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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. Cakewalk is massively overkill for what you're doing but check out these tutorials:
  2. Acoustic panels are NOT soundproofing. Actual soundproofing is a little completely different thing and way more expensive.
  3. I thought you could listen to any bus you wanted .
  4. Yes, and you're not going to like it. You need to get a proper audio interface that has a proper ASIO driver. Which will necessitate getting a proper microphone. Yep. You're going to have to spend some money. There just isn't a good way around it. Focusrite interfaces come highly recommended and really aren't that much. Especially if you can find a used one on eBay that someone is selling because they upgraded to something with more inputs.
  5. That's a fabulous resource. When I was looking to upgrade my crashes I found I had a very slight preference for the 2002s although the PST7s were a really close second for much less money. I couldn't really decide so I got my wife to listen. She said go for the 2002s. Such an enabler. I ended up finding used 16" and 18" ones through GC for just over $300 for the both! I'm not really a drummer either but I can bash around and make lots of noise. In time, too. If you can swing the cost and the space, the very basics are pretty easy.
  6. Hello, 911? Need an ambulance to Bapu's house right away!
  7. I have a Sabian HH Raw Bell Dry ride that retailed for less than 1/4 of that that I got off of eBay for $150. It too is amazing. I have a mid - late '60s Zildjian Avedis ride that is not half bad either.
  8. @DeeringAmps Thanks. There has been such a rash of snowflakes around here lately that it is refreshing to see someone who will spar without wetting his panties. I think you and I are from different eras and are therefore after different things. Glorious as it is, the dimed Plexi pushing low powered speakers is not the sound I'm after. The 2204, as I'm sure you know, is a much higher gain amp. To me, it sounds way better backed off a little. Past around 7 - 7 1/2 on the preamp volume and notes start to loose definition and clarity. Somewhere just before 8 is where the power amp starts to saturare and compress and much past that it starts to get spongy and loose in the low end. Speaker distortion is not much my thing either. Crazy how this brouhaha started because I made an offhand comment about not liking to scroll through presets in response to someone claiming something to the effect that captures are so much better than sims. I don't know why it still does, because I suppose I should be used to it by now, but it absolutely befuddles me that some people take it as a personal attack whenever someone disagrees with or questions their own approach and go all monkey brain and act butthurt.
  9. #1: A JMP 2204 is not a Plexi. It is a master volume amp and relatively little of the tone comes from the power section. #2: "The problem with an attenuator is you take the speaker out of the equation?" What the hell are you talking about? The power attenuator goes between the amp and the speaker. #3: Excursion? You mean the speaker moving? Funny, nobody complains about a lack of that with small 20, 15 or 5 watt amps. #4: Compromised tone? Ever heard of the Fletcher-Munson curves? What do you think happens to all this "tone" out of that 120db + cranked monster when you record it and play it back at reasonable volumes? That's not "compromised tone," that's physics. Which brings us to #5: Not only does no one in the audience know or care, all you golden-eared wonder boys who swear you can tell the difference between real amps, sims and captures fall apart when confronted with science. You know, like blind tests and eliminating variables.... You get bigger variations in tone by moving the microphone a fraction of an inch.
  10. Whatever. I have a 1979 Marshall JMP Mk II 50w Master Lead sitting in my room. I get what I want with the flick of a switch Or I can plug into the afforementioned Marshall 2204....
  11. I couldn't care less about scrolling through other people's presets for hours trying to find something that sounds almost right....
  12. Eat them or something? Seriously! I'm looking for stuff on eBay and just about everything that has a really good price on it is missing the power supply. WTF, people? When you stuffed that gizmo in the closet 10 years ago, how hard would it have been to stick the power supply in there with it? I'm not exactly what anyone would call a neat freak but I have yet to misplace the power supply for anything.
  13. Just put the work in and learn something.... https://www.amazon.com/Mixing-Engineers-Handbook-5th/dp/1946837121
  14. You have to select the unwanted MIDI CC events and delete them. only hides that lane.
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