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Bill Phillips

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Everything posted by Bill Phillips

  1. In Pro Tools tutorials, Pro Tools is put "into vari-speed mode" to temporarily slow down or speed up a track for various reasons. When they're done they take Pro Tools "out of vari-speed mode," presumably leaving audio clips unchanged. My question is can I do that in Cakewalk? I know that audio can be tempo stretched and compressed in Cakewalk using Elastque and Radius algorithms. However, those changes actually modify the audio clip. The idea I get from the Pro Tools tutorials is that the audio clips are not modified. Can that be done in Cakewalk?
  2. Bingo! Thanks for the refresher. That's what I was thinking. Cakewalk was the first, or near the first, for so many important features and functions!
  3. Dumb question: For mixing, why should I care as long as PDC is working? What am I missing? I think it would be nice to know what it is but I don't understand a need to know. Thanks.
  4. Thanks. I didn't realize dropout codes existed.
  5. Jamie uses ProTools vari-speed in pitch shifting vocals in that video. Can we do that in Cakewalk? I think yes, but I don't know how. My biggest concern is doing it without actually modifying clips being played. PS: Something else I'm not always able to detect. Am I changing the subject. If yes, never mind and I'm sorry.
  6. Thanks for the details. Very helpful. I did something similar which worked fine. I have a bloated (~130GB) active projects (Cakewalk Projects) folder but I managed to get it copied to OneDrive and marked "Always keep on this device." So I've got the Cakewalk Projects folder used by Cakewalk on one drive, OneDrive with a Cakewalk Projects BU folder on another drive, and another copy of the Cakewald Projects BU folder in the OneDrive cloud. All three folders are identical. So far so good. AFAIK, OneDrive will not sync with a folder not on OneDrive. That's the rub. So far all I've found that works is to manually drag files into the Cakewalk Projects BU folder "Always kept on this device." But I haven't tested what happens when a newer version is copied into OneDrive. I hope it will replace (update) the existing file which is what file Explorer does, but I haven't verified it. However, I can tell you something that doesn't work: Using a RoboCopy command including the \MIR (for mirror) on a ~130 GB folder. That blew up and I'm still working on recovery. I didn't lose or corrupt any project files but my ISP limits me to 1250 GB/mo and I'm tettering on the limit as I work through recovery. Before I tried the RoboCopy command on the 130 GB folder I tested it on a 1 GB folder deleting a couple of files and updating a couple more. Worked like a charm. Tried the same thing on the 130 GB folder and OneDrive sync failed while it appears it was deleting the entire folder in OneDrive on my PC. Next month with a fresh 1250GB Internet budget, I'm going to try some other things. One might be just limiting the scope of updates which will require more bookkeeping. AFAIK, OneDrive will not read/write/delete/add any files/folders not in the local OneDrive folder. So OneDrive probably won't sync with a folder not in the local OneDrive folder. That's why I tried RoboCopy which I've used for years to maintain backups. That little redhead bot with the blue shirt has been pretty helpful to me. I believe her sync problem troubleshooting suggestion walked me through my sync problem resolution. Can't be sure because I've turned sync off until tomorrow to find out where I stand with my 1250 GB that needs to keep a pretty steady streaming user supplied with content until the 25th. I've also gotten email support a couple of times. Don't think I've been offered chat support on this problem.
  7. Thanks. Do you have your Cakewalk Projects folder on OneDrive and not duplicated on another drive? If yes, do you have them marked "Always keep on device." Do your projects include audio tracks that are on OneDrive?
  8. Are you still using OneDrive? If yes, how are you copying your project files to OneDrive and how are you updating project files on OneDrive? I've tried a couple of different methods so far with no luck.
  9. Thanks. I'm not the OP. I only have about 140 GB in my Projects folder. I also just checked. My sync speeds are 100 Mbps upload and 10 Mbps download. I wish I had your download speed.
  10. Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is perfect for me. I've used batch file backup forever and am very comfortable with your process. The only question I have is, given the amount of time I've spent fretting about this, why didn't I come up with it myself!?
  11. I don't think so. A separate audio device & driver are shown in device manager. It's just that Windows 10 reinstalls/re-enables it every time I uninstall/disable it.
  12. Is there some way to permanently disable or uninstall the offending device? To me the notification are useful for devices I actually use which all seem to keep working flawlessly. The one I get that notification for is the one associated with my AMD RX 580's HDMI output which isn't used by Cakewalk or anything else. All my attempts to disable and uninstall it fail. It comes right back.
  13. Bill Phillips

