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Bill Phillips

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Everything posted by Bill Phillips

  1. I'm not using Workspaces. None is ticked. So that's not the problem. However, the Windows 2004 update crashed my DAW PC. So I had to clean install 2004 and formatted the System drive while I was at it. Where are the default and user Key Bindings stored? If they are on the system drive mine are gone. Also, I keep most everything that's not installed by installers or stored in locations determined by programs on other drives to avoid losing things when the System Drive needs to be rebuilt. Is there any guidance on which folders to save periodically to avoid losing user settings, presets and etc? I understand that I'd need through the saved copies to copy and paste my user data, but that likely would be better than having to recreate them on the go.
  2. I think I'm noticing the same thing with the latest update, don't recall having this problem before the last update.
  3. Ok, these three steps from Positive Grid Support solved my problem. Both standalone and VST versions of BIAS_AMP2 are now working for me. Also looks like cloud based Documents backup could be a problem which isn't a problem for me. The only documents in my Documents folder are put there by software I install. 1). Rename the BIAS_AMP2 folder in Documents/PositiveGrid to "BIAS_AMP2 backup" 2). Delete BIAS AMP2.settings at Windows %APPDATA%\PositiveGrid\BIAS AMP2.settings APPDATA might be a hidden folder on your PC, please refer to the link below https://www.pcworld.com/article/2690709/windows/whats-in-the-hidden-windows-appdata-folder-and-how-to-find-it-if-you-need-it.html 3). Make sure all cloud-based services (Google Drive, One Drive, etc) are disabled for Documents folder & Desktop on your PC. From Dans Huang Positive Grid Support Check out our Help Center for more info: https://help.positivegrid.com/hc/en-us
  4. In my case, the stand alone version doesn't work either. The problem may not be related to the DAW at all. After 5-days haven't received a response from Positive Grid on standalone version.
  5. Good to know. I'll use that if I get a response.
  6. Thanks. I submitted a support request. Response was we don't support Cakewalk. I replied that the standalone version isn't working either and has nothing to do with Cakewalk. I'll advise if anything useful comes from this.
  7. Thanks. It didn't occur to me that an inserted link would present that way.
  8. @scook How do you create these popouts?
  9. Is anyone else having problems with BIAS_AMP2? I reinstalled using default folder locations which installed both the standalone and plugin versions. But the user interface never fleshes out. I'm using Cakewalk 2020.09 and Windows Pro 10 2004. BIAS_AMP2, BIAS_FX_2 and BIAS_FX were crashing Cakewalk and the standalone versions didn't install while I was using a custom VST folder location. Accepting the default location got all the standalone versions installed and BIAS_FX_2 and BIAS_FX VSTs working in Cakewalk. Thanks for any suggestions?
  10. Well this is embarrassing. I also posted this question on the KVR Audio Forum. One of the responders referred me to @scook responding to the same question from ME in October 2019. See quote below. Well @scook suggestion solved my problem this time too. So problem solved and face red. I did search for similar threads before posting this one. I just didn't go back far enough.? BTW, I see posts on this forum with reference previous posts embedded as popup objects all the time. How's that done. I used the quote below which is a lot less elegant.
  11. I've been using 14 of the MeldaProduction Free Plugins including MConvolutionEZ for a few months with no problems. My PC had a problem with the Windows 10 2004 update and I eventually did a clean Windows install including wiping, re-partitioning and re-formatting the system drive. When I re-installed my MeldaProduction Plugins all showed up except for MConvolutionEZ. The MConvolutionEZ dlls are in the correct VST3 and VST2 x64 folders right next to MCharmVerb. But MCharmVerb shows up, loads and works. MConvolutionEZ does not show up. (See attached screenshots) I get no errors in the VST Scan toast popup. I can manually rescan. Still no errors. And MConvolutionEZ does not show up in the excluded plugins. I haven't been able to come up with any additional troubleshooting ideas. I don't recall the last time I had this problem. So I'm stuck. Because the MeldaProduction installer is so easy to use. I've used it to delete all plugins and reinstall several times but nothing changes. I check the VST folders to verify that MConvolutionEZ disappears like all the rest and re-appears after the install. The dll is there but Cakewalk does not see it. I have similar problems with two of the hundreds of iZotope plug-ins I have but so far I'm thinking that problem is an iZotope Product Portal problem but I'm having trouble getting a response for iZotope probably because they're in the middle of a couple production suite upgrade rollouts. Any suggestions appreciated.
