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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. Hi murat k., I like some but not all the features. Are they selectable or are they all ON all the time?
  2. Yes, you can click on the lower 1/2 of the Time Ruler to set the Now Time (the upper 1/2 is reserved for zooming in and out at the cursor's point when it turns into a magnifying glass). You can also click anywhere in a track's empty space (void of clips). You can also click anywhere in the lower empty space below all the tracks.
  3. 1 or 2 points bigger would do it for me. @marled You mean the vertical now time line?
  4. The problem for me is the font size in relation to the whole GUI. Making everything bigger just to see a few numerical digits is counter productive as you now see less of what you're working on. I have an old screenshot of an X1 project that shows the Time Ruler digits 1 or 2 points larger than the current offering. Not sure why they would shrink them but they've been more difficult to see since.
  5. Where were you guys 2 years ago to the day when I submitted my request in the Feedback Forum??? The more that respond to a request (click LIKE button) may garner attention from the bakers. Also more font contrast in some areas. Theme Editor in dark mode is almost completely impossible for me to read until a change is made.
  6. Interesting. So do I and my outlines are darker than the PRV background.
  7. According to Colin's post (#2), you must have a light clip background in Track View. Dark clips still show darker outlines in a dark PRV.
  8. There is no "default". It changes with the zoom setting controlled by the lower right corner sliders. You can also grab the front of the keys with your mouse and drag them out if you want less space for the notes to show. Default note colors can be set in Preferences>Customization>Colors>MIDI Tracks, x, xx, xx... Forground. Save the color set for future use.
  9. It's better than it used to be But I still find it hard to see In a dark PRV
  10. I'd love to see this feature on PRV MIDI notes as well. I did request it in the Feedback forum.
  11. I've only seen it occassionaly so no telling what's going on.
  12. " S p o o k y A c t i o n " ? If you change a color in Preferences while in Console View, you may notice this: 1. Open Console View 2. Open Preferences 3. Change a color, any color 4. Click Apply and Wide strip track names shrink slightly 6. Click Close and they return to normal Have fun!
  13. Yeah, I was just being lazy. The "black notes" issue is a bug discussed elsewhere in the forums and does need fixing. The drum vsti you're using might also be a factor. I have several different drum tracks but this issue only affects one in particular, and not in every project.
  14. Preferences>Colors>MIDI Tracks, x, xx, xx... Forground. With one issue where track 10 may be affected by ...Tracks, 9, 19, 29... The Inspector settings don't affect midi notes or PRV. This issue keeps coming up lately so maybe an FR to fix it may be in order.
  15. PRV colors are in Preferences>Colors: 1. PRV Black Keys Background (Db/Eb) = double black keys background 2. PRV Black Keys Background (Gb/Ab/Bb) = triple black keys background 3. PRV Grid Background = white keys background 4. Piano Roll View Aim Assist line = vertical mouse/draw tool guide line 5. PRV Drag Contents = color of note when dragging it 6. Major Rules = vertical measure & horizontal octave lines 7. Beat Rules = vertical lines between Major Rules 8. Grid Rules = vertical lines between Beat Rules
  16. PRV>View>Show/Hide Articulations Pane Confirmed. It actually worked fine at first as the default setting is OFF. Once you turn it ON it can't be turned OFF again. Selecting a note will turn it on automatically.
  17. If only the Time Ruler Digits were bigger too, NO? Mine (2020.11) are agonizingly small.
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