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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. Such an expensive mic? I feel for you, man. I've been there. I've been so broke I couldn't even pay attention. So, I ain't just some rich white guy trying to spend all your money for you but that doesn't change the facts. Those USB microphones are suitable for podcasting but not much else. And, sorry to say, some of those Amazon cheapies not even for that. You can easily get a usable microphone off of eBay for under $100 without even trying. If you look hard, substantially less. A good Focusrite can be had for about the same. Good ASIO drivers are imperative to getting low latency. Good ASIO drivers are only supplied by the equipment manufacturer. I know that might seem like a lot, but getting quality ends up saving you money (and frustration) in the long run. Not having much money makes it all the more imperative to do a lot of research and spend your money wisely, getting the right stuff from the beginning. Buy once, cry once.
  2. I've never had any problems with GC, either.
  3. You need to deselect the other inputs first. But you should really get a real audio interface and a real microphone and skip the headaches you're going to experience.
  4. Modern manufacturing being what it is, unless you are buying an actual custom guitar that is actually hand made by an actual luthier, one is the same as the next one.
  5. Some good contact cleaner like Deoxit might fix things.
  6. Why not just get a proper sustain pedal and make it easy?
  7. Stay away from any 32 bit stuff, hobbyist plugins unless they have a following* and abandonware and you will avoid many issues. * Full Bucket makes some awesome instruments (mostly Korg emulations) that surpass some paid stuff. There are two threads elsewhere filled with good stuff.
  8. I would stay away from gimmicks like the light up keys because they can easily become crutches that actually end up being an impediment to learning. Also, if piano is what you want to learn, be sure to get something with weighted piano action keys. The playing experience is very different.
  9. Casio makes exactly what you're asking for.
  10. Really, you snowflakes have no idea what rude is. Pathological is Social Justice Warriors like you two following some guy around the forum trying to police his activity and protect people who never asked for your help from imagined harm. Joe here ( the OP) is a grown man and if he thinks I am being too harsh I think he can presumably stand up for himself. You and your pal John B need to get some of your own damn business and go mind it. If I or anyone else is out of line, this forum does have moderators for that. And y'all ain't them. If my comments bother you that much, be an adult and skip over them. I'm not going to let Snowflake SJWs silence me. It is quite obvious to me that neither of y'all has ever worked in a field where mistakes and incompetence can get people killed. Fiddle-f**k around there without learning anything and see how people talk to you.
  11. What workaround? There's no workaround. The project ends where the data ends. That's the cause. Every time this happens it is because there is data beyond where you think the end of the song is. And every time you delete that, you fix it. It really isn't that difficult to understand. If the music ends at measure 100 but you have a CC event or automation node at measure 200, guess what. Your project ends at measure 200.
  12. Glad I could help. I guess you should change your thumb down...
  13. Oh, dear me. That breaks my heart. I think I'm gonna need some f***ing trauma counseling or some s**t.
  14. If my manner gives you the vapors so bad, you can always put me on your ignore list and go back to pretending the whole world is sunshine and rainbows and unicorns.... In the meantime, since you're so gung-ho and all about massaging people's poor little feelings you could at least have enough respect to spell their names correctly.
  15. First off, neither of those are Cakewalk plugins. So you'd have to ask their respective developers.
  16. Audio snap is rather iffy in the first place but it works better on smaller clips. Even at that, it takes a lot of manual work to get decent results. Thinking you can just slap it on and it is like waving a magic wand is disappointment in the making.
  17. I'm more than happy to point people to resources where they can find the answers they need. That is what real help is rather than spoon feeding them. Teaching how to catch fish rather than just handing them out. You can't help people who won't be helped. This is at least the third thread from the OP on the exact same self-imposed "issue." Much extremely helpful advice has been given and apparently ignored. He's been pointed to John Vere and Creative Sauce's extremely clear and concise tutorials by more than one person. Including me. Both explain things so well and so clearly that even my technophobe wife who hates computers and has nowhere near the software experience this guy claims caught on immediately. If you can't get it between the two of those guys then there really doesn't seem to be much hope...
  18. Irrelevant. That's certainly enough time to get practiced up.... I'll put money on there being nothing at all wrong with your singing voice and you're just overly critical and have unrealistic expectations of an inhuman level of perfection.
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