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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. Real amps or sims, doesn't matter. The principle is the same.
  2. Practice your singing technique. You'll have much less fixing to do.
  3. Get a real audio interface with real drivers for it. ASIO4ALL is nothing but problems and bluetooth is too slow for realtime audio.
  4. Betcha your problem vanishes when you ditch that junk cable for a real audio interface.
  5. The easiest way to make a million dollars as a musician is to start with two million.
  6. Coming back around. A is for Anthrax
  7. Skipping ahead a bit: R is for Rush S is for Soundgarden RIP Neil Peart. RIP Chris Cornell
  8. You didn't make that clear before. That sounds like too much latency. You probably need to adjust those settings. Also, like John says, you should always have the sync set to audio.
  9. Playing Devil's advocate, "professional" just means they got paid do do something, not that they're necessarily any good at it.
  10. Lots of people make lots of videos wherein they say lots of things. In real life, sounds don't come to you only from the far left and far right. Think about that.
  11. In order for a track to be stereo, you have to record it from two different locations.
  12. At some point in pursuing a technical endeavor, one needs to familiarize oneself with the technical language (ie: jargon) thereof in order to be able to communicate effectively.
  13. I don't know what you're getting so wound up about. You want a lyric sheet with the chords written in above the words at the right time. So take a lyric sheet and write the chords in above the words at the right time. Simple. Problem solved.
  14. That's the idea, but not quite what I was looking for. What I am really after is this: SayI have a chord progression written out in 4 part harmony, all on one track. I would like to be able to split it and put S A T B each on their own track. This CAL splits each different pitch onto its own track. I'm trying to split each voice, if that makes more sense.
  15. It sounds to me like you just want to bitch about IK Multimedia. Seriously, if they bother you that much, USE ANOTHER VENDOR'S PRODUCTS INSTEAD! They don't have anything you can't get somewhere else. Nor are they the only vendor with policies some may find inconvenient at times. As far as: Ever consider, oh, I don't know, maybe SUBMITTING A SUPPORT TICKET AND SEEING IF THEY CAN HELP?
  16. It's brain-dead simple. Just type the chord names in above the lyrics like you just did. You're way overthinking this.
  17. With approximately 353,000 different LA-2A emulations out there, it might not be worth the effort.
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