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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. FWIW Just about every other thread I seem to post in gets nuked so let me give you an example of what we are up against . What we have here is a comparison of what happens when you let a bean counter take charge and monitor all forms of creative self expression You start out with this . Then after run their little Bean Counter Power trip algorithm We end up with this ? Kenny
  2. Windows and Zippers ? Alright ! if you must know . The missing hand is also a part time detective and It is currently roughing up the suspect ☺️ Kenny
  3. Ever wonder what would happen if "Thing from The Adams Family" got together with some of his Hand Mates and started an all Guitar Band . Now I know ? I got to admit , this one sure is a strange one to watch ? Kenny
  4. Sure looks like a nice one . Anyway no more guitars from P R C for me . At least for now . Kenny
  5. Happy 10th Anniversary ! Liam Geeson and Feather Locklear ! Kenny
  6. I have found when I have my buffers set too low for the Lurssen to be effective I need to go into my Focusrites control panel and temporarily set my ASIO drivers buffer settings there first to a higher setting . The Lurssen will then have the higher buffer settings available in it's menu . In my experience using the Lurssen , it operates much better using the higher buffer settings when I run it . When I'm done using the Lurssen I go back and set my buffer settings to what I'm happiest using as my settings for my systems core settings . YMMV Kenny
  7. These two want to spice up their love life so they ordered a Duduk off Amazon . Kenny
  8. You Offices look pretty relaxing . The new one looks like you can make a fast getaway if you had to. At your old office when people didn't tip for song requests did you make them walk the plank ? Kenny
  9. I just barely got out of there with my Life . I was gasping for air and the smell was horrible Kenny
  10. Not sure if this one has been posted yet Kenny
  11. She is playing The Holly Grail of all guitar chords . The Lost A Minor chord . Her guitar teacher/ boy friend taught it to her earlier in the day when they were out on a picnic . Kenny
  12. Morton moderates the forums with a super heavy hand ?. He even closes and locks all his own threads ? https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/36-early-access-program/ Kenny
  13. Another one rides the Bus huh ? That sure beats getting throw under it ? Hi Steve , Thanks for the kind word .The tune you posted was some real fine synth rock . thanks Now you have . paulo ! we ( plus a few other select folks around here? ) are former Coffee House survivors that have turned into The Champions ? Kenny
  14. Well here it is . My Forum Report Card ? Why should I post it ? I want people to know whose behind all this cloak and dagger BS. Now that we know , Lets all take a moment to bow in unison and Kiss The Ring BTW, you can call this what you want . The thing is , this in not being abusive . I call this bringing something out into the open for everybody to see and shining a high beam light on the actors involved in the problem . Kenny
  15. This song is In honor of another one of my threads that bit the dust . At this rate maybe I'm next huh ? Kenny
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