. Check the DP version see http://www.cakewalk.com/Support/Knowledge-Base/2007012975/Im-seeing-the-error-message-Error-Decompressing-Program-Data-when-opening-progra
  2. Read the Recycle Plug-in Windows section of http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=0x22B07
  3. Yes that is too small. Here is the general properties page for the installer I downloaded
  4. It is not up to me to research all the Cakewalk products and report back to users here. I have a pretty good handle on the SONAR line. After your last post, I dug around the internet and the old Cakewalk site for additional products and info.
  5. It may be time to consider project recovery. Save a MIDI version of the project using File > Save and start a new project with the MIDI file. Add the KeyRepeat to the new project. Find a replacement for ShortCurcuit 2 and uninstall this synth.
  6. The 32 and 64bit installers for SONAR always shipped on the same disk(s). 64bit SONAR was introduced with SONAR 5. There was another product called SONAR Home Studio 7. AFAIK, it was 32bit only. Please be specific about product references, otherwise; it can result in a lot of wasted time and bad advice.
  7. AFAIK, only an alpha release of Shortcircuit 2 was ever released and it was very buggy. Here is a lengthy thread on KVR when the synth was released as freeware https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=196784
  8. Never had a complaint about any of the compiled scripts available on my site.
  9. It may be easier for most users if Caller.Ahk was compiled. I suspect most users do not care about the source script. A compiled script does not need a separate ahk install.
  10. Released on Aug 28th. It came with no announcement.
  11. Contact support, they usually are pretty good about exchanging purchases, especially for their products.
  12. I bought this even though I already owned all the modules except the new polymode. Due to the progressive discount it was ~$5 less than the polymode by itself.
  13. To regain access to your account email support@cakewalk.com https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021858293-What-happened-to-Cakewalk-SONAR-What-happens-to-everything-I-paid-for-
  14. To see the signal at a track's input in its meter enable "input echo," the button to the right of record
  15. Right-click on the duplicate track button and check the options
  16. scook

    c0000005 Fatal error

    Safe mode opens a project with the option to skip plug-ins. To invoke safe mode, hold down the SHIFT key while opening the project.
  17. I will leave the controller stuff for others to discuss. This is a display preference setting called Base Octave for Pitches
  18. To change velocity for selected notes, I usually opt for the Event Inspector method described here it can set all selected note to a particular value, add/subject or scale values
  19. scook

    List of CAL functions

    Most the scripts are described in the documentation The scripts themselves contain quite a few comments. They are text files which may be opened and inspected with any text editor.
  20. Freeze is not exclusively for MIDI. It may be used to render audio tracks as well. Introduced with SONAR 4 in 2004, freeze combines the functions of an in-place bounce to track, bypass FX Rack and disconnect synth into a single operation.
  21. Aside from real time recording NOTHING will happen instantly. A virtual MIDI cable can provide a way to pre-process MIDI data before recording. It does use an extra MIDI track though. Freeze is a post record option that uses the same tracks(s) as the synth. It is one button click. Bounce is a post record option that adds new audio tracks. Can take a minimum of three clicks (includes counting the click for track focus). These options available today while waiting for this request to materialize.
  22. Synth recording using split tracks takes no extra setup or tracks. Click the record button(s) and start recording. After recording MIDI, audio or both are instantly available. Freeze is a one button option Bounce to track(s) may be bound to a keyboard shortcut or added to the custom button module.
  23. The tab sets up the default editor. CbB already has the ability to record synth audio and MIDI at the same time No patch point is needed.
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