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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. Folks! here we have the surviving evidence of the "one and only time " IKEA sent over a customer service rep to help a customer put together a bed . They stopped doing that after he turned up MIA just like Jimmy Hoffa. Kenny
  2. It's all good , things have gotten clearer for anyone who has an interest in this ..myself included ? Kenny
  3. Good explanation ! In any event for a quick down and dirty Amplitube Guitar patch some of the features of the full White 2 A appear to be less important if your desire is to achieve the shortest path to a killer guitar tone built on simplicity. I would expect all those features in T Racks . When one so desires the full features and the versatility of this plug , one could dial up their tone first in Amplitube and then place the T Racks version of the White 2 A on their track. all the best , Kenny
  4. It seems to me that the White 2A in T-Racks may be the same exact 2 A as what Mix Box has as The 2 A . Either way it works for me ... Kenny
  5. if you want to use the White 2A in Amplitube as a stomp this is what you can do ....Keep in mind this is The Ampitube version of The White 2 A ? The first thing you need to do is to put an effect in the signal chain as a placeholder if you do not have one already . You need to do that so you will be able to access the effects Once you have done that you go to the effects section you can pull down the dialog box and place your rack effect in and it will be wrapped if you are using a rack effect as a stomp to gain the full controls of your effect you just hit edit when you are done just hit the effect in my signal chain second pic and the effect will go into what you have in my second pic . if you want to use the White 2A in Amplitube as a rack you can just use the racks dialog box ...in my pic I'm about to switch over to the White 2A from the tube compressor. hope this helps Kenny
  6. ? Oh Oh My days are numbered ....I better watch out for that guy named Slim that took out Jim . I heard he is thinking about becoming a Mod around here Kenny
  7. OK Doug . I can clearly see you are trying to take the high road by practicing principles over personalities . That approach I will give you credit for . I accept your amends and I will remove the thumbs down I gave you as a peace offering . all the best, Kenny
  8. I'm not here to play "games " After reading your post it is pretty clear to me that you are the only one in this exchange playing a game . I had no idea that you held aspirations of becoming an IK customer service rep . I think you need to learn how to handle criticism directed at the product line if you want to go there . Do yourself a favor if you want to go there and don't forget " the customer is always right " Your psychic powers leave quite a bit to be desired because you got it wrong again Cleo . I have the whole Amp 5 series except for 2 . Sach & Dime Bag What do you call you coming after me ? You could have left my post alone and moved on .It was a reflection of how I felt about the situation. But ! No ! you couldn't help yourself because you saw an opening in my choice of expression and words that clearly opened the door for you to throw your little passive aggressive spin directed at me and my words . You want to go there with me bring you A Game . I don't do Passive Aggressive . Once again Cleo your psychic powers need an adjustment ... I don't enjoy wasting my precious time ....2 .5 Gigs original program install , 2.5 Gigs update a few weeks ago , 2.5 Gigs patch fix this week . As much as I love to play out of my Vintage Amps Amplitube 5 does work out pretty nice w headphone s at 3 AM while I am trying to keep peace with my neighbors . Say you like that huh ? there's more where that came from ? Kenny
  9. Are you getting one of these next ? PS all kidding aside Good Luck on your New Bass Day Kenny
  10. So what ! I paid for this product didn't I ? ? Whaat now the feelings police are gonna censure my posts if I'm not giving out 2 thumbs up for the inconvenience IK is putting me through ? The bottom line is I'm not cool with having to baby sit my computer for the time it takes to down load 5 Gigs worth of patches on my internet plan . this is why I use the real amps I own for everything I do musically .... enough said ... Kenny
  11. This is the second time in less than a month I have had to do an IK Amplitube 5 update / patch fix ... 2.5GB download 2 times = 5 Gigs according to my math ? Kenny
  12. All of a sudden I feel so sad . Larry! is going a way again . Whenever Larry goes away . Earth is such a Drag . Kenny
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