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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. I'm up to date w my Amplitube 5 , the product Mgr and all the essentials . Your post help me clarify something I hadn't done . Normally when ever I open up the Custom Shop I'm using the standalone version . I opened up The Custom Shop in Amplitube 5 and i was able to get The X - Space all hooked up and taken care of as per your suggestions . Thank you so much for helping me sort this out . I do appreciate it ☺️ Yes I now have it sorted out . Thank you for your suggestions ☺️ Amplitube 5 on my machine takes a real long time to open up. Once it is open it's pretty snappy . In the past any time I have opened up The Custom Shop from within Amplitube the whole GUI was simply way to intrusive for my tastes . I guess I'm just gonna have to bite down hard on a stick and practice some deep thoughtful breathing when ever I have to open up The Custom Shop from within Amplitude . I like Simple ? Oh Man I Love this IK X - Space software stomp . Thank you for adding The X Series to the Group buy ..There is no question in my mind that I would love to have the hardware version of this X - Space plugin . When the funds permit I hope to be able to go there . all the best, Kenny
  2. Well it was too good to be true . It looks like I'm having problems over here . After logging in w IK I went to my promotions area and selected X - Space . I then confirmed it as my software choice and my serial number came up . I opened the IK product Mgr and registered my X - Space serial number . I was surprised at how fast it registered because when ever I register an Amplitube product the IK product Mgr brings my computer to a crawl and it could take 10 mins for it to return to normal ...BTW when I register a TRacks processor the registration is usually complete in about 10 seconds . I thought that's what happened when I registered The X - Space because it only took about 10 seconds for it to state my software was registered ...Well boy was I wrong ... I don't know what happened here but The X -Space is not showing up anywhere as one of my products .It is not on my products page even though it is registered under my acct ....I have gotten the e mails from IK stating X - Space is a registered product of mine and when I follow the links from the IK e mail there no love so far . MIA So I download the newest IK product MGR install it figuring that may be the issue ...After updating the product mgr I re register the X -Space .It gets done in about 10 seconds as having gone through and registered ...I go back to my products and it is not showing up . I open up the IK Custom Shop I can't even find it in there so I decide to restore my Gear No LOVE .... Maybe someone here with more experience w these type of things can offer a suggestion . As it stands now The X-Space apparently has been deemed registered w IK as one of my products ( 2 e-mails have been sent to me stating that ) As far as I can tell it is currently MIA ... I hope this can be resolved soon because I don't want my pillow to reopen the pending case and press charges on me thanks in advance Kenny
  3. The addition of The X -Time , The X -Space , The X- Drive and The X- Vibe as promo give away items may have sent my poor fractured lost soul over the edge and put me in serious legal jeopardy . I have just spent the whole morning talking with a detective in a locked interrogation room . The authorities have charged me with cruelty to my pillow . I have no Idea or recollection of what exactly happened last night but I am told I put my pillow in a choke hold while whispering and professing my desire to have and hold dear a few of the X - Series Pedals in Amplitube 5 . My pillow was OK w that up until a point. It was when I started drooling on all 4 corners of my pillow and when I accidentally ate the pillows warning tag that put me in uncharted waters w my pillow . Apparently I had crossed the line by going there . Lucky for me I was only given a warning by the authorities . It turns out the main condition of my continued freedom solely rests on my ability to get a hold of The X- Space and The X- Time plugs for use in Amplitube 5 . Yep that's what I'm gonna have to do ? Kenny
  4. Chris , I decided to pick up the Buss Compressor . Yes I agree with you it does sound very good . thanks for the suggestion , Kenny
  5. Oh Yeah ! Life is Good!!! ? abacab , I get what your saying . I did go with the Saturator X , plus the Mix Buss Compressor for now . This still leaves me 2 promo slots to fill at the current GB tally . Yeah , If they add more plugs due the G B numbers getting larger we can all get more promo's ....I'm interested enough still to have the desire to pick up one of the Tape Machine plugs . The truth is I'm up to my eyeballs in learning curve with the plugs I have now ? thanks ... Kenny
  6. Hi Zargg I have been thinking about getting the Saturator X pretty seriously . thank you for your recommendation . mibby ! , They added another promo plug to the GB today . Yay ! now we all have a little more wiggle room . Hello Jacques Boileau , In my situation I'm running a not so powerful machine . From your feedback it sounds like I may be able to run the tape machine plug OK in T Racks standalone as part of a chain ....not as a Plug in Cakewalk ( due to having a ton of other plugs going on in my mix in real time ) I'm still interested in the Tape Machines I haven't ruled it out but since Saturator X has been on my short list I may grab it sooner rather than later and leave a slot or 2 open for usable suggestions that may fit my needs as things are . thank you so much for your concise review . Hi abacab ! That's it ! I can't take it no more ..?between you and all of the other fine members here that were kind enough to help me pick out a "I need plug "rather than a "I want plug " I finally got the memo and just added the Saturator X plug to my TRacks while I am on here right now typing up my replies A cool thing too is IK added another plug today into the GB , That means I still have the same amount of promo plugs available I started with when I asked for help in this thread Man this is SWEEET! this IK G B is just like having a Genie that gives you way more than 3 wishes . thanks every one I'll be back here after I run my chores Kenny
  7. Any one want to help give me some input ? Which 2 out of this list are the most useful got to have T Racks plugs . I pretty much have the whole enchilada except for these . Bus Compressor . EQ PA . EQ PB . EQ PG . Saturator X Tape Machine 24 . Tape Machine 440 .Tape Machine 80 .Tape Machine 99 . thanks in advance Kenny
  8. Considering the high CPU , it seems The Tape Machine Plugs may be more suited for an end of mix type of deal .... Luc !Thanks for taking the time☺️ Kenny
  9. I used this group buy to bone up my T Racks . Whats the verdict on the tape machines . Any favs , are they a must have ? Kenny
  10. This thread is a lot of FUN . SO far I like all the IK gear I have gotten in this G B . Only thing now is ,I have to learn how to use a lot of this $tuff ... I know RTFM Kenny
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