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Bill Phillips

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Everything posted by Bill Phillips

  1. Sorry @David Baay. I guess I misunderstood. I have my answer which I stated in my previous post and you helped me find it. For that I'm grateful.
  2. Thanks for the analysis. But, the default range interpretation applying only to tracks added is news to me and counter to my own experience. My experience indicates that changing meter options including display range under Meter Options in Track View affects all existing track meter ranges not just any tracks added after the change. So I don't believe that it is possible to change Meter Options without the changes affecting meters for all existing tracks. However, given other issues I've had with Workspaces, I suspect it's possible, but unintended, that changing Workspaces for an existing project could change Meter Options indications without actually changing the meter ranges of the tracks in the project to which the Workspace change was applied, or vise versa. If true, I think this is an unintended consequence, or in other words a bug. In either case, the workaround is relatively painless changing meter display range and then changing it back to intended range will sync the meter display range selection with the actual displayed meter range.
  3. Nope, didn't do that. As my screenshot shows I verified the setting being different than the meter scale range for several tracks. Didn't use a template, but I have been using and having problems with Workspaces which I've posted a separate question on. I'm thinking that Workspaces have some difficult to discover/modify features.
  4. @David Baay, thanks. Yes, selecting -24dB display range and then reselecting -42dB solved the problem. The OP was posted to report the anomaly shown in the attached screenshot. As shown in the screenshot, playback meters were set to -42dB but operating at -60dB. I would have submitted it as a bug report but I can never seem to figure out how to do that. I've been having some other problems using workspaces to manage display options and I suspect that this is another one.
  5. It didn't work. As the screenshot shows. -42dB is selected for Tracks but they're scaled to -60dB.
  6. This looks like a bug to me. Cakewalk is in Playback mode but Track View meter ranges are set to Record mode range. This is more of a potential bug report than a question. Should I have posted it somewhere else?
  7. Thanks @Nigel Mackay, For the 2020.04 update I installed the early release version and the final version and the final release versions. So I don't think that un-installing and re-installing is likely to help. Also, it's possible that this problem is related to the 2020.04 update. One of the problems I'm having is deciding if this is a bug or caused by my Workspaces setup. I haven't been able to find anything in my Workspace setups that looks to me like a potential cause.
  8. I still haven't solved this problem, and would appreciate any assistance. If the question isn't clear please replay with a request for clarification. Here are some additional details: 1. I'm unable to un-tick "Set as Default Height" and it doesn't seem to set a track height used when the "Restore Strip" button is pushed for a track. This appears to be true even for the Workspace "None" selection. I don't think I've ever understood this setting though I do seem to find a way to randomly set default track heights from time to time. I just don't know how. 2. "Auto Zoom" seems to work fine for the "None" Workspace setting but not the custom one I'm using right now, but I can't determine why. For my custom workspace, the "Restore" and "Minimize" Strip buttons disappear when "Auto Zoom" is ticked. But, when I drag expand the selected track, and then select another track both tracks drop back to minimum height. I can't find a reason. I've un-ticked "Theme" and "Display Settings" boxes under "Manage Workspaces." 3. "Lock Height" seems to work fine. 4. I searched both the 25 09 00 PDF manual and the online documentation. BTW, the "SHIFT + Z" "Auto Zoom" toggle doesn't seem to work. That's not a problem for me, but I noticed it's in the 25 09 00 PDF manual.
  9. Auto (track height) Zoom is not working in any of my workspaces. If I switch to Workspace "none" and some of the default workspaces, it does seem to work. What setting in my workspaces disables Auto Zoom? I've searched and can't find it. Is Auto Zoom affected by the Set as Default Height tick box in the track right-click dropdown? If so, that could be the problem. I've never completely understood what Set as Default Height does. I've never found a way to get tracks to move to the default height. And now I find that once I tick Set as Default Height, it's ticked. I can't un-tick it. This behavior seems to be independent of workspace selection. Any idea what's going on here?
  10. @Nigel Mackay thanks. Useful analogies
  11. @User 905133 & @wunderbier thank you. Your comments help. My problem is I haven't used screensets for a long time, can't remember when if ever. I've been using Workspaces since Lenses were replaced by Worksapces. I'm now experimenting to see if Screensets and Workspaces can be complementary. I've made some progress. I now have Screenset 01 set to show my Mix Edit project view I see when it opens and the Workspace is still Mix Edit 1 which is the work space I'm using. So I renamed Screenset 01 to Mix Edit Home. To save additional screensets it looks like I need to first duplicate my Mix Edit Home screenset, then make changes to another mix edit view and save that as the next screenset and so on. All the time my workspace is Mix Edit 1 which also includes default screen settings. Seems like overlapping not mutually exclusive. I'm still confused, but making progress I think.
