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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. I'm sorry to hear you have to do that . I hope you can get through to the other side and get ahead of it all . I would have quoted your whole quote but then I would have gone on and on and on about my own personal tangent s on how tough things are out there . I'm only allowing my self one ? I just about gave away my Marshall JMP 2100 Lead & Bass 2-Channel 50-Watt 2x12 combo to a shop a few weeks back and the next day they sold it for twice what they paid me ..... In spite of all that I feel a Freedom ....I guess If I ain't taking it with me I might as well see and hope it goes to a good place .... Hang in there . Hhhhmmm lets try a few possibilities using a few of the people here , Paulo List ? Bapu List ? Strummer List ? Sheens List ? Kenny List ? Notes Norton List ? It seems none of these Lists sound like a good fit .. OK One last one , Shanes List ? Whoa that one has some girth and balls ..... Yeah I know that metaphor was corny but I had a good time letting it play out in my mind ... Congratulations on having a start yet please forgive me for asking this ....What only one Alembic ? Which musicians are you talking about ? The Bands that use 10 to 20 tractor trailers to get to each gig in a new town or the players that can't afford to have a guitar tech in the wings tuning and restringing the guitars behind the scenes ... Yeah that seems to be the typical MO ...Also why do some of these dentists have to wear cargo shorts on stage when they are pretending to be Slumming It at The Local Blues Jam . Anyway here's a real guitar player that brought 2 guitars to the gig ? I already have done that and I can tell you even if you do that your chops can become a use it or loose it type of thing ...It's sort of like being an athlete , while you are young and strong you can maintain it ...as your focus shifts and you delve into other areas the sharp blade looses the edge over time . Now it is entirely possible to go back and reach a comfortable plateau where you had a decent amount of command over your playing . The thing is that is like trying to go back and keep the creative energy frozen in a state .For a person to grow they need to accept and be grateful for what they do have now in any given moment of time no matter how much , little , or different that it is now compared to how it was then ...( I have literally forgotten how to play decades worth of music I once could play effortlessly ...now I would have to relearn it and practice it all over. ) I did then I found booze and drugs ? Ah Yes ! 1972 ...the girls were loose , the music was tight and everything was alright ..( or so it seemed ) Yep ...that can work ! Yeah mine are too and I may have to come up with a plan of action because I can't wear a mask forever ... that it for now , Kenny
  2. Sure in the past a couple of my non musical hobby's involved motorcycles , high end bicycles , Martial arts and a few other things I won't mention . Yeah I forgot about some of the things you mentioned . thanks for sharing . Hey Craig is this one of your current or former guitars ? https://portland.craigslist.org/clk/msg/d/vancouver-gorgeous-and-playable/7429278465.html Wait until you decide you want to have multiple guitars and bass's in groups of the same model with the only main difference being the color of the guitar/ bass or the pick ups and electronics . You can believe me when I tell you this is something I do and still know well ? ? Need has never been a "criteria" for me . I have always treated all my musical instrument purchases as personal rewards . Kenny
  3. When in doubt about what type of song you need to write , Use this list to pick a New Genre of Music ? Kenny
  4. We know you need some one ... Kenny
  5. Hey ! what's up with the dude on the Pink floating device ? ? Kenny
  6. Thank you for the kind word ! I appreciate it. In thought it was just around here ,. Now it's everywhere .... From what I have seen around here with your posts and some of your pictures , I think you and I live totally different life's ... There are some great things about what's going on . I made my choices , I live with them , I can put one foot in front of the other . I'm also free to made other choices. Nice talking with you . Kenny
  7. During an average 24 hour day I think a lot about the gear I want to get more than I think about playing the gear I already have . It's insidious man ? YES ! I want to live long , prosper , and be super creative and all but the truth is I feel more like an old Gray Rodent on a hamster wheel going through the motions of trying to play catch up with an impossible acquisition standard that is way above my current pay grade . Over time , It seems as if I willingly consented to letting all the opinions posted on music forums and the music gear company web sites brainwash my gluteus maximus into feeling that I'm less than others if I can't keep up with all the online buying activities of the Smith's and the Jones's ... How on Earth did I let this happen too me ? Kenny
  8. I read Dante's Inferno when I was young and too broke to afford drugs Dante's Inferno is not a religious work even though there may be an occasional reference . Dante's Inferno is a Classic Literary Masterpiece ... In this video the story starts around the 4 min mark. PS I may need drugs just to understand some of this story now that I'm older ? Kenny
  9. Virgil 's Spoken Oratory on the third Terrace ( Wrath ) Kenny
  10. Every time I read your post I hear the words you said and see this face ? Kenny
  11. I'll tell you what ! I think I will eat that clam a lot quicker than I will eat this one ... This clam is called The Geoduck .... Kenny
  12. Yes ! it seems that approach also rings true for me . At least you got a wife . I can't even get a date. My wallet is not half the man he used to be after jumping all in during my last deals thread . Thankfully my wallet survived to tell the tale . Here he is leaving The Hospital . After all these years of trying to practice self control I am finally having my shot at actually becoming a self made hundred-aire . +1 ?? ? all the best , Kenny
  13. Thread Starter ! No speak with forked tongue ...He meant what he said in the first place ! Not like Paleface with Iron Horse who make treaty , break treaty and come to take my Alembic ! Kenny
  14. Exactly the type of art work and posters Rain used to post ? Cool stuff ! Kenny
  15. The Old Forum The New Forum Censorship ?? they will probably ban me for using the flipping the bird smileys I got here on this forum Kenny
  16. You keep "trying " I'll give you that...Have you heard this one ? Some Legends are better off left unspoken ? The Cats out of the bag & there's nothing for you to regret . You did what you had to do .? Yes Steve ! I'm Retired now . I was no longer getting the call to service The Kitty at the Kitty Cat Outback ! The bulk of "my dancing income " was from tips . Once that revenue stream dried up , I was forced into having to hang up my Speedo . all the best Kenny
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