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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. Default track color backgrounds & foregrounds can be set in Theme Editor. When clips are recorded, updated, or bounced, they retain the colors you set. Inspector method of changing clip colors is only a tease as they can't be retained after editing. Once upon a time clip backgrounds were in Preferences but were removed for some reason.
  2. When a window is collapsed vertically: 1. When Synth Rack or Help is at the top and closed with the arrow icons, it cannot be re-opened the same way. You have to use File Menu or key stroke. 2. When main Browser is closed, it can be re-opened by clicking either Media or Plug-in icon but not the Notes icon. 3. Sometimes the top window displays the wrong arrow icons. When entire Browser is collapsed horizontally: 1. When Synth Rack is present it's icons are missing/not used.
  3. Alt+2 opens the Console View which means he probably had no views open.
  4. Do you see Console View or other view in the tabs area? If not then Multidock is empty and won't open.
  5. Each default button does have it's own indicator but being so small not always discernable.
  6. How I resize an image: 1 Open T.E. and run setup wizard to enter your paint program location (done only once) 2 Double click T.E. image (it will open in the paint program) 3 Resize image to new size and edit accordingly 4 Save image in paint program 5 Go back to T.E. and "OK" the image ("Refresh" image to verify changes) 6 Save theme
  7. If you run the T.E. wizard and have it point to your photo editor (Photoshop, etc.) all you do is double click the theme image and your editor will open. There you can resize the image, save, and refresh it in Theme Editor. This is the only way you can resize an image within Theme Editor.
  8. Confirmed for 2021.11. Oddly, this does not happen here when selecting any track before 12. Selecting track 12 and above will make it happen.
  9. As you did. 1. Open Cakewalk. 2. Load updated theme. 3. Close Cakewalk. 4. Reopen Cakewalk.
  10. Gotcha . Appears it's a bitmap introduced with X1. "Disable Floating" triggers the icon. "Lock Contents" turns it "ON/OFF". Not sure why but my icon is >squished< when in full size view. Disable Floating may be useful for those who want to "remove" the Multidock for more screen space.
  11. I understand that and use those features all the time, but nowhere has this particular graphic ever displayed for me when using them in X1 thru CbB. The graphic in your link is different. The one in the OP looks like an old bitmap from pre X series. I'm not sure how others are seeing it unless they're on 2021.12 EA.
  12. A phantom graphic?! An old holdout from long ago no longer used but still lurking deep within. Quick search in Theme Editor (and other places?) reveals no such graphic.
  13. It's not a straight forward process, but Colin made a theme guide here that should help. Download and study it. In the Theme Editor... Multidock tab upper = Global | Menus | MenuBar Gradient Start (also affects Track View Menu tabs) pg 11 of Young Lady's Illustrated Primer Multidock tab lower = Global | View Border (also affects other window view borders) pg 7 of Young Lady's Illustrated Primer
  14. No. This is pretty common behavior for Preferences.
  15. Sometimes when opening Preferences with "P", CbB will hang for several seconds before opening it. Sometimes it opens immediately. Sometimes in Preferences, clicking the Themes button will cause the Preferences window to hang or disappear altogether. I have to click on CbB's main window for it to reappear.
  16. This thread revealed a hidden feature that may be better served using a more obvious approach. "Lock the current track or bus" is reached by left clicking the track's Name field in the Inspector where few users may know there is a menu. Perhaps moving this line to the Display Button list or a "lock" button next to the Display Button at the bottom of the Inspector would help. A "button" would give users a visual indication of it's status.
  17. The "L" is underlined which may suggest this but there's no keystroke for it in Preferences and I'm unable to activate it using different keystrokes. May be better to have a "button" somewhere (for better access and status indication) instead of hiding it in a menu few know about. Feature Request?
  18. So if we never knew about this feature, how is it getting selected in the 1st place?......?????? IIRC there was another feature that exhibited the same kind of "self setting" behavior.
  19. These ideas aren't exactly what the OP wants, but another thing you can do is collapse the Control Bar "vertically" and hover over the module you want to use.
  20. Strange. I get the no-change on both simple and split synth tracks when editing the name.
  21. This is normal. To select, hold the right-click button and drag over the notes or switch to the Move tool.
  22. Only if you change the synth name in Track View before replacing. However, the Synth Rack will reflect the change either way. Would be nice if they both updated the same. Sonar X2 exhibits the same behavior so it's been happening for awhile now. If this is ever fixed, would be cool to have the Replace Synth option added to the Synth Rack.
  23. Thanks, that helps a little but needs tweeking to get it right.
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