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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. Wilbur ! They are coming to take me away and put me in The IK Group Buy. Kenny
  2. At least this is a free sound library and it wont cost us any carrots . Kenny
  3. OMG! Bapu is a Mystic & I finally understand. Kenny
  4. Good luck Sheens If your in the mood a little old school inspiration about doors opening and closing . https://quotes.yourdictionary.com/articles/who-said-when-one-door-closes-another-opens.html Other than that stay away from gigs driving people around in your own car Drivers are always hoping to get her This is who they actually got instead Woof Woof Kenny
  5. It could have been worse ? I went to a parochial school and she was my first grade teacher ? Sure I get it . Yes the patrol is out there in force and gaining momentum . 25 years from now I would hate to have to step down from my role as a multi billionaire musician over something I may have said in this thread ? Kenny
  6. I had the first 5 years of my schooling in that type of environment . That's one part of the 60 's I don't miss . This thread is all about making fun of show off Bass Players ? The Angry Nuns are here only a comedic prop .They have nothing to do w religion within the context of my thread . They only serve the purpose of establishing a group of Polarizing Authority Figures that seem above reproach in society . For the sake of the conversation and to clarify my point of view . Lets say I used The 3 Stooges instead of the nuns as a comedic prop ....ex..." What the 3 Stooges Really think of Show Off Bass Players "... What ? Now all of a sudden I have to worry about people interpreting my motives as I'm promoting Violence within this online community because the 3 Stooges used a physical somewhat violent approach to comedy ? Or What about this one ? What The Little Rascals Really think about Show Off Bass Players ... Now all of a sudden someone has the right to accuse me of promoting Misogamy because the Little Rascals had The He Man Woman Haters Club ? Yeah Right ! enough said ? Kenny
  7. Show Off Bass Players what a sad lot beyond redemption . I never met one that ever truly listened to anything helpful I had to say about playing simple and keeping the grove. I tried to teach them how to keep rhythm and my hands still hurt from slapping them over my knee during detention . I even broke my Vows of Secrecy and taught a Show Off Bass Player how to play The Holy Grail of all A minor chords . OK Ladies ! It's time we end this discussion and take a vote on what we are gonna do with all the Show Off Bass Players The Vote is in and we have come to a unanimous decision . Hey Wait ! We are not done yet . I got a Show Off Bass Player still breathing over here . Kenny
  8. I see what you did here . U 2 are real masters of written code ? Kenny
  9. Nice of you to show up fully prepared ? There you go, I guess you didn't have to go over the material after all ... I like your answer it earns you an A Kenny
  10. Steve ! I was thinking more along the lines of a scratch and sniff ? Kenny
  11. When he is not playing the drums or delivering pizza's he makes some extra coin hand knitting all the bands merchandise . He can do 2 hats in one Bass solo . Kenny
  12. This one falls into the dream on category ? Kenny! thanks for polishing my Bass !
  13. I know I was too drunk to drive home after the gig so thanks for taking my keys and letting me stay here . P S I'm sorry I peed in your closet . When I came to , I thought I was still at the club . Kenny
  14. After putting his furry legs on opposite corners and bracing himself Strummy lifted up his tail and planted the deepest gooey log ever seen in the litter box . He sure ain't kitten around . Kenny
  15. +1 I have paid some dues playing Bass . I was cool with the playing part , I just didn't like having to lug around a refrigerator sized amp up and down 4 flights of stairs . Yes he does show off a bit ...I do like his sense of humor and love the way he plays .. ? That pretty much sums up how I feel . thanks for sharing Yeah +1000 Yup ! That was fast That was easy ....? Kenny
  16. FWIW Just about every other thread I seem to post in gets nuked so let me give you an example of what we are up against . What we have here is a comparison of what happens when you let a bean counter take charge and monitor all forms of creative self expression You start out with this . Then after run their little Bean Counter Power trip algorithm We end up with this ? Kenny
  17. Windows and Zippers ? Alright ! if you must know . The missing hand is also a part time detective and It is currently roughing up the suspect ☺️ Kenny
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