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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. I would think you could click the dropdown arrow and select the correct one from the list.
  2. To my knowledge there's no way to change the default note velocity, which is 100 if entering notes by mouse in PRV. - However, if you change a note's velocity (say to 127) and select it, the next note entered will have the same velocity. If notes are entered by a keyboard or drum pads, velocity is determined by how hard you hit the keys. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Playback.31.html If you want to vary a track's note velocity, you can... 1. enter notes by playing them with an outboard controller, or 2. drag the mouse horizontally while moving it up & down across the velocity controllers to change them , or 3. select all notes and run a CAL script like VARYVEL.CAL or HUMANIZE.CAL or HUMANIZE PLUS.CAL (Menu bar > Process > Run CAL). HUMANIZE.CAL will change note spacing and velocity with only one value, so it's not the best choice.
  3. I figured out you're in the Drum Map pane. I don't know. I don't use Drum Maps. I would not use Drum Maps for this. To learn more about Drum Maps, there's the Cakewalk manual and several youtube videos. 127 is the maximum velocity of any midi note. 1 is the minimum. If you want to change a note's velocity, you can: 1. Select it in PRV (click it or right-click & drag) and change it's velocity in the Control Bar Event Inspector, or 2. Double click the PRV note and change it in the Note Properties window, or 3. As David said Changing any instrument, global, or track volume or gain will not change the note's velocity. This merely increases/decreases the overall volume of the entire track.
  4. The X50 and Gi10 only have MIDI in & out. You may be able to change the X50's Global settings to pass data thru USB (manual pg 33-35*). If not, the only way it can send MIDI thru USB is to play notes with it. (*2006 manual) Since you're using the Gi10 as the MIDI controller to play notes, it should output to the PC as well as to the X50. You can do this with a USB MIDI router or interface (manual pg 12**). (**1995 manual) 1. Gi10 output -> MIDI Interface input 1 2. X50 input -> MIDI Interface output 2 3. X50 output -> MIDI Interface input 2 (to use as a controller-option 1) 4. X50 USB -> PC (to use as a controller-option 2) 4. MIDI Interface USB -> PC 5. MIDI track Input set to Gi10 6. MIDI track Output set to X50/Bank/Patch (An Instrument Definition file [.ins] is handy for selecting sounds) When using a USB Interface the X50's USB isn't necessarily needed.
  5. sjoens

    Save as SMF?

    You can also drag a clip to desktop or other folder as a .mid file, tho I don't know which "type" it would be.
  6. Sorry for my confusion. I couldn't reproduce the OP's issue because I had Audio & MIDI tracks in the same group and for whatever reason, MIDI track behavior overrides Audio track behavior within the same group. They are different: (This may be why they shouldn't be in the same group). 1. Grouped Audio Volume, Send Volume, and Bus Input Gain will all return to "INF" when one knob is moved there, as Will said. 2. Grouped MIDI Volume, Pans, and Track Input Gain will not all return to "INF" when one knob is moved there, maybe because they don't use "INF" but instead use a fixed numerical value? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ This must be by design for a reason not mentioned in the docs.
  7. Thank DB. Has it really been 5-ish years since the change? I keep hearing "Read the manual!" But if it's not updated, what good is it?!? Doc updates should be an integral part of the feature updates, not an after thought, or no thought at all.
  8. In Quick Groups you select certain tracks and control only them using the Ctrl key. The Ctrl key works to put the selected tracks into a "group". In Control Groups you don't select any tracks, but put individual track controls like Volume into a group by right-clicking the knob and picking a group (A-X). In this case the Ctrl key is used to isolate one of the grouped knobs so you can adjust it independently of the others in the same group.
  9. Cool! Now try and edit it in PRV. I'd also rename the clip to reflect the arp style so as not to forget what I did there.
  10. Control Groups behave much the same but use Ctrl key to isolate one from the rest of the group.
  11. Are you using the latest update? I'm still on the previous one. In my CbB this doesn't happen no matter what I do. If I drag any knob the others will stop when the lowest set knob reaches the bottom. I cannot reproduce what you experience here. Interestingly I don't see Input Gain in the Quick Group Documentation. FWIW, I find discrepancies with the Documentation. It says: Quick Groups only affect tracks of the same type (Audio or MIDI). - Not here. ANY track that's selected is affected. I can select both types in one group. It says: To adjust the same control in all tracks. Hold down the CTRL key and adjust a control in a track that is not selected. Cakewalk automatically adjusts the same control in all other tracks. - Not here. It has no affect on other tracks. So unless they changed it's behavior without updating the docs, it's definitely out of whack.
