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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. While you're in Cakewalk, the Help > Support menu item will open this page. Even so, I've often thought it would be nice to have links to other sites from the top of the forum home page. One or all of these: Home (main Cakewalk page) Support (different than Support link above) (in the forum site Links tab which also includes PDF and online Documentation) Help (same as Support link above)
  2. Maybe I added "H" for that... edited above post.
  3. Though not mentioned in YLIP, the mystery Record "Q" button displays when Inspector > MIDI Input Quantize is activated. This function quantizes incoming MIDI notes so you don't need to after the fact.
  4. Input Quantize is already there. True not quite the same, as it works while entering notes rather than fix-em after the fact, I suspect few knew it or use it. I also learned why there's a Q in the record button array - you'll never see it till this feature is enabled.
  5. PRV is more robust for MIDI note creation. Glad you're gettin' the hang of it. The Draw Tool's options do come in handy. I use the Draw Line Tool for smooth transitions in the Controller Pane.
  6. I see where it's frustrating not having note moving capability with the Draw Tool. Probably one reason I don't use it more often. The other reason is it behaves differently than the Smart Tool. One more thing to remember.
  7. Thanks. WASAPI doesn't work with my headphones.
  8. Thank Craig. Didn't know about this. And it actually works! Effective latency with MME, 8 buffers in queue & size set to Fast is 70 msec.
  9. Maybe the Draw tool is only for drawing, not editing. Move tool is only for moving. You can also hit "T" and the HUD will display where your cursor is. FWIW, I use the Smart tool 90% of the time.
  10. Thanks. Probably OK to post links here too. Looks like the ones I saw on Amazon. Reviews for this one aren't the greatest but they are what they are. Apparently nothing is being shipped or they're back logged 2 weeks. As far as range goes my Skull headphones paired to a galaxy phone will go about 70 ft.
  11. Not for recording. ^This! What brand are you using? Some reviews say the units are too aggressive about pairing whenever their phones are nearby or cut out repeatedly. I ordered one from Amazon over a week ago but they still haven't shipped it, tho they say it's "in stock".
  12. Any ideas how to add Bluetooth to your mixer output for remote room monitoring? Looked at several Bluetooth TX/RX on Amazon but some reviews aren't so promising.
  13. 1. Maybe unfreeze track, copy MIDI data, then re-freeze. Now you have both. 2. Don't know how other DAWs do it. Go to file menu > Process > Apply Effect > Gain and raise or lower loudness as desired. Archiving project!
  14. sjoens

    What Would Cause...?

    ... volume to drop to near zero when the Now Time Line reaches the beginning of a looped section with automation set to fade to zero? No volume drop when loop turned off. No volume drop when automation turned off. Don't confuse this volume drop issue with the automation fade. 2021.09 build 141
  15. EDIT: Never noticed before but it only plays raw clips without plugins.
  16. Memory Usage (RAM) meter. Shows the total memory (RAM) usage by your computer, not just by Cakewalk. 59% would mean 32GB total. How much virtual memory do you have?
  17. Sorry, I've tried to "hear" them but I'm just not getting any sound when I hold my ear to the screen...
  18. Was this ever possible using a single controller in PRV?
  19. Thanks. I rechecked and added "discuss.cakewalk.com". Works now. Interesting how Edge is looking more & more like Chrome.
  20. ... or just use the Inspector "Key+" Transpose slider. Hover mouse & use scroll wheel or shift+ scroll wheel for finer moves. It won't move the actual notes up or down but transposes how they are played.
  21. My browser settings allow everything for cakewalk.com but your image looks like this: @Andres Medina your 1st post renders the same way.
  22. For some reason, scook, your images are quite often broken. Maybe drag them into your post.
  23. Like the OP I personally found Sonar a little confusing at first and some things were "unintuitive" for the beginner. But unlike the OP I have never found any other DAW to be as straight forward as this one.
  24. And maybe gain a few #s. I had similar surgery a few years ago. Never healed quit right so I hope your recovery goes well.
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