    Microsoft Edge

    Thanks, that's true. I remember it. Insert "for all practical purposes" between "Edge is" and "a part of Windows..." in my statement.
  14. Bill Phillips

    Microsoft Edge

    I don't have a dog in this fight, but FWIW, I think that some people are getting their shorts in a bind for no good reason. We have bigger fish to fry. I sympathize because I generally feel the same way. However, Edge is a part of Windows 10 the way the Apple browser is a part of all Apple OS's. And, some kind of web access functionality is required to monitor for and install updates. Using Edge on Windows 10 systems seems like a no brainer IMHO because it's the most likely to work flawlessly with W10 on a continual basis. I've always avoided Windows browsers and use Firefox, their VPN and duckduckgo. I hate being spied on. However, I'm loving the great photos that pop up each time I W10 starts up and use Edge to download the ones I really like. I've also developed an affinity for the Edge Collections button for keeping track and organizing the dozens of tabs I seem unable to close.? Now I use two browsers, Firefox for browsing trying to keep the number tabs to a dozen and Edge for paging through my collections.
  15. Bill Phillips

    Help Tab

    That old Platinum documentation is becoming less and less relevant as CbB continues to evolve and improve. The online documentation is the most up to date. The downloadable PDF lags behind and has a version number at the bottom of page 2 to indicate when it was last updated.
  16. I suggest that you submit it to Cakewalk either using the Feedback Loop Forum or the problem reporting email address which I don't remember. I'm guessing the problem is with Spectral Layers, but have no way of knowing. FwIW, Cakewalk was an early adopter of ARA and second to only S1 in implementing ARA access to Melodyne. Cakewalk has always worked closely with Microsoft and, TMK, still one of the very best integrated DAWs with Microsoft, probably second to S1 again. Before S1 Cakewalk was definitely the leader.
  17. Ok, I quickly opened Melodyne for a track, used the pitch tool to correct the pitch of a note, typed Ctrl-Z and the correction was canceled. My problems with Melodyne, the only Region FX I use, is keeping track of where the focus is. I try to stay in Melodyne but end up leaving to look at something else and forgetting where I am. I also checked to verify that the Melodyne Region FX Help button opens Cakewalk specific help. It does. See screenshot.
  18. Could a theme glitch be causing this problem? If yes, any suggestions?
  19. What happens if you stop playback, bounce, then resume playback?
  20. Sorry. No I was responding to you and somehow got the idea you were asking about Melodyne. I'm not familiar with Spectral Layers but if their documentation is on par with Melodyne's, my response might still be applicable. I've also never used the give all keystrokes to plugin functionality. I'll have to try that. I'm accustomed to the keystrokes going to the application with the focus.
  21. Click the Help button in the Melodyne view and there Cakewalk specific online help section will open, I think. If it just opens the general help section, look around on the left near the top and pick Cakewalk as your DAW.
  22. See GIF. I added an Arpeggiator clip effect to the MIDI clip in an Instrument Track, then bounced the clip to clips which worked fine. Then I undid the bounce and bounced it again. The 2nd time only a portion of the clip was affected by the Arpeggiator. This is a small project that I'm using to get familiar with working in MIDI. So this could be operator error, or the problem could have gone on for a while without being noticed. If needed I can send the project file. It's small with no audio.
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