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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. Found in Mercury with Normal Colors that negative TV & CV meter levels which are normally white, turn black below -100 +/-
  2. By merging notes: https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR X3&language=3&help=Views.21.html
  3. Forgot to check here: Don't know why this changed but all is fine now. ?
  4. Yesterday all was fine. Nothing changed on my system from yesterday to today. Today I booted up and launched CbB to find this: These are WDM. I have always used ASIO. So I uninstalled/reinstalled the driver & checked it in Control Panel: "Device not migrated" I checked online for possible reasons, none of which seemed to apply here. "Last Device Instance Id: Motu..."? Is the MOTU driver somehow messing with the Behringer driver?
  5. @Kevin Perry So you think it's all in my head, huh. Typical @msmcleod Thanks for researching this. I should've checked X1 too. I might have found it sooner but rarely need to drag-copy clips this way.
  6. Checked other projects and also Sonar Platinum. Same issue. FYI: Windows 10 v20H2 build 19042.1348
  7. Except in this theme I needed the TV Disabled Control Text & TV Control Text & Values to be different colors, thus the conundrum. To accommodate I had to lighten the Video background enough to see the text. No biggy for me as I never use the video track.
  8. Just too bad all graphics have to be PNG or BMP. Would be cool to throw in an animated GIF or 2.
  9. Zactly. The difference is time ruler selection actually "inverts" the background color making it the exact opposite of the color you chose. The Help Mod colors follow no discernable rule so can't say what in the world the bakers were thinking there.
  10. It would be sooo nice to have ALL scrollers unified in style and totally theme-able. I spent some time tracking it down and found only the background is directly changeable. Thumb & arrows change with the background color in some sort of undisclosed predetermined way inside CbB for which we have no control over... as described above.
  11. Seems all USB multitrack mixers have issues of one sort or another. Latest offerings can't even make it to store shelves ATM. ?
  12. I like that the Soundcraft has individual track inputs & outputs. My Behringer only has individual track inputs and 2 stereo outputs from the DAW. Thinking of switching, tho the compromise is the Soundcraft has no dedicated AUX returns so you're forced to use a track for that.
  13. Thanks, that works too since having no name results in each copied clip being named "clip" followed by a parenthesized number - clip(1).mid. If I name each clip by it's track number, drag copy results in: 1(1).mid, 2(1).mid, 3(1).mid, etc. So there seems to be a hitch in the numbering sequence when dragging them out of CbB. As mentioned, this doesn't happen when dragging them to the Media Browser window.
  14. They only appear when needed as do the other Browser window scrollers. Help has it's own unique scroller style which when they're all showing makes the Browser look kinda wacky to me.
  15. Thanks. Either I missed the "i" or he edited after I posted. If what you say is true then the Mute button may be up to the plugin maker to include??
  16. Has this always been an issue? Mine syncs as expected. However, I consistently have issues with Track View not responding to track focus/Inspector sync when clicking on a track.
  17. Would be nice to have one but you can use the plugin's "bypass" ON/OFF button in the FX bin.
  18. Would be nice if Themes were included in Preferences > File > Folder Locations.
  19. Could be a YMMV thing? but it has persisted for years.
  20. Now back to the Q. If you want PRV to open focused on a certain track, just double click the clip in Track View. You can set the double click routine to open other views as well.
  21. Thanks. Same results. Definitely something wrong here.
  22. sjoens

    'Snap To' not working?

    I have the same issues from time to time. The PRV has it's own Snap tool in the upper right corner which I leave OFF anymore as that seems to help.
  23. Dragging MIDI clips to the Desktop used to work but not anymore. 1st clip copies over fine, named "clip(1).mid". Then each successive clip wants to also be named "clip(1).mid and tries to overwrite the 1st one. No option to change name when dragging over. Ctrl+Drag gives same results. Audio clips drag copy just fine and I can use the Browser to drag MIDI clips but this used to work, what's changed? CbB 2021.09 141
  24. I spoke too soooon the 1st time and tried to clarify what I found the 2nd. But as I said, I know nothing of CbB's inner workings. Hopefully Noel's answer answers the question.
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