  12. They all behave the same for me. Double clicking a knob only resets that knob. Double clicking (resetting) one of the grouped knobs brings it to -0- but the others to a relative position based on their original relative position. In each case only the knob that's being moved with the mouse has full range and will return to -0- when double clicked. The other knobs being moved in unison will stop when the one at the highest/lowest range reaches it's limit. IOW, If one of the knobs is already at it's farthest limit, only the knob being moved with the mouse will move in that direction. The others are locked together.
  13. You can also slip edit the ends of a clip to hide and silence notes in Track View & PRV. When muting a clip with "Hide Muted Clips" not checked, PRV displays the notes white-ish gray.
  14. Where's the LMB key? Not sure if this is any different, but you can Click&Hold the LMB or RMB and hit Delete.
  15. This sounds helpful. If they do this maybe they can fix the current FX Rack bugs. When opening a project, Track View Audio track bypassed FX Racks still retain the "ON" indicator even tho the entire Rack is darkened, giving you a false indication. And both Track & Console View MIDI track bypassed Racks are reactivated creating the extra step of re-bypassing them each time project is opened.
  16. Minor Bug Report: When switching from Track View (TV) to any other view, using the "D" key after moving the mouse cursor outside the Clips Pane, the TV's Aim Assist Line remains frozen in place in those views. This does not happen when using the "D" key while the cursor is within the Clips Pane OR clicking a Multidock tab to switch views. The TV's Aim Assist Line is a solid line. The PRV's Aim assist line is a dotted line which functions properly and is unaffected by the lingering TV line.
  17. Just to clarify, there is no "Event View" per se. There's Event List (Menu Bar>Views), Event Inspector (Control Bar), Event Manager (Event List>View), and Event Filter (Menu Bar>Edit>Select>By Filter...). "Event View" could be any of those w/o pics to verify... so Thanks for the pics.
  18. Start by rescanning plugins with the Plugin Manager. Then close Cakewalk, reopen it and start a new project. Now insert one of the Studio Instruments. Still error? Uninstall and reinstall the SI group and rescan again. Still error? Contact support in the Cakewalk by BandLab tab above..
  19. Patch changing is clunky at best in Sonar/CbB. Surprising since it's the best MIDI Daw out there. Either Samplitude or SO does this well in PRV.
  20. Not sure what Event Viewer you're using but... There are several ways to access Bank/Patch changes. File Menu > Insert > Bank/Patch Change... In Track View go to the top of the Controller Pane, click the righthand button and select ALL. Bank & Patch viewers are now displayed. Console View Sends/Bank/Patch Module which is also displayed in the Track Inspector to the left of Track View. They can be changed in PRV but this is one area CbB can be improved on. Go to the top of this website and click the Cakewalk by BandLab tab. Then click Online Documentation or Reference Guide PDF for more information.
  21. Didn't mention that detail 'cause I thought he already knew. Yes, Solo Override simply prevents a track from being unsoloed when soloing other tracks while in Exclusive Solo mode. In normal mode it does nothing. However, I don't think what the OP wants is doable without global Exclusive Solo already on. But he's been gone for 6 months. However #2, The quoted statement from the documentation by mettelus seems untrue. Clicking Exclusive Solo after other tracks are soloed will unsolo them, so they are affected. But this feature may have been changed w/o updating the documentation. It shouldn't have been changed as it seems more useful to have any soloed tracks still soloed when activating E.S.
  22. I get it. Was just clarifying which situation it occurs with. The rest was just supplemental info. Do you active E.S. first?
  23. A little confusing. Instead of Exclusive Solo icon it should have an Exclusive Play icon?
  24. You might clarify this is with Simple Instrument tracks. I don't use them, but after a quick check it doesn't happen with separate Synth/MIDI tracks. What I found with both setups is Exclusive Solo must be on before any tracks are soloed or you'll be re-soloing them: 1. Solo a Synth track. (All connected MIDI tracks get soloed and the Global Solo button lights up) 2. Click Exclusive Solo. (All Solo buttons go off except the Exclusive Solo button) 3. Re-solo the Synth track. (All expected buttons light up) When Exclusive Solo is on, any other tracks that are soloed will be Exclusive until Exclusive Solo is turned off. Unsoloing tracks won't turn it off. Pretty handy, intended or not. As is... Solo Override - Shift+clicking a track's Solo button.
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