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Bill Phillips

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Everything posted by Bill Phillips

  1. FWIW, I used to use CCCleaner all the time but uninstalled it this year. Win10 doesn't like it and flags it as malicious software, IIRC. I always liked the idea that it identified hundreds of registry entries and with my permission deleted them with no noticeable impact on performance. But now, rightly or wrongly, I've grown more trusting of Win10 and am hoping that Win10 is taking care of the mess I used CCCleaner to clean up.
  2. Bill Phillips

    GPU Acceleration

    In my experience, Cakewalk doesn't present much of a graphics processing load and may not benefit much from graphics acceleration. But the iZotope production suite I use does causing dropouts at max buffer size anytime I opened to many iZotope plugins while mixing. I upgraded my graphics card to a AMD RX 580 (not latest model or very expensive but has considerable OpenGL capacity). AFAIK the OpenGL (graphics acceleration) capacity is only used when the calculation intensive iZotope plugins are open and updating graphic displays in real time. This made a big difference. Now I can have several iZotope plugins open at once while working at lower buffer sizes. If you have plugins that can use OpenGL, they should gobble the capacity of your 3090 when their displays are open.
  3. Not everybody will be familiar with command line programs. Do you use it? Will it work on Windows 10 2004 64-bit?
  4. The folks that have been responding to you understand the difference between fixed and floating point and they understand Cakewalk. That should be clear from their responses. In answer to your OP, they've also stated multiple times that Cakewalk has been capable of recording at 32 & 64 bit floating point since 2005. This link to Cakewalk Online Documentation lists recording bit depth options including 32 & 64 bit. At the time it was last updated no 32 bit audio interfaces existed. Looks like there is one now. This link explains 32 & 64 bit floating point recording capability. If you have a 32 bit floating point audio interface, set the Cakewalk record bit depth to 32 bit and record some audio and take a look at the recorded bit depth.
  5. Faulty cables are a common problem. Hardware tech support will often ask you to try different cables first. Thanks for the monitor recommendation.
  6. I'd like to know how this works out. I've been looking for a curved 3840x1200 as close to 40" as I can get. I have 36" between my monitors and a 40" curved monitor should fit. I have a AMD RX 580 video card which may solve the flakiness problem for me but I'd still like to know how you solve the problem.
  7. Thanks for explaining that. I don't recall ever seeing those. Thanks. I upgraded to M5. I'm a novice Melodyne user and only used M5 a little on one project so far but M5 seems a lot better integrated with Cakewalk and have a lot more features than M4.
  8. Sorry. I'm not at my DAW & don't think those .nff files have anything to do with Melodyne or Cakewalk. I use region FX which bounces clips to the project audio folder and, at least in my recent experience, places at least some of them in take lanes. I believe that when I decided to undo changes made and rendered using Melodyne, I muted the rendered clip and re-edited and rendered the recorded clip.
  9. It shouldn't be hard to find it will be in the same folder than the other project audio files. Also don't forget to look in take lanes.
  10. If it wasn't rendered the edited clip may have been deleted when it was closed. If it was not deleted it may be in a take lane. Otherwise I can usually identify them by name.
  11. If what you want to archive is a Cakewalk project (tracks including audio, midi, automation, FX, etc.), Save Copy As will do that. I added a keyboard shortcut CTRL-SHIFT-S for that.
  12. I don't know anything about AL but, in Cakewalk, dragging any track with a steady beat that follows the songs tempo to the timeline will generate a tempo map for the song. For details on that or other questions you might have, click the hamburger in the upper right corner, Cakewalk by Bandlab and then Reference Guide PDF.
  13. Thanks @scook. That's what I expected but wanted to verify. I'll give up on the VSL BBO for right now. I've gotten accustomed to iLok and hardly ever have a problem with it, but I don't want another one.
  14. I downloaded the free Vienna Symphonic Library Big Bang Orchestra. Is there any way to install their eLicenser Control on my existing iLok? I don't want to buy and maintain a second USB key system. Several weeks ago I sent a support request to the Vienna Symphony Library with the same question but never received a response.
  15. I'm not at my DAW right now but think I can get this right. Select all tracks that you want the plugin to load in (track numbers will be highlighted); pres and hold the CTRL key; while the CTRL key is held, select (left-click) the SSL E Channel plugin in the browser with your mouse and drag it to and release it in the FX bin of one of the highlighted tracks. Release the mouse and the CTRL key and watch.
  16. The plugins you're using and which ones you have open can make a big difference. Your graphics card could be the bottleneck. I had a similar problem and upgraded my graphics card to add OpenGL processing capacity. Now I can mix at lower buffer sizes and with a higher CPU load without dropouts. I use a lot of iZotope plugins that have very useful but processor intensive displays that use OpenGL for graphics processing. Turns out a lot of plugin and some DAW manufactures rely extensively on OpenGL but never mention it in their system recommendations. I like to have several iZotope plugins open at once while I'm tweaking a mix to adjust front to back placement, tonal balance and masking. When I'd do this I'd start getting dropouts, pops and clicks while my 6-core 12-thread CPU was cruising along at 10%-20% load. In fact, Pete Kaine of Scan helped me a lot in trouble shooting the problem in this thread on the SOS Forum. Since you have a Scan DAW, I'd recommend you talk to Pete.
  17. How does Cakewalk recommend that Cakewalk VST plugins be managed? I'm aware that the Advanced Install VST location option has been eliminated (greyed out). See Johathan Sasor's reply to a previous post below. I've updated that registry entry to point to my preferred Cakewalk VST plugin folder. So I think I've got that handled. But, I've noticed that Cakewalk is also installing a lot of VST plugins in two other folders: (c:\program files\Cakewalk\shared utilities\Internal and C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Plugins). So I'm ending up with two copies of a lot of plugins for ones I'd previously installed in my preferred Cakewalk VST plugin folder. Many of these were installed with SONAR Platinum and earlier versions as I'm a long time SONAR user. What I'm currently doing is excluding the duplicate plugins using the Plugin Manager. So far I've got 10 disabled VST2s. PS: Are the Softube plugins that were included in Platinum included in Cakewalk? I noticed that they are on my duplicate plugins list. And is BREVERB not included? It's not on my duplicate list?
  18. Ok, I blindly enabled these excluded plugins just to find out that I had two copies of each enabled. I'm a long SONAR Platinum user which probably explains the copies in my preferred VST folder. What's surprising is where the formerly excluded versions are: c:\program files\Cakewalk\shared utilities\Internal\StPX64\StPX6464.DLL. Is that where Cakewalk by Bandlab installs them? BTW, this thread reminded me reminded me that I had them and that they're still supported. I'd been avoiding them because I assumed that they were no longer supported and would soon quit working. Thanks for the reminder
  19. Also, be sure to untick clip, track and bus automation if any are present unless you want the copied clip to reflect the automation.
  20. This was included in either the 2020.10 or 2020.11 updates.
  21. Me too. The only reasons I visit now infrequently are for the forum or as the result of Google searches.
  22. Thanks. I didn't know about the KVR page. I'd suggest adding ARA 2 to the features list.
  23. I never thought of version numbers as anything other than a way to tell one version from another. CbB has version numbers. The current one is, at a macro level, 2020.11. If you click Help/About you'll see a more granular version number that starts with 26. I'm not at my DAW right now and can't do that to list it here.
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