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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. I could kick myself for ditching all my LPs back when. Had some good stuff. Fortunately, I was smarter about my guitar amps and my film cameras.
  2. "Lifetime upgrades" doesn't mean your lifetime. Never mind that the company who offered that ceased to exist in 2017.
  3. Why is it so hard to understand that lifetime upgrades doesn't mean your lifetime? Why is it so hard to understand that the new owners didn't make that commitment? Go cry to the company that did. Oh, wait ... So in other words, BandLab has bent over backwards in demonstrating goodwill even though they have no obligation to do that. Not very clear thinking. I'm really disappointed, man. I thought you were a lot smarter than this but you're sounding just like all the other entitlement-mentality crybabies who can't let it go.
  4. Your feelings don't change the fact that Cakewalk is FAR more advanced than Ardour. Ardour is a toy compared to CW. Whatever. Your comments demonstrate that you have no idea what CW is capable of.
  5. I got news for you, Sparky: you don't own software. Any software. At all. Ever. You are granted a license to use it. Said license may or may not involve a financial transaction.
  6. That's the problem right there. Those guitar USB cables are unusable garbage. The only possible thing they might be good for is strangling a chicken for the dinner table. Maybe.
  7. So let me get this straight: we don't want to use technology because a) there are some idiots out there who don't know how to service it properly and b) there are idiots out there who push it beyond its design limitations. That sure makes a lot of sense. ABS is supposed to be there for an additional measure of safety on top of driving sensibly. Not so assholes can go driving around recklessly and with a careless disregard for their own safety and that of others.
  8. Cakewalk does use ASIO. In fact, it is recommended. You just don't have a real ASIO driver. You need to get a real audio interface.
  9. You don't read the manual cover to cover like it is a novel or something. You just look up what you need.
  10. I hope it does list at $499. Might weed out some of the crowd who are shocked and upset to hear that recording takes an actual expenditure of time, money and effort. Won't do anything about the crybabies with an entitlement mentality who are still sniveling about what they are "owed." They'd still bitch and moan if it was $1.
  11. That's their own damn fault. Who told them to get all wound around the axle about things they have no control over and that haven't even been decided yet?
  12. Who cares whether you have any use for it or not. Many people do. Again, who cares whether you have any use for it or not. Many people do. Yet again, who cares? That is your own choice. That may not be other people's choice.
  13. Nobody needs all the features. Nobody needs all the features. Your statement here is a Reductio ad Absurdum. That and you're trying to move the goalposts. We also never hear back from these people who get frustrated and jump ship. Never get to hear about the issues they run into over in those allegedly greener pastures. I'm sure my experience is not unique but the list of features I don't use is much longer than the list of ones I do. However, there are features not available in entry level products that really make life easier. For me, the value of all that extra money is in those features I do use that are not to be found outside the full product as well as in not hitting that wall where suddenly you can't accomplish what you want to do because of a missing feature. Like my other expensive hobby. Nobody needs a full featured camera; you can take perfectly good pictures with your phone. But when you can choose lenses with different focal lengths it opens a whole new world to you. When you can focus on what you want instead of what the camera decides, it opens a whole new world to you. When you can choose the aperture and/ or shutter speed you want to get the specific effect you want, it opens a whole new world to you. Just getting by is suboptimal.
  14. Wrong. There was SONAR Home Studio, Artist, Studio and Platinum. Platinum had many more features, not just more plugins. https://gaga.cakewalk.com/Products/SONAR/Versions#start You're right about the price. It wasn't $500, it was $499. https://gaga.cakewalk.com/Products/SONAR/Buy-Now/SONAR-Platinum#start
  15. That's kind of like how Pro Tools is the industry standard. Pro Tools is only the industry standard because it's the industry standard, not because it's any better than anything else. I get a real kick out of how every time they come out with a new version they trumpet the great new features. Features that every other DAW on the planet has had for years.
  16. Byron Dickens


    Black Sabbath and their radical tempo changes didn't need no stinkin' Audiosnap! Of course, they did it on purpose.
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