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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. Or he could have gotten a Chapman Stick ! Kenny
  2. Grandma Clampett's reaction to Bapu's next Bass using items from her kitchen . Kenny
  3. Don , you accidentally left your cat at the Mall . He said don't bother going to get him. He is happier where he is . Kenny
  4. Kitty looks like he is trying to swallow an imaginary hair ball ....?He better put some money aside to get some Suds to wash it down Kenny
  5. Which is the best One ? Kenny
  6. Now that you mention it . I think That Kitty nabbed my debit card because I'm seeing a lot of new charges from a new local restaurant called Rent A Friend . I bet he has been using my cards info to place his online orders ....at least that's what I'm gonna tell Milo Kenny
  7. Let me fill you in on some of the facts regarding her own personal intervention .... When sister" Super Freak Hogan " was a little girl , she had the unfortunate personal experience of sitting on " That Santa's " Lap .. By all reputable accounts she is now currently recovering from the whole situation . If you are interested here is some of her unique personal story . Once having sat there , she was over come with a total loss of her sane moral fibers and sound judgement . She had now become increasingly ever more powerless to maintain her high moralistic values and integrity . From her own personal viewpoint , she had never been assaulted from within her own psyche with so many conflicting emotional impulses and desires . By all appearances this bombardment of perverse human interactions became almost too much for her to handle . To complicate matters even more , once she approached her teen and young adulthood years in life , she found herself in an ever increasing downward spiral of debaucherous activity . It would be nice if I could get her to tell her own story in her words.......who knows that day may be fast approaching ..... For now let it be enough that she got back on the path and she is now here to help by sharing her experience , hope and brain damage with anyone whom amongst us that may benefit from her sharing her story of overcoming her own Personal Demons . As we depart the wreckage of 2021 for the promise of a hoped new beginning in 2022, Let's let her story be an Inspiration to us all .... can I get an Amen? Kenny
  8. Since Bapu's 6 string Fender Bass has finally arrived . This cat now enjoys playing Bapu's 4 string Fender Bass as much as he wants . Kenny
  9. I heard Straummy's "instrument" got re gifted & this fella has it now . Judging by the looks of things . He has no need for any "Play Hard Supplements ". Kenny
  10. Darling ! That has got to be the mangiest low down butt ugly Christmas tree I have ever seen . I love it ! Kenny
  11. Keef sure wasn't happy about loosing the iconic blues guitarist role in the Movie Crossroads to Ralf Macchio Kenny
  12. This was from last night after she had a few drinks Kenny
  13. After dropping the coin on 14 of the 20 most popular DAW's I realized there is not enough time in the world for me to crest the learning curve on some of them . I still use Cakewalk as my primary DAW . Kenny
  14. Since Charlie has left, Keef ! needs "gentle reminders" to stay on track . Kenny
  15. Ouch ! what has happened here ? my eyes my eyes I can't see ? Kenny
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