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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. Bapu ! in The Ring with delivery driver that failed to deliver his new Epiphone Bass . Kenny
  2. Good Story ! Makes me wish I was a Mod around here . Kenny
  3. That's it ! I had enough ! I'm dropping in on Kenny to get my Bass . Kenny
  4. WOW ! tough listen Huh ? He should let the guy on the right do some of the talking . Kenny
  5. Wow very Rare Gibson Les Paul . Since your post is the first I've heard of this Guitar I did a search and found this video that talks about this rare guitar . Kenny
  6. Everybody I know is trying to get into the act now that Hollywood has lowered its standards. Even my Imaginary Pet Mocking Bird . Kenny
  7. No way am I talking about you Dave . Your one of the good guys when it comes to the mods around here . Kenny
  8. Sure the type of Music Stores you mention are far and few between .I feel I lucked out because the GEO area I live at has some really decent Mom and Pop stores . Here's one about 12 miles from where I live ..This place has a lot of Band instruments and things like double bass's and tuba's I have never seen much of that at GC. https://www.beacockmusic.com/c-52-band.aspx They also sell all the Fenders, Gibson's , and a bunch of cool acoustic instruments ....I go here before I go to GC ....I have a GC close less than 10 miles away But I can't stand going in there . Kenny
  9. Now tell the truth . No fibbing allowed . Kenny
  10. Well ! somebodies got to over do it . ?
  11. I used to live in So Cal from 1997 to 2006 . After being cooped up for over a year plus it was nice change of pace to squeeze in a Road Trip . Regarding your Bass . I do hope they sort it out in your favor . Kenny
  12. Wow that's a hardcore solution ? thank you for posting the link .. After the law takes you into custody , please send me the Jack Casaday Bass until you get out? Kenny
  13. Ouch! I didn't see that one coming ?I guess I earned it w some of my antics in this thread ? Kenny
  14. No "There Can Be Only One " here's the proof When you finally get your new Bass , it is only then when your status as The King of the Bass Place will be restored Kenny
  15. I love animals . When I get to hang out with them I can feel the Love . You friendship is a Touching story ?I'm so glad to hear she is doing well. Kenny
  16. WHAT ! Look what I found outside my front door last night when I went out to have a smoke .... PS I'm only kidding around . I hope your new bass shows up soon in perfect condition . Kenny
  17. Oh man Mesh ! that one gave me a good laugh ? ??? Both you guys got me thinking. To learn the power of staying positive as my looks go to hell . I may need to buckle down and say a few select Mantras everyday as I have my morning coffee . ? ? Kenny
  18. WOW ! this is great news I'm gonna burn a little herbal enhancement over here in your grandsons honor Kenny
  19. Sheen's! VIA The Coffee House Becan Hotline Kenny
  20. I learned this nugget of truth After years of waiting for my ship to come in at the train station ? see look here's the proof ? ??? Kenny
  21. After leaving her extra large soda , buttered popcorn and unopened Milk Duds on her seat . The SOW made a fast exit out the back door of the movie theater and ran for her life . The plot, suspense and drama of the new Nicolas Cage movie Pig may have been a little too much for her unborn Piglets? Kenny
  22. I hope to G.. I can keep it this way ...I haven't had a drop of Booze since 08/ 12/ 83 ODAAT ! So would I ...If you look real close you will see I'm in the line .... ? Kenny
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