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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. Every time I read your post I hear the words you said and see this face ? Kenny
  2. I'll tell you what ! I think I will eat that clam a lot quicker than I will eat this one ... This clam is called The Geoduck .... Kenny
  3. Yes ! it seems that approach also rings true for me . At least you got a wife . I can't even get a date. My wallet is not half the man he used to be after jumping all in during my last deals thread . Thankfully my wallet survived to tell the tale . Here he is leaving The Hospital . After all these years of trying to practice self control I am finally having my shot at actually becoming a self made hundred-aire . +1 ?? ? all the best , Kenny
  4. Thread Starter ! No speak with forked tongue ...He meant what he said in the first place ! Not like Paleface with Iron Horse who make treaty , break treaty and come to take my Alembic ! Kenny
  5. Exactly the type of art work and posters Rain used to post ? Cool stuff ! Kenny
  6. The Old Forum The New Forum Censorship ?? they will probably ban me for using the flipping the bird smileys I got here on this forum Kenny
  7. You keep "trying " I'll give you that...Have you heard this one ? Some Legends are better off left unspoken ? The Cats out of the bag & there's nothing for you to regret . You did what you had to do .? Yes Steve ! I'm Retired now . I was no longer getting the call to service The Kitty at the Kitty Cat Outback ! The bulk of "my dancing income " was from tips . Once that revenue stream dried up , I was forced into having to hang up my Speedo . all the best Kenny
  8. ? Whew you had me worried there for a moment . I thought you may have found some my recent posts on The Retired Male Strippers and Chippendale Dancers Forum .. Yeah good old Twanger Central Every body knows I go over there and post my playing every so often ....I used to link my playing from over there to here VIA the songs forum here ...folks over here didn't seem to care after a while so I stopped creating songs forum threads over here ..... here's what I played on the BT for that thread Yeah Man ! it is tough to walk away when you got a real a hole thinking they are running the show ...Somebody here a mod tried that $hit we me too. I'm not here to bow down low and kiss the Popes Ring ? hey good luck nice talking w you .. ? They got guys over there that got 50 + guitars and then some .....I have yet to hear Alembic mentioned over there .... Hey Bapu you can go over there and pull a Genghis Khan and run the place if they ever start talking about Plugins and Synths ....they wont know what hit them .. Kenny
  9. ? Yeah drop the link on us I want to see the proof . With all this isolation I'm always tempted ..... There may be a lot of truth to some of what you said here ....Right now the whole world is going through some tense social times .. I don't think it's you , me or Joe Blow . There appears to be a lot of uncertainty on all fronts ..What there are telling me to do on a Monday they are now telling me to do the opposite of that on a Tuesday ..... I can't even get into it ...I happen to think a lot of people are just acting out ... The is no security in any thing ...you put your foot down and it's all shifting sands for you footing . Kenny
  10. It's nice to see you back on the forum Rain ! I like your 7string . I have a 7 string , I keep wanting to eventually get a Jazz Box w 7 strings .... 7 string is a whole lot of guitar and I use it more for like an extended range type of sounds ....If I can find a pic of my 7 string I may edit my post to add it . I like EMG 's . I got my first set of EMG pickups in the mid 80's for my Tele . I still play a Tele w EMG's as one of my Tele's are so equipped . My Guild Blues Bird prototype was a gift from the pres of Guild Guitars (Mark Dronge ). Mark gave it to me in 1986 . I have kept it as exactly as how I got it . It has 3 EMG single Strat PU , no tone control just a fat / mid tone control ...It may be the Gilmore set..... I never asked about it because I dig the way it sounds and I don't seem to mind a little mystery . I also have an 8 string Schector Here's a stock pic from the net. My 8 string is a Schecter . It's not as decked out as yours but I do dig it when I play it . The guitar I have is a few steps above entry .It's in the 4 to 5 range new and It actually plays better than some of my more expensive guitars . To be honest w you I don't play it all that much recently . 7 string I can run with all day long ....8 string makes me feel like I'm always lost on the fret board and I don't want to stop and ask for directions because I'm too proud to ask Hey Good luck with your new 7 string guitar it looks like a real pro quality axe . Kenny
  11. Yeah ! Rain ! I'm happy to see you around here again . It's been to long . Kenny
  12. Don't mind me folks I'm going for The Groan Worthy Pun's Section of the Guinness Book Of Records.
  13. As they say in "Kenny ville ". I think I have just heard it all because that there my friend is a one whopper of a story? Speaking of Jazz ...I wonder how the movie Deliverance would have turned out if the banjo player was playing this on his banjo ? Not to be out done a Parrot improvises on Giant Steps ?everybody is getting into the act you can't make this stuff up Kenny
  14. Yeah ! were still here , because were not all there . It's a pretty hip song actually .....for those days in music . Poor Fella ! ?️ ?️ ? ? ? He is doing the best he can . Kenny
  15. Thank you so much for posting that info ...You helped me Kenny
  16. According to some of his online BIO sources Jimmy retired in the 70's . You must have seen him when you were very young . Kenny
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