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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. Say! aren't you fellas the three Mr Magoo's that tried so hard to shovel your cars out of the snow ? IIRC , I came along with my nice new shiny snowplow and I repacked all the snow you had shoveled back onto your cars ,. I had a lot of fun that day and I sure hope to see you guys again next year . Kenny
  2. Well put Dave ! I couldn't have said it better . Yes , these types of weather occurrences seem to bring up more questions than answers ... ? OK you heard it here first . Lets all chip in and buy Dave a shovel so it won't snow here any more ... Yes , that 115 day we had last year was totally freaky ....I stayed indoors w the pooch , we toughed it out as best we could all the best, Kenny
  3. I want to move to someplace where they don't get snow . Then I can lay up in the hammock , eat a few bon bons and watch the wife mow the lawn . Kenny
  4. I have no other way of putting this other than the way I'm gonna put it this way now ? Back in the day in American history there was a phenomenon called the Gold Rush ...People from all stations and walks of life hung all their dreams and hopes on striking it Rich . Most folks even went as far as adopting the viewpoint of them being the exception to the rule ... BTW never underestimate the power of an Idea no matter how right or wrong it may be ? ...now back to my story It's not like the grass wasn't green on their side of the lawn where they stood the thing is the promise of fame , gold and riches even if only in a fantasy form made the allure of finding gold on the other side of the lawn a temptation one could not ignore . Now what actually happened in the gold rush back then is repeating itself in today's times with only a slight twist of the plot .The people that went out to strike gold back then needed supply's and all the proper tools to be able to mine gold successfully . What eventually happened was a greater percentage of people lost everything and went bust .. The people and business's that had the least amount of risk were able to thrive and succeed only because they were outfitting the potential gold miners and performing the essential services and providing for a fee the food , the supplies , the tools , transportation , the livestock , the lodging , the tents , and any and all forms of things that people needed to mine successfully ..... In short and in many cases the miners crashed and burned . Often they may have lost everything due to a multitude of circumstances beyond the scope of this post .. Ex a couple as a tease ,,,,,they may have Ran out of money , supplies , picked a bad place to mine , caught the cooties while having a drunken Saturday night poke with a dance girl with a questionable client roster ...some could have lost their stake in a crooked card game or any other number of possible misfortunes ...those were dangerous times back then . A fella could have gone out to take a poop and got mauled by a bear ... Now some of you may be asking .......Hey Kenny ! what does any of this have to do with today's music business ? Being a musician and trying to strike out on your own and make it in the music business today is pretty much the same mountain to climb as being a gold miner from back then during the gold rush . In spite of all the evidence against personal success and the achievement of possibly having created a successful music career one comes face to face with a parallel dilemma just as what the miner faced . People going for music may underestimate just like the miners did concerning the level of hardship they may have to endure just to keep on keeping on .... Then you have the terminal uniqueness and entitlement that one can only apply to oneself ....meaning all the bad stuff is gonna happen to the other guy but not me because I'm gonna skate my way through this whole ordeal unscathed ...WHY ? ...because I'm me and your you .... don't you know I'm the Big I and your the little u .... Next we have "The Machine" ...everybody out there is trying to sell me the magic plug , the magic guitar and amp , A subscription of video lessons on how to use a DAW ect ect... OK now this is not much different than all the people that supplied the miners yet there is one key difference I constantly run across and but my head against . It's OK to provide a service but don't try to tell me how to do Brain Surgery if you never went to Medical School . Yeah you heard me .... Don't tell me how to write a hit song if you never wrote one or played on one . Yet on u tube every body is an expert .....I need waterproof boots that go up to my eyeballs when I watch some things over there. I have also noticed that many people have traded in writing songs and all the work that goes into mastering their musical instrument over into trying to gain in popularity first ....and all the other stuff like hard work has magically become secondary .... Now if one one wants to be successful in music , sure they may need to be popular to reach a greater audience the thing is they also need to have the GOODS Fake it till you make it is OK to get your foot in the door but I don't know how many times I have witnessed someone online trying to sell me a bill of musical goods that were based on all half truths . I bought , sold and played Vintage guitars and amps up until the mid 80's ....I look online sometimes to see how much some of the stuff I played is going for ....a great percentage of the guitars are high 30 to 40 grand ....now if you looked me dead in the eye I could honestly tell you that some of the new stuff may not have the legend of Camelots story behind it yet the new stuff is fantastic . I have guitars now that only cost me a few hundred that beat the pant's out of some of those vintage Fenders and various guitar brands I used to play . I have even had people try to tell me what I need to do to play like so and so .....Let me just put it to you this way ....more often that not I will not tell them I was friends with so and so and I used to jam with them for years ....Now a few of them have passed on over to the other side . I want to honor and cherish the times we had together. Out of respect for them and what they taught me I don't want to drop names because I don't want them rolling around in their graves ....You see back then when I was friends with them I was what's happening ...now that time has passed and I'm not sure if I even weathered the storm so with the passage of time it's more like What