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Everything posted by scook

  1. WRT the OP Here is what I see when adding Superior Drummer 3 with track count limited to 3 and the options MIDI Source + All Synth Audio Outputs - Stereo (results in 1 MIDI track and 16 stereo tracks) MIDI Source + First Synth Audio Output (results in 1 MIDI track and 1 Stereo track) MIDI Source only (results in 1 MIDI track)
  2. @msmcleod I sent a dump and animated gif to Jon, did you see it? @Vernon Barnes probably no need for a new thread. All of this is related to the recent changes to the Insert Soft Synth Options Dialog.
  3. Yes, both "rescan" options should be disabled. These options are designed to be used sparingly. Neither should be left enabled. When these are disabled previously scanned plug-ins are skipped by the scanner EXCEPT for Waves. I do not use Waves plug-ins but it is my understanding because of how they are implemented the scanner must scan them in addition to any new plug-ins.
  4. It only works for me when using "Instrument Track Per Output" and "Stereo Audio Output" or "Mono Audio Output" is selected. Failing to select one of the output options crashes CbB. Using the "Limit to:" option with MIDI+Audio Tracks does not work. The dialog works the same regardless of the "Limit to" and "Max Available" settings.
  5. At least until the Insert Soft Synth Options Dialog gets fixed.
  6. The Insert Soft Synth Options Dialog has the necessary options but does not work at this time. The Add Track dialog called by the Add Track button and Insert Instrument option in the track header context menu works exactly as you want. Here is a video adding Superior Drummer 3 to a project with 3 of its 16 stereo audio tracks and its MIDI track using the steps I detailed in my previous post.
  7. Sometimes it is easier to bounce everything to a temporary track, archive all the bounced tracks and bypass all bus effects then record a new track using the temporary mix as a guide.
  8. Beyond simple testing - count me in the "do not use" column. I suspect my CbB use is far from "normal" though.
  9. This is how it used to work before the recent per-output instrument track changes. It used to be one or all outputs and nothing in between. There is now an ability to limit the number of instrument/audio tracks created when adding the synth. It looks to me the Add Track menu works but the same cannot be said for the Insert Soft Synth Dialog.
  10. I don't use Kontakt so used Superior Drummer 3 instead Here is what I did to limit the number of tracks while adding a synth Clicked on the "Add Track" button Selected the Instrument tab Selected "Superior Drummer 3" Selected "Split Instrument Track" under advanced Entered 3 for number of tracks Three stereo audio tracks were created and sequentially assigned to SD3 along with its MIDI track. My guess is you are using a different method to insert synths.
  11. When I entered site:forum.cakewalk.com copying mix recall into Google The first result was http://forum.cakewalk.com/FindPost/3442977 The third message in the thread is from Noel But I seem to be pretty lucky using search tools.
  12. I have never nested projects underneath an existing project but I have complete versions of projects along side the original project in a folder. To do this create a master project folder (typically in the project files path in preferences but it does not have to be there) create the original project in the master project folder use "Save As" or "Save As Copy" to navigate up out of the original project folder to create the new project at the same level as the original project in the master folder name the new project and verify "Copy all audio with project" is enabled save
  13. It is not clear what the exercise is but my guess is it may be due to "Copy all audio with project" being enabled. I keep multiple copies of the same project in the same folder and use the original audio folder. To do this disable "Copy all audio with project" in "Save As" or "Save Copy As" name the project copy save To put a copy of the project file into a new folder and use the original audio folder disable "Copy all audio with project" in "Save As" or "Save Copy As", create the new project folder, enter the new folder and save.
  14. Cakewalk by BandLab (and SONAR) always record the signal as it arrives at the track input. To record a signal after it has been processed through an FX rack requires routing the signal to another track. This may be done using an aux track or a patch point. To simply hear the effects enable input echo - the button to the right of record on the track header.
  15. open the target project in CbB open the source project's mix scene folder in the media browser drag and drop the mix scene files into the target project
  16. What was the playing the exported clip? Import the exported clip into CbB. If it plays OK the problem is the playback software or setup.
  17. Try removing all the .txt files in %appdata%\Softube
  18. Nothing in the DAW can affect the level coming from the audio interface.
  19. There is one issue in the images provided in the OP. All the images show Focusrite EXCEPT the last one. The Record Latency Adjustment is set to Creative ASIO.
  20. The DAW has no control over the levels coming from external sources. The signal flow diagram shows the signal from these devices arrives just after the input gain.
  21. My understanding is there is an automatic assignment algorithm based on the template name and the default images are stored in the Cakewalk resource files. There has never been a lot of documentation available on this subject.
  22. I recall the genesis of your spreadsheet. Researching pre-X Series history is tough enough for Producer. Fortunately for X2 forward the info is available on the Cakewalk help pages.
  23. I have started to forget what came with Platinum. Checking http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR&language=3&help=Comparison.html indicates Rapture Session came with every version of the latest SONAR releases including SHS. Given it was intended to replace CSC it makes sense that it was part of the basic package. To automatically pick up all the legacy CSC, DP and Rapture programs, Rapture Session/Pro must be run after installing all the legacy packages.
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