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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. Stay off line or 1903 update won't wait. It self imposed itself early this morning here. So far one GOOD thing is now I can log onto the forum with IE11 whereas before I couldn't. I will use IE11 till it completely dies for good. Tho I don't see that as 'good'.
  2. Yeah, it was always float-able, tho I've always had to stretch it downward to get the scroll bar to show.
  3. Hold the cursor anywhere over the volume slider and drag left to (-) and right to (+). Double click to return to default (70%). For Pan & Tune drag cursor up to move right and down to move left.
  4. Thanks SK. I find with a little tweaking here and there, SI plugins are very usable. The drum volumes take a little getting use to but little I could do about that. Do tell more as my themes shouldn't be affecting anything but appearance.
  5. Top meter simply shows how full your HDD is. You might consider getting a 2nd HDD for your projects & sample sets. Bottom meter shows how much RAM is being used. You might consider increasing it if it's 8gb's or less.
  6. Which meters are you looking at? The left vertical meter is CPU usage. The upper horizontal meter shows project HDD space used - a mirror of what's displayed in "This PC". If you open a project stored on a different HDD, the meter will change to reflect that HDD. The HDD icon lights up when the project is reading/accessing the HDD. The lower horizontal meter shows total system memory and will also change per project. http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=AudioPerformance.20.html#1238403
  7. Hey sorry to hear that. I am replicating the problem here too. Thanks. Fix on the way. EDIT: Should be fixed now but let me know if not.
  8. More than I care to think. Cake made these too easy to have fun with tho there were some limitations. The .cwres files are really .ini files you can open with Notepad.
  9. Here's 2 new themes for SI Bass Guitar & Drum Kit based on NI's Guitar Rig GUI. Download Folder Latest version: SIBassGR v4, SIDrumsGR v3
  10. Some change only after closing & reopening Cakewalk.
  11. Asterisk by color name means you changed a color from it's default set. Saving the colorset with a new name makes it easier to identify. The default color sets are carryovers from pre-X days when all colors could be changed. X series removed some colors from user edits while still being listed in Preferences causing confusion & frustration. Even so, a user could still load a colorset from a pre-X version into an X version and regain some of those changes... with mixed results. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Dialogs2.075.html Note: If you customize a color in the Preferences dialog box, it will override the corresponding color in the UI theme (see Customization - Themes). If you change the UI theme, any custom colors will be lost, and the corresponding UI theme colors will be used instead. Be sure to save any custom colors as a color preset if you don't want to lose them when switching UI themes. The underlined part is not always true. Track View Control Text and Values affects Take Lane notes text. In my current theme it's YELLOW regardless of what theme I pick. TE says it's WHITE but Preferences says it's YELLOW. In this case Preferences overrides TE and it cannot be changed in TE. Follow the text in bold above.
  12. 1. Once you have Preferences Colors right for your theme, save it, save it as a color set. Then if the colors change later on you can reload the color set from Preferences. 2. Some Take Lane features are missing from TE. The notes box, the track name background, & the spacer to the left of the take lane to name a few.
  13. Indiginus & OTS require Kontakt Full version. Impact Soundworks can use the free Kontakt Player. Wavelore PS is too complicated and pricey for average consumption. Earlier I was able to use SI-Bass' slide feature with a free Pedal Steel sfz set by modifying one of the PROG files. Crude but works & sounds pretty good.
  14. By design. There are many such oddities surrounding how Cakewalk's GUI is displayed. Remember, it was never originally designed to be altered beyond the original Mercury theme.
  15. You can't use normal windows selection techniques in PRV. Select Tool requires holding the LEFT mouse button while dragging over the desired notes. Smart Tool requires holding the RIGHT mouse button while dragging over the desired notes. No need for ctrl, shift , or alt keys.
  16. I am unable to log into the forums with IE11 on Windows 10. After clicking the "Connect with Bandlab" button, the login window never opens. The site freezes after the wallpaper displays. Chrome works!
  17. Read the Help manual. Cakewalk_Theme_Editor.pdf Light and dark theme "base" to build from: GO to "New" and select 'Mercury' for light themes and 'Tungsten' for dark themes. Make changes and save theme with new name. You cannot overwrite the original themes.
  18. sjoens

    delete marker

  19. Add a delete button to the Markers module to make deleting current marker easier.
  20. sjoens

    delete marker

    … would be cool to have a delete button in the Markers module. Markers are so small it's a challenge to get the cursor just right, sometimes.
  21. It is already gone. WilI uninstalling TE and reinstalling through assistant work?
  22. Can I install TE on a 2nd computer that has no internet capability? Since I already have TE installed on one system, BL Assistant has it grayed out when I log in. If there's an installation file on that system I can't find it. Thanks!
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