Happened ? Now I am aware the my metaphoric example may not jive with some folks around here I'm OK with it ....I will close this rant with one fast simple tool I like to use that helps me laugh at myself and some of my grandiose expectations of my place in the music businesses .... I call it my letter to Dear Abby ...... Dear Abby , Hello my name is Kenny and I am about to become 40 years old next month ? I am struggling with how to become a professional musician . I have been studying and playing the guitar all my life , and it is not true when they say when one door closes another door opens ...not even a window opens from what I can tell so far ....I am asking for your help because I may be missing something over here . Also , I have never been married and I live with a dog ....? what should I do ? ..........all the rest of this letter is for my eyes only ........the point is to be able to shine a light on some of these old ideas and attitudes ...... in a best case scenario my goal is to be as truthful as possible ........and hopefully get a look and be able to release some of my old stinking thinking ... for the record that's a hard one for me yet humor seems to be the tool that seems to help release the pain the most .... Signed Kenny ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Dear Kenny , Please seek help soon ...I can assure you you will not want to be in your mid 60's alone living with a dog and finding yourself still struggling with some of these issues ..Yadayada yada yada have you considered going back to school ? yada yada yada .....maybe you can take up printing and learn how to recreate a passable 50 dollar bill Yayda yada ydadddaaa ...see I told you about karma ...yada yada yada all women like men that have money ......yada yadadadadad yada .... I sincerely wish you the best in your journey Abby Aye !Aye! Aye ! Life can sure be hard . Even the experts can be full of it ... I need to play some guitar because it always makes me feel good ,,,ding ding ding ding ding ...we have a winner ..what a great reason to play music . Kenny
  5. It seems the snow has cleared up around here in my part of town . Already the weather folks are talking about another round of snow possibly starting tonight. I did learn something new today when I heard a weather man say a phrase that included " Spring Winter Weather " as a description in his forecast . Must be a new thing huh ? A few fellas here mentioned they were from states that got a lot of snow . New York State where I'm from held its own in that regard . We got a decent amount of snow and although the volume trialed by comparison to a couple of states mentioned , it wasn't by as much as one would think . I remember the first time I considered taking an Anger Management Class .I was out in the cold wet snow shoveling my car for about 3 and a half hours . I was feeling strong too man , I had even broken a nice hot sweat and I figured I only had about 20 mins of work left to shovel and my car would be fee and out of the snow . Out of nowhere came a large N.Y.C. Snowplow heading right at me . I started waving my arms frantically thinking he would go around me . No such luck , he held the line and I wound up getting out of his way . Literally in the span of seconds the snowplow packed enough snow back into my car to the point where it even went above my cars roof . ? Kenny
  6. Am I hurt about this situation ? Of course I am ! She don't call , she don't write , and she don't send me no flowers .I'm even afraid to leave my house now because I feel like I have been walked all over and I can't handle all the public scrutiny . Kenny
  7. New Product for 2022. Spam flavor Soylent Green Kenny
  8. Woah ! it looks like a few somebody's around these parts have taken a long hard beating to the head with the ugly stick ! It was only in the last 10 seconds of the fight during the 15 Th round when the guy in the top pic was finally able to wrestle it away ... Exhibit A , Exhibit B , I don't know which of these two is uglier. Exhibit A ? or Exhibit B? It seems Ole Bubba Skinner ! has finally seen and heard it all . Kenny
  9. Drum roll for Craig Ah Yes ! Big Girl Central ! If you happen to see the sign for my Vancouver on I 5 , you just stay on I 5 North and keep going until you hit The Vancouver everybody want's to go to. What ! Your Recording all the music ? to a ***** Film ? with Big Red ?‍? and Sexy Sadie ?‍♀️ In a Prius ? Without Chains or a Cowbell ? Security! apprehend that man and revoke his man card for Life ? Yeah it's about that time for most of us around here because I do get the distinct feeling we all may need a new friend Kenny
  10. Your pic reminds me of a friend of mine I used to hang out with when I lived in LA ... He played a 6 thousand dollar Paul Reed Smith , had a lovely wife of 30 years and drove a Mercedes Kompressor convertible ....He used to hound me to go with him to the local Blues Jams all the time ? what a pair we made ,,I barely had two nickles to rub together , did all my food shopping w food stamps and I couldn't afford guitar strings ....I guess he liked slumming it when he hung out with me .....It must have given him some sort of Blues Street Cred . Kenny
  11. I do understand what you are talking about as far as the body needing fat in the diet to maintain a fine tuned metabolism . Kenny
  12. Milo loves the snow , I'm probably gonna end up getting him out there for a while things are still fresh and playing with him .... When I walked Milo at 5 30 AM we were the first to make footprints in the snow . An hour later they were totally covered over as if we never set foot out there . It seems to be coming down harder now that it did before .Thankfully the errands I was so posed to do today can be put off a day or two until the road and things clear up. Kenny
  13. Here's another view ....It seems a little dark out there still. Kenny
  14. ?It's still snowing out here where I live so here's the snowfall in my area of town so far ... BTW it looks like I took B & W pictures ....LOL they are in color .... Kenny
  15. Classic Yodeling Performance sung by Yoda Layheehoo. Kenny
  16. Becan for flavor ? yeah sure it's OK, but it's a one trick pony ....I mean pig .... the secret to great flavor in your cooking is to use smoked ham hocks instead ? Kenny
  17. Wow ! that sounds like a sure fire way to get from a 34 inch waist to a 44 inch waist in no time at all ..? Kenny
  18. I had to look that one up . Sounds delicious ! Kenny
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