  12. Are Screensets and Workspaces mutually exclusive? It appears that I can either use Screensets or Workspaces but not both in the same project. I'd stopped using Screensets and have setup several Workspaces for mixing and editing. Today I decided to investigate adding Screensets to the mix and am confused. When I open the project I'm working on it opens in the workspace I saved it with which is good. No Screenset is shown at startup since I haven't been using them. What I wanted to do is save the view I have as Screenset 01, but there's no way to save a Screenset. When I open Screenset 1 it opens the default screenset 01 which I don't want. So I re-open my workspace which blanks the screenset display. I've read through a number of the existing discussions on this topic and didn't find an answer.
  13. For me the problem with the online documentation is the lack of a way to search it. The PDF document is easy to search which is the way I use it. When I'm having a problem, am confused, or can't remember something (i.e. most of the time), I look it up using search.
  14. Yes, but folder options don't affect auto-discovery which determines column headings. It appears, that nothing short of the registry edit @Kevin Perry proposed will do that. Even after I change the column headings for a folder, auto-discovery will revise them if I copy that folder.
  15. @pwalpwal, thanks. Where's the "apply to all folders" option? Also is there a way to undo it?
  16. Thanks @Kevin Perry That's the answer. However, I suspect the "consequences" would be more annoying than the one I have now. I tried creating a project audio folder template and included a wav file to hopefully maintain the column format. No luck. When I pasted the manually formatted folder to another location, auto discovery re-formatted it. No luck. Microsoft needs to add a "custom folder types" option. I'm not holding my breath.
  17. Has anyone found a way to set up custom file explorer column headings sets like those shown in the bottom screenshot? By default, File Explorer selects column headings appropriate for published songs for .wav files. See top screenshot. Any suggestions?
  18. I immediately added the Arranger Track to the project I'm working on and am using it to navigate as I mix. Love it so far. Very useful.
  19. @scook I think I'm missing something. My understanding is that when two audio interface mono inputs are recorded as a stereo track, two tracks are actually recorded just as if each input was recorded as an independent mono track. The difference is that the two tracks are placed in a single file allowing them processed as a single stereo channel. Visually, the top (left) trace in track view represents the odd numbered audio interface input and the bottom (right) trace represents the even numbered input. So, if I later decide that I want to process the two unaltered inputs independently as mono tracks bouncing them to split mono will simply separate the combined tracks into the mono tracks recorded. Is that not true? If the split mono tracks are different, how are they different from the two mono signals recorded?
  20. Another option is to export the stereo track as split mono and then add the mono tracks into the project.
  21. Is there a way to copy/paste track automation in a track without a clip? I don't think so, but wanted to be sure. See the screenshot. The track with the automation has patchpoints for input and output, so no clip. The edit dialog opens but is grayed out.
  22. @scook you are correct. Thanks. Wish I'd figured it out. I don't have an Nvidia card but I do have a AMD card with a recently updated Radeon version 20.2.2 which, apparently by default, has a whole passel of hotkeys including Ctl+Shft+S an instant replay toggle. Since I don't do gaming I turned them all off along with most everything else with an on/off switch in settings. I guess I'll need to remember to do that each time I update the Radeon software. I always opt for the minimal feature set, but that's apparently no longer enough. Ctl+Shft+S is working again in CbB to initiate Save Copy As. Don't know how may other key bindings would have been affected but think I nipped it in the bud. I also, noticed that Ctl+Shft+S appears to trigger a cool page copy feature in my Firefox browser that apparently allows entire pages to be copied not just the visible portion which is something I've often wanted to do but never new how.
  23. Bill Phillips

    Instant Replay?

    What's "Instant Replay?" When I press Ctrl+Shft+S the "Instant Replay" dialog circled on the Control Bar in the second screenshot appears. I've never seen that before and couldn't find it in the Reference Guide. I've mapped Ctrl+Shft+S to "Save Copy As." See the first screenshot below. So I was expecting the "Save Copy As" dialog.
  24. Correct. Just tried it for clip automation. De-selecting the Event (clip) will deselect the clip automation for Copy Special, and the clip automation can not be selected without the clip in Paste Special.
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