  12. Any chance of offering audio file name construct options for inclusion/exclusion? The default file naming is great and works well as long as your heads screwed on straight. Problem for me is that mine spends a lot of time cross-threaded. ?
  13. Thanks, but everybody contributed. And we're lucky to have @Noel Borthwickand the rest of the development and support team!
  14. That's the way it's been for me too. I kept thinking I was doing something wrong when it didn't work.
  15. I'll have to give it a look. My gut feeling is that there's too much that it doesn't remember.
  16. Many times I don't need to create a new project folder, the "Save Copy As" process creates a folder with the the project's name and places the project cwb and Audio folder in it. Audio files are prefixed with the new project name. I actually have a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + Shft + S) for "Save Copy As." Though I didn't say so, that's what I was using in the GIF in my OP. Unlike my experience documented in the OP GIF, the "Save Copy As" process just worked like a charm for me. So for now, I'm happy, but I'm pretty sure that there are some glitches in there somewhere. I use project folders and nest folders in that folder for recording, and mixing iterations. I know it's redundant but I tick "Copy all audio with project" for each of the mixes. To test, I sat up a new project folder in that format and saved a copy of the "recording" project which is in it's own folder to as the "mix-1" project in it's own folder. So worked like a charm. So I'm happy and will write of what happened in my OP to operator error. However, I've had enough strange things happen when using (what I think is) this procedure. So when I run into another anomaly, I'll submit a new GIF.
  17. Ditto. Just worked like a charm for me. I actually have a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + Shft + S) for "Save Copy As." Though I didn't say so, that's what I was using in the GIF in my OP. I use project folders and nest folders in that folder for recording, and mixing iterations. I know it's redundant but I tick "Copy all audio with project" for each of the mixes. So I sat up a new project in that format and saved a copy of the "recording" project which is in it's own folder to as the "mix-1" project in it's own folder. So worked like a charm. So I'm happy and will write of what happened in my OP to operator error. However, I've had enough strange things happen when using (what I think is) this procedure. So when I run into another anomaly, I'll submit a new GIF.
  18. Thanks. I use the first one a lot but not the second one. In the GIF I was creating a project including audio to a new folder. However that's not what happened. I've sense as @Starship Krupa suggested re-posted in the 2020.08 Feedback post and been advised that it's a known problem which will be resolved in due time which is fine with me. I have work-arounds.
  19. Thanks. No problem I can live with it. In my trial and error process I also ended up with some really strange audio file names. I'd changed the the source project folder name and the original source file name (before I changed it) was prefixed to all audio files. Not sure if it's a related problem or not.
  20. In the GIF below I'm trying to save a copy of a project as a new project in a separate folder. Trying to do that in the folder with the original project you can see that the new project will be in the same folder as the original project and that they will share an audio folder. However if I select the empty folder with the same name as the new project, a second folder with the same name as new project is created. I don't think this problem is associated with this update. I think it's been around for a while. Am I doing something wrong?
  21. @Gary Shore I'm a Melodyne beginner. So I don't have any ideas on the first part of the thread. I agree that render creates a "new clip." That's what "bounces" does, creates a new clip. Not sure that I'm ready for a Masterclass. I've watched a number of Melodyne videos and am still all thumbs. ?
  22. I think "render" bounces to a new clip and leaves the original clip as it is.
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