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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. I often get "duped" copy/pasting into PRV, not always aware of it or where the sneaky buggers are hiding. There's also the rare occasion when I want to dupe notes.
  2. Thanks David! Been around for 4 years and dinint know it. Interestingly, other DAWS have the ability to remove duped notes from the file menu.
  3. None I know of. There's Process > Run CAL... > UNDUPE.CAL but it works sporadically at best. I usually listen for louder or cancelling notes to find them.
  4. Only happens here if it's already in the stack when 1st opening PC. If I add it in after PC is open there's no issue.
  5. Lately I've noticed when 1st opening ProChannel, the Console Emulator's needles are missing until it's turned on. Graphical glitch or intended?
  6. Now I see. Velocity cc's are a bit tricky as you can have several stacked in one place. I don't know if TT can separate them. This can also happen when non selected notes overlap selected ones or vice versa, even if the overlap is miniscule or undetectable by sight. So if the cc's are inside the TT's envelope. they will be affected. In this case I use Smart Tool or Event module. Unless someone knows of a setting somewhere, we may need a Feature Request to have TT only affect selected notes.
  7. I don't' see that when I lasso select cc's I want to change. See the Reference Guide pg 849-850. Not sure, but there's 4 modes of which one might behave that way.
  8. Thanks for the link. Patch switching is a bit awkward on this one. Normally you'd select patches thru the VSTi but N/A here. Patch Browser or manual entry using a list. Would be cool to have creatable/editable list accessible thru the Bank/Patch buttons for VSTs.
  9. FWIW, There are areas where Sonar/CbB has trouble displaying things graphically accurate, but I don't see that happening here.
  10. Clever idea. In a perfect world - soon to come, there should be only one standard open source format for all cross-platform plugins and exclusive format only for "in-house" plugins for DAW makers who don't want their plugins used outside their software.
  11. Hardware or software synth? Sometimes my hardware synth/sequencer will do this if it has a different sound on that track/channel.
  12. Are you saving the Workspace after changing shortcuts?
  13. For Chrome I use https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dark-mode/dmghijelimhndkbmpgbldicpogfkceaj?hl=en It's not always useful and will invert some images but user can turn it on/off at will from the tool bar.
  14. ... and per clip making you add them to each clip in the Lane instead of one FX for the whole Lane. My thought would be how to separate Lane FX from the main Track FX as they would both affect output.
  15. No, but you can type a search word at the top or click the Contact Support button at the bottom if you agree to the Service Agreement terms.
  16. Today I changed some Personalization settings and the bug went away. Not sure why, how or by what setting this single image is being affected, but currently all is good.
  17. Sometimes I see dots, and it has nothing to do with Cakewalk... Sometimes I've noticed with very small clips the dots disappear when zoomed out all the way. To locate micro MIDI clips, open Event List. To locate micro Audio clips, open Loop Construction.
  18. I meant to say they can support transparency, but not as easily as PNGs or JPGs. Even so , not all CbB views support it. Before the X series, Sonar GUI was all BMP and transparency was accomplished with masking images or a specific color like magenta: , and then only if internal coding allowed it. PNGs have an alpha channel built in for transparency. Check out most of Cakewalk's VST Resource folders where you can see examples of BMP transparency masking. Interesting they've always made these GUIs openly changeable but not the main program. Transparency is good!
  19. In Windows, set the default sound to something other than your interface, like onboard audio. If none exist, leave the audio engine on in CbB.
  20. 1. Clip must be selected and deleted. Click the clip & hit Delete key. or 2. Right click clip & select Bounce to clip(s). You do not need to delete notes in PRV if you want to delete the entire clip.
  21. According to documentation, only when the button is dimly-lit is there a Take Lane. The moment you press the button, one is created and becomes dimly-lit. like me So either CbB is oblivious to the insertion of events other than recording and won't create a T/L until you press the button... Or it thinks there is no need for one until you press the button. Either way, the T/L button is OFF indicating no Take Lane is present. It would be nice if they make it so any data input creates a Take Lane - with dimly-lit button. To me, Edits (non-recorded adjustments) & Takes (recordings) are 2 different things. 1. "A take is a single continuous recorded performance." "In music recording, a take similarly refers to successive attempts to record a song or part. Musical takes are also sequentially numbered." 2. PRV & Staff View are "editors". Anything manually entered into them is an "edit", even if starting from scratch. Takes can be entered into them by recording, but manual insertion, note by note, is an "edit". To me this is why the button remains OFF. Why, copy&paste-ing a clip will create a Take Lane but dragging one won't until the button is pressed is confusing. I.C. So an extra step to close & reopen Take Lanes is required to see the 2nd lane. Documentation is not so clear on this. Even so, if a 3rd, or more, overlapping clip is dragged in, a 3rd+ lane is NOT created at all, ever. Extra step to create 3rd+ lane, and another step to drag the clip there are needed. So documentation is only partly correct. This doesn't bother me so much because I normally don't drag clips around like that.
  22. Yes, but the button will remain dimly-lit. OP wants button to go OFF when lane is collapsed with or without clips, but that's not intended behavior. Agreed. Behavior indicates that a Take Lane is not "officially" created until a "take" is recorded or the button is activated. Dragging a clip to create a new track or entering notes in PRV aren't "takes" so the button remains OFF because no Take Lane was created. This can be confusing because if another clip is dragged into the new track the button becomes dimly-lit. Even more confusing is they will both be on one Take Lane if they overlap. According to documentation, they should be on separate lanes. A dimly-lit state merely indicates a Take Lane exists on the track. It does not indicate the presence of a clip or how many lanes there are. I like the idea of using a numbered state to show how many lanes exist.
  23. sjoens

    Deal of the Day!

    Looks like the ad's been running nonstop since 3 of 2018 with several revisions. Which means... So far... No one's... Fallen for it.
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