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Terry Kelley

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Everything posted by Terry Kelley

  1. I've done a far amount of quadraphonic mixing lately or 5.1 without a center channel.
  2. It's important after any music training to doodle. Don't try and apply theory, just doodle. Make stuff up. Wander around the keyboard. Hum along. I think that helps keep the creativity flowing and you can use the theory to solve problems, not write a song. I have a habit of boxing myself into a corner with chord and key changes and what little theory I know helps me get my ***** out and back to the main theme. As mentioned above, someone I know really well is top notch in theory and sight reading. But playing to even a metronome is nearly impossible because that unnamed person wants to constantly stop and replay any bad notes. If you do have a chance to play with others, take it. That goes a long way.
  3. Did Cakewalk ever fix the speaker muting is surround? I had to switch to another DAW for my surround work. I guess I could check. But with AI I won’t have too!
  4. Dunno. I would assume AI can create 5.1, 7.1, googleplex.1 surround or Ambisonic or quadraphonic or whatever-sonic. No reason it can't. Is it necessary to appreciate it's output? I don't necessarily think so.
  5. Maybe so. But it doesn’t appear they want to test our theories! 😀 I personally think too many people have moved on but only Bandlab knows for sure. Our pitching and bitching hasn’t moved them one inch. And Wookie pretty much confirmed it.
  6. Whatsamatta McFly? Chicken? ;) We could do it by referencing only their costs!
  7. I completely understand the reservations about getting heavily involved in software that will stop working if the company goes #!# up or sheds the product due to losses. Like it's never happened before. We will just have to see if Bandlab can avoid the same pitfalls. On the other hand, rental is probably the only viable future for Cakewalk/Sonar. So it's best to let it wander off.
  8. I thought Noel said older versions of CbB wouldn’t validate. Maybe you are still inside the 6 month window. I believe the last version dropped to 30 days.
  9. Agreed. Any reverb or chorus will be dependent on the sound module being able to do it. The command to add reverb or chorus can be in MIDI but not the actual reverb or chorusing.
  10. It’s not the Bakers. It’s Bandlab.
  11. I've been encouraging people to post Sonar feature request in Feedback Loop, but this is a good question. I'll stop if it's appropriate.
  12. Might have been $60 but specifically mentioning a competing DAW can get a post deleted or a good chewing out.
  13. Post this in Feedback Loop. That's where requests should be posted. It's unlikely the developers will scan through all of these threads looking for suggestions. A lot of work is being put into the GUI and one size won't fit all but it's pretty dang good.
  14. I found that I have to add it early and freeze whatever I played. At some point, it will decided to go south. Noel or Mark gave an explanation of the cause sometime back. I finally switched to the Munt MT32 even though it has output routing limitations and you can make Cakewalk think it's the TTS-1 for midi only files. It certainly sounds far better than the original MT-32 since it doesn't do the 14/15 bit chopping stuff the original hardware did.
  15. Could be worse. Maybe pitchforks and torches are in order.
  16. Yeah, his performance shtick didn't work out but his analysis videos are very interesting. He's also a quite capable player.
  17. Like the girls playing guitar solos where the dots on the fretboard keep coming and going? The fingering makes no sense in places? Apparently the Gibson guitars with the large square fret markers are easier to keep stable in AI. No, that ain’t AI. Right. The movie ones were cool at first but quickly became redundant and boring. Only a couple were